The Savior

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Addison's POV

Addison tripped as she backed away from the girl who was charging at her. She scooted back through the pale sand. She knew with certainty this was her last moment. Her life cruelty flashed through her eyes.

...playing with pink clothed dolls at four...

...her first cheer camp at five...

...shouting at Bucky for breaking her ankle during a jump...

...the first day of high school...

...screaming at the Zombie Patrol took away Zed, Eliza, Bonzo...

...Wyatt's soft brown eyes looking into her own in the woods...

...howling with the wolves in the den...

...the horror of knowing her parents truly hated zombies and werewolves...

...the battle at Containment...

...helping the vampires...

...killing the werewolves...

...trusting Adrian...

...trusting Melody...

Maybe she did deserve to die. She was a murderer, a liar, too trusting, a bad friend, a bad tempus. She had let everyone down.

So Addison stopped backing away. There was nothing she could do against this girl anyways. Plus life was meaningless. Everyone hated her. The one person who didn't was dead.

She closed her eyes and breathed the warm air in deeply. The girl better not take long. Hopefully, she would be able to see Wyatt again.

Suddenly Addison felt like she was flying. Was she dead? Had the girl done it?

Addison hadn't felt any pain. She opened her eyes slightly. She was floating in a white cloud.

She was both floating up and moving toward the Royal Box at the same time. It was sort of relaxing actually. Who knew clouds could be so...soft.

Queen Adaline had her eyes closed with a calm look on her face. Her hands were in front of her waving elegantly.

Adrian, who had stood up and was looking down at the fight, had a disappointed look on his face. Addison wasn't surprised.

The Royal Box was close and soon Addison hovered over it. The cloud was whisked away in the wind and Addison was dropped to Adrian's feet.

He looked at her with concern. Then, he held out his hand.

Addison looked back with distaste and got up on her own.

"Look I'm sorry about what I did." He said. He started to play with his hands. "I just couldn't get over how pretty you were and...I've never been rejected before. The truth is that I really like you but if you don't want me now or...or ever that's fine. I just hope you'll forgive me."

"Please." Addison sneered. "Spare your self the embarrassment of acting. I know a fake apology when I see one."

Addison had surprised herself with the dark and mean words. She didn't mean them any less though.

"It's not fake. I just want to let you know I'm sorry." Adrian said. "I won't bother you anymore."

Addison didn't give him a response. She instead turned to his mother.

"Why'd you pull me up? I thought I was in the Trials." Addison asked angerly.

"You are not happy I saved you?" Adaline asked. Addison didn't respond. "Interesting. You may want to watch the fight."

Addison sighed angerly and sharply turned around.

The girl was entertaining the crowd with backflips and sword tricks. The crowd loved her and cheered loudly.

Addison wondered who that girl was and how many more gladiators were in this place. Queen Adaline suddenly spoke.

"Georgina Roger will face the werewolf...Wyatt Lykensin!" The crowd cheered even louder. The girl smirked confidently, bowed to the Royal Box and turned to her opponent.

Addison's face dropped and her stomach turned as a metal gated door was opened and a dazed Wyatt was pushed into the ring.

Zed's POV

He couldn't think. The lights were blinding him every time he opened his eyes. The murmurs of scientists were as loud as a rocketship. The smell of cleaner and blood seemed to live in his nose.

A moan ripped through the loudness and the voices stopped. Had that come from him? Where was he? Who was he?

He wrenched his eyes opened and squinted from the white fluorescent lights. He winced and groaned as his pounding headache increased.

He was in a medium sized cell. It was made of plastic and a air filter ran just above his head. He was sitting on a hard small cot with no pillow or blanket.

He got up. Maybe those voices could help him. Though they could be the ones who put him there. But they hadn't killed him yet, so he must be of some importance.

He shakily made his way across the cell and pounded on the plastic. It made almost no noise.

He felt his neck. Could he talk? He pushed air through his throat and a skipping moan echoed in the cell.

The doors beyond the cell suddenly opened. It startled him so much that he grunted in confusion and fell onto his back. He groaned. From pain and from the embarrassment of falling.

When he had pushed himself to a sitting position he squinted at the two people. Both had white lab coats on. One was a male. The other a female.

They looked at him and whispered softly to each other. One made a note on a clipboard.

"Zed Necrodopolis." A voice said over a loudspeaker. "Can you hear me?"

He looked around. Were they talking to one of the scientists? No one responded to anything.

"Zed Necrodopolis." The voice said again.

"Are you talking to me?" He asked. His voice sounded grainy and horse. Had it always sounded like that? It was not how he had imagined his voice to sound like.

"Yes." The voice said. "Mr Necrodopolis, do you remember anything?"

Remember. He frowned slightly.

"Mr. Necrodopolis, you are in Monster Containment. A new z-band has been attached to your wrist. You came to us two days ago with a corrupted and virus filled z-band. It seems that every other zombie also had this problem without our knowledge. Naturally we fixed everyone yesterday and-"

"I'm a...I'm a zombie?" He paniced. He was a monster! When would he get the overwhelming urge to eat brains? When would he go crazy?

His breathing picked up. He looked down at his wrist. Some sort of electronic gadget was attached. It sort of looked like a watch.

"Mr Necrodopolis. You have been a zombie your entire life."

He didn't know what to think. Zombies were real. He was one of them. And he didn't remember anything?

He looked down at himself in horror. What happened to him? Where was his family? Where the heck was Monster Containment? Was he even safe?

"I've entire life?"

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