The Talk

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Willa's POV

Willa yawned and stretched as she woke up. The evening rays were streaming into the wolf den. She was on the floor next to Wynter with almost the whole pack on the floor.

It wasn't unusual to have the pack sleep in a pile but Willa wondered why exactly and where Wyatt was.

Then she remembered Wyatt was drawn mad by something he found in the forest. The pack was in a pile because five members were dead, including Wynter's brother and Willa's young friends, Whitney and Wylie.

Willa got up, determined to find her brother. She went to Wilmar, the head healer's room but didn't find him. She went to Wilmar's personal den and found him setting out leaves to dry.

"Wilmar!" Willa said.

"Ah! Former alpha!" Wilmar said turning around.

"Where's Wyatt?"

"The former beta is right through here. Did not have a peaceful sleep. That one kept me up all day!" Wilmar said with a his goofy smile.

"How is he?"

"The former beta is awake and still as mad as last night."

Willa entered the room Wilmar was pointing at and went to see her brother tied to the wall. His hands in stone in front of him. His feet were in stone on the floor. He seemed like he couldn't move his limbs.

"Oh Wyatt." Willa said worriedly as she rushed in near him. He bared his teeth at her halfhearted, his eyes droopy. "Why is it always you?" There was no answer, Wyatt's eyes shut.

Willa gasped. Had Wyatt's heart stopped beating? She moved her hand to check for the blood in his vains near his hand. Wyatt's head shot up and his barked at her.

Willa removed her hand and sighed in relief. "I bet I'm your first visitor huh? Father wouldn't be bothered to come down here. He has a good excuse this time. You probably haven't heard. Five wolves are dead." She stopped when her throat tightened.

"Whitney and Wylie were part of them. You remember them right? The two were pups who we had the first Wolf Trials for? They had a bright future." She choked out, holding back tears.

She had one look at her brother's limp body and the tears flowed down.

"And Wynter's brother, Waylon."  Willa shook her head. "You were closer to him then me.  The two best hunters in the pack. Remember I used to call you guys that?" Willa laughed with tears streaming down her face. "So much death and pain. When will it ever get easier? Seems our whole lives are determined to be hard."

"Father would say its good for us. He always does use tough love. It's so tough, that I'm not sure there's any love. I wish you could hear me." Willa looked in her brother who had his eyes closed, growling softly in his sleep. "Get better Wyatt. You're all I've got left."

Zed's POV

Zed walked in the school hallway clutching his backpack straps. He let out a sound between a gasp and a scream when he saw her. Addison.

She looked like a...normal human. She wore a pastel blue dress that matched her eyes and her white hair half up and half down. She was turned into her locker.

Seabrook was quiet. Nothing had happened since the werewolves left. School continued. Football continued. Zed's whole world was dull, there was no Addison in his life anymore.

Addison still went to school. But she went through strange mood changes. Zed knew it wasn't normal human behavior. One day she was distant and thoughtful. One day she was angry. She was never the same anymore.

Zed missed the conversations and dates they used to have before the werewolves. It was all their fault. Zed blamed Wyatt especially. He confused Addison's feelings and ruined their perfect relationship.

Maybe it was time to talk to Addison again. Maybe today was the day. Zed started toward her.

Addison shut her locker and faced it. Zed took a deep breath.

"Hi Addison. It's Zed." Zed said. No response. He rambled on.  "I was wondering if you ever need someone to talk to or if you wanna do something, as friends of course. I made a stupid mistake and I regret it. You probably have confused feelings and you can always talk to me, unless you don't want to, that would be fine. We're worried about you. Me, Eliza, Bonzo and Bree. We miss you and I think..."

Addison turned toward him. Zed internally grinned. It was working! Her moonstone glittered catching Zed's eye.  Then he noticed it. Her eyes were red and full with tears.

"Addison, what's wrong?"

Addison looked into Zed's eyes. "I think I killed someone." She whispered.

"What?" Zed asked. He almost laughed, but her eyes made it serious. "No!"

"I did." She whispered. "Five people, I think. I'm sure how. But I can't tell anyone but you. They would judge me. I..didn't mean to Zed! I don't know what came over me!"

"Woah, slow down." Zed said in what he hoped was a calming voice. "When did this happen?"

"Last night when I was sleeping. I couldn't sleep last night. It going to happen again if I do."

"Are you sure it wasn't a nightmare?"

"Yes!" Addison shouted. The whole hallways looked at them. "Yes I'm sure." She continued in a quieter tone. The bell rang.

"Got to go to class." Addison said.

"No, no, we need to take care of this." Zed said. The crowd started to move, a couple football players started to drag Zed to free period practice. "Addy! We'll make it through this! Meet me after school! We need to talk about this." Then he was pulled by the football team off.

"No! Come on guys!" Zed said to his team.

"Sorry Zed." A linemen said, Jake. "You always do that to us when we're talking to our friends. It's payback!"

"This was different." Zed argued.


Zed hesitated, he couldn't tell Jake about what Addison thought she had done.

"Exactly." Jake said high fiving another player.

As Zed changed in the midst of the chatter of his team he wondered if Addison really was a murderer.

Hey! Boring chapter sorry. It will get more interesting! Anyways I have a question.

Who should Addison end up with?

No one, she's a independent person?

Please comment! I will be taking your option into account! I do have my own thoughts on it but it could go what ever way you choose. Thank you for reading! Like and comment!

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