The Voice

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Addison's POV

Addison went through her day in a daze. She wasn't listening in any of her classes and she was sure the teachers were very annoyed with her. She just couldn't concentrate.

She had killed five werewolves. Five. And she was sure Wyatt hated her now. She had no one else to talk to. Zed had always been there for her when she took down her wig.

Part of her wondered if Zed would believe her. Another part wondered if Zed would believe her and not care because it was only werewolves and they didn't matter.

Addison sat outside on a stone bench after school. The afternoon sun warmed her and made her sleepy. She leaned back and closed her eyes for a second.

She was suddenly soaring through through sky. She was a white dove. She barreled toward the ground with no fear. At the treetops, she changed into a small white squirrel. She scampered through the branches and down to the ground.

Soon she reached a cave not unlike the one Addison met with Wyatt. She turned into a human and walked into the cave. She pressed different parts of a rock wall.  The rock wall rippled away.

She entered a tunnel that led down with a glowing crystal floor and glowing moss from the ceiling. It was quite bright. She walked down farther and farther not seeing anything but the glowing tunnel winding down and down.

Suddenly a familat voice from somewhere above her shouted someting that was mumbled.  It shouted again. And again.

"Addison!" It called. The tunnel started to disappear just as it fully disappeared she heard a deep voice.

"Come to me, child."

"Addison! Addison!" Addison opened her eyes and blinked as she yawned.

"Zed?" She asked. "What time is it?"

"6:30!" Zed said. "I just got done with football. Have you been sleeping here since school ended?"

Addison yawned again. "I guess so." Then the gasped. "I slept! I can't sleep! Did I kill someone?" She glanced down at her long nails, they were bloodless. She sighed in relief.

Zed looked at her with worry. "Addy. Maybe we should go somewhere."

"I'm not crazy!"Addison said quickly.

"No! I don't think that! I believe you. You're the most trustworthy person I know." Zed said.

Addison's stomach churned. She was a lier and a murderer. She did not deserve Zed.

"I meant like a park or something. Not school." He glanced up at the building.

"Oh yeah sure." Addison said embarrassed. It had been so long since she had talked to Zed, she didn't know what to say. They started walking.

"So how was football?" She asked, trying to clear her mind from the strange dream she had.

"Good. How are you?" Zed asked kindly.

Addison took a deep breath. "The murder dream seemed so real, but I guess it could have been a nightmare. But then how did I get dried blood on my fingernails?"

"Maybe you scratched yourself with them while you were sleeping. Then your moonstone would have healed you without you even knowing it. I mean, those nails are pretty long." Zed proposed. Addison gave a faint smile.

"Yeah, maybe." Addison said. "I just need to check with...the werewolves. To make sure."

"Yeah, yeah. That makes sense." Zed nodded. Addison was surprised.

"You aren't jealous I'm going to talk to them?" Addison asked.

"No, I've realized I was being a bad friend to you and you can decide who you want to be with. You're smart and it wasn't right if me to tell you what to do." Zed said. Addison held her breath, this was too good to be true. But Zed just looked at the ground. "I'm sorry."

"Thank you." Addison said, feeling some weight and stress being lifted off her shoulders. "That means a lot."

Zed smiled at her and looked back down. There was an awkward pause until they reached Seabrook Park.

They sat down on a bench and both tried not to look at each other. The silence in the air was defeating.

"So, what have you been up to the past months?" Addison asked. "Wow, has it been months?"

"It's been an eventful year." Zed agreed. "Last fall, we were freshmen and zombies weren't accepted. "

"In the spring, the werewolves came." Addison added. "I went with them for the summer."

"Then we started school and the vampires came." Zed said.

"Then the werewolves got captured. Then we broke them out." Addison remembered.

"And that's where I got cut off." Zed said. "I have no idea what the vampires and werewolves are doing now."

Addison bit her lip. She couldn't tell him her plot to destroy Seabrook. "I don't know. I got banished from the pack and they don't tell me things anymore."

Zed nodded but Addison could tell he wasn't convinced. The voice from her dreams echoed in her brain, Come to me child. It had said. Child. Did that mean her real family, her pack was trying to contact her?

Suddenly talking to Zed had lost its appeal. She needed to be alone again. She needed to follow that voice.

"...caught it! You should have seen Coach's face! I mean winning one year but two!" Zed was staying. Addison felt guilty, she hadn't been listening to him at all.

"Sorry Zed. That sounds wonderful, but I have to go." Addison said, getting up.

"Are you sure?" Zed asked.

"Yes. I'll be fine. Thank you for talking to me, it was really helpful." Addison said, walking away.

"Oh, okay. Bye! See you on Monday!" Zed said, waving.

Addison quickly walked to the woods. She was careful not to go into the werewolves territory and went near the place Wyatt and her used to meet.

She didn't see any cave that looked like the one she had gone into. She looked up and realized it was almost night. Maybe if she slept here, she would have the dream again. Her parents wouldn't notice, they were gone at a conference with the governor.

Addison went into the meeting with Wyatt cave and used her backpack as a pillow. It was much like sleeping with the werewolves. She hoped she would dream of the voice not of murder.

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