The Betrayal

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Addison's POV

The palace was beautiful but Addison wanted to leave.  She felt no connection to the guardians at all. She just knew this wasn't where she belonged but they would not let her leave.

Adrian showed her the entire palace. It had wonderful architecture, marvelous views, and expensive items. Addison had trouble remembering that a war was brewing her world and she needed to go down there and clean up her mistakes.

"So after the trials, I can leave right?' Addison asked. They were standing on an open pavilion, a fence was the only thing stopping them from topping down through the clouds.

"If you aren't a guardian then yes. We'll make you forget this place ever existed."

"Great. And the trials are tomorrow?"

"Oh no. You have to train first."

"Train for what? What are these trials even testing?"

"Raw power."

"Raw power?"

"We're shapshifters if you haven't noticed." A cloud of white smoke surrounded Adrian like a bubble then immediately ceased and was gone. There standing in Adrian's place was a cute little white kitten.

"Yeah I noticed." Addison said.

"Why don't you want to be here?" Addison turned back to Adrian. He had turned back into a human.

"There's reasons." Addison said. "One of them being you're keeping me here against my will."

"Sorry." Adrian said. "But...haven't you ever felt like you don't belong anywhere?"

Addison paused. "I'm a werewolf." She said hesitantly.

"Why are you hesitating?" Adrian asked moving closer to her.

Addison stepped away from him. "Get away from me! I don't need you, or this stupid place. I just want to get back to my family and friends."

"Really? Your family?" Adrian asked, an eyebrow going up. "I thought you hated your family. I thought all your friends hated you."

"You were cast away from the werewolves. You are too different for the humans. You left behind the zombies and haven't talked to them in months."

"You've gone through so many mood changes and swings that you don't even know who you are anymore."

"Here, you don't have to be anyone. You just exist." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Feel that wind, that fresh air." He opened his eyes and stared at her. "Here, you can leave that all behind."

Addison was aware of the little space in between them. His eyes looked so warm and inviting. He leaned forward. "Stay here." She could feel his warm breath on her face. His lips centimeters away. "Stay with me."

"No." Addison stepped back. Adrain looked at her with a calculatingly hard gaze. "I need to be responsible and go back. It doesn't matter if no one likes me but I have to make things right."

"Fine." Adrian said. "But I hope you know, you had a choice. Rex! Finn!"

"What?" Addison asked. She backed up to the cold crystal bars. Two strong men both a carmel coloring , with huge muscles stormed out of no where. The sun glistened over their bald heads 

"Back to the cell." Adrian said. Addison struggled as the men held her hands to her back. "We'll call her for the trials in to days time."

"No training?" Mr. Right Guy asked in a deep tone.

Adrian focused on her with his cold gaze. "She's lost that privilege." The men forced her to walk back into the palace. "I hope you don't survive. You would make a lovely ice sculpture darling."

Willa's POV

Life was empty.


Everything felt numb.

Wyatt was dead.

Willa was no one. No longer the older sister. No longer the supportive sister. No longer a sister. Her hand fell on her pants pocket.

Father had gone into the opposite state. He had gone into a rage. Disappearing for days at a time. He came back with bloody hands. Willa knew he was punching anything and everything that came in his way.

Willa sat in the Wolf Den. She stared at the fire all day. Thinking. How could have she let this happen? They had survived so much, a silly plant shouldn't have killed him.

Wyatt's Departing had been done the day he died. Willa couldn't remember most of it. She had been in a daze all day.

Words didn't make the pain less. Laughter was a bitter stab into her heart. Happiness was a blessing Willa didn't deserve anymore.

There was no more Willa and Wyatt. No more Wyatt and Willa. Now, it was just Willa. All alone. With no one. She fingered the circular object in her pocket.

But flames flickered as they always had.

Flying and falling gracefully.

Red and orange.

Willa blinked.

She looked up.

It was night. She could sense the lack of animals moving. She could taste the cold air. She could feel the moonstone glowing stronger against her chest. Her leg burned from her pocket.

She stood, her joints crackling. Her stomach rumbled but she ignored it. She stealthily walked out of the cave, not letting her boots make a sound.

She picked up speed and was lost in her thoughts when she smelt the stench of human. She looked up. She was on the hill. The one Wyatt had been caught on human watching.

She took a deep breath and climbed the tree that partially hung off the cliff. She sat comfortably with one leg dangling off.

The human lights were pretty in a way. They glittered in the distance. The moon caught her eye. It shone brightly over the water in the distance.

The burning in Willa's pocket increased. She took the object out. It was Wyatt's moonstone. It was fully charged and had never been used.

Father had arrived too late. The diesese had sapped all of Wyatt's strength and moonstone power. Without the moonstone, and with a weakened body Wyatt couldn't take it.

Wilmar, the head healer, had told Willa that Wyatt hadn't had much power in his moonstone for days and suffered from the moonstone sickness.

He had also lasting damage from his torture in Containment. Wyatt had never thought to mention the pain to anyone. No one had known.

Willa closed her eyes. Why did everyone have to die?








Maybe life wasn't worth living. Maybe if Willa cut all ties. No one would get hurt. Everyone close to Willa always died. That would never happen again.

Sorry this came out so late! I've been super busy with stuff! Obviously I won't finish before 2021. I'll try to update more.

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