The Expectations

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Willa's POV

After the ceremony, Willa congratulated Addison. "You deserved those."

"Thanks," Addison said. "I finally feel like I belong. But why does everyone have so many?"

"These are all from tests we passed when we were younger. I also have Wyatt's and my parents mark on me. "Willa said

"Huh. I can't believe I know so little about werewolf culture." Addison said.

"Today, we begin your training." Willa said.

"Training?" Addison asked.

"Yes, hunting, tracking, our history, our culture." Willa listed.

"Oh," Addison said in a small voice.

"Wyatt and I will be training you. Today, you have me." Willa said and ran out of the den, full speed, not waiting for Addison.

"Today, we hunt." Willa said. "Hunting uses tracking too. You have to smell the scent and follow the animal before you kill it."

" what do you eat?" Addison asked.

Willa almost rolled her eyes. "We eat the forest animals. Pretty much everything. We also eat leaves and berries. Sometimes we steal human food." Willa said.

"Steal?" Addison asked

"How would we get human money Addison?" Willa asked. She really wasn't thinking it through. "That's a lesson for another day. What do you smell?"

Addison sniffed the air. "Uh I smell our scents. The scent of pine and oak. A...a deer!" She whispered excitingly.

"Follow your instincts." Willa whispered. She hoped that was enough. It was what her hunting mentor had told her.

Addison bent her knees and quietly walked to the end of the deer's scent. She approached the clearing it was in. She poised to jump but hesitated. She wobbled and stepped on a stick with a loud crack.

The deer looked up. Willa quickly jumped on to the deer and raked her claws through the deer's chest. It immediately died.

"Addison!" Willa angerly called. Addison came out of the trees. "Why did you hesitate?"

"I've never killed anything. I didn't want to end its life! What about its family?!" Addison said.

Willa growled letting her inner wolf out. "Addison! If we don't kill, we don't eat!"

She looked at the deer. It was nice and plump. It could feed almost the whole den. She took it by its two back legs and dragged it, using her moonstone's power.

She stopped outside the den. "The rest of the night, you will be learning history." Willa told Addison. Tomorrow, Wyatt will take you hunting."

She was disappointed in Addison. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe Addison would never be a true wolf because of her time with the humans.

Werewolves were supposed to have no connections outside the pack. If they had connections it would make it harder to fight them if needed.

Addison already had connections. She would always have those connections.

Willa dragged the deer into the den. The werewolves gave her impressed looks. Wyatt ran up to her.

"Nice catch. Who's is it?" He said with a smile. Willa growled at his cheerfulness.

"Mine of course. You have her tomorrow. Willow's doing history soon." Willa said. Wyatt's smile faded.

"We have a wolf circle soon." He told Willa. "Willow can start after that."

Willa nodded and walked up on the top of the rock. She turned and walked out the enterence in the back of the top of the rock.

It was a ledge that looked out on the forest and at the very edge, Zombie town.

She smelled Wyatt coming to her side. "What do you want brother?"

"Stop being so hard on Addison. She's trying the best she can. "Wyatt said.

"I know. But that's not enough. I saw her hunt today. Young were pups could do better!" Willa said.

"She was raised a human!" Wyatt said. "It was only her first day. She didn't grow up hunting and playing hunting games like we did."

"Yes but she's the Great Alpha, she's supposed to be you know great." Willa said.

"She'll get better. She's a werewolf. "Wyatt said. A howl echoed in the Wolf Den. The elders were waiting.

The siblings ran down the paths to get to the Elder's Circle. It was a cave with rock seats all sitting around a fire pit. It was kind of like the Fire pit the teenager wolves had built when they wanted to get away from the Wolf Den.

The cave somehow was under the stars. They could smell the air and see the moon and stars. Willa had never asked how. She had never even found an opening outside the wolf den.

The Elders were all sitting down. There used to be 10. The 10 oldest in the pack. Now there were 7. They needed the others for hunting and gathering and healing.

To Willa's surprise, Addison was sitting to the left seat of the Alpha's seat. That was usually for the Head Elder, Willow.

"Willow, why did you move the seats?" Willa asked.

"The Great Alpha has been found. She is our leader now. " Willow said. "Sit my dear Alpha and Beta. Let us begin."

Addison's POV

When Willow had told Willa that Addison was their leader she immediately wanted to be anywhere but at the Elder's Circle.

The Elder's Circle was cool. It had glowing marks on the walls and blue crystals hanging down. The clear, purple and blue sky was beautiful.

Willow hadn't told her that this was her seat, she would have never sat down. Willa stood the seat to the left of Addison and Wyatt took the one on Willa's right.

They started with a howl that said they were starting.

"We have never had a Great Alpha before." Willow said. "So the elders and I have decided that you and Wyatt will remain Alpha and Beta."

"But when the time is right and Addison has been trained, she will take the place of the Great Alpha. Over the Alpha and Beta." A male werewolf said.

"Wait, Watcher, you're saying," Willa said. "We won't be first and second in command?"

"No, you'll be second and third in command." Watcher responded.

Addison could tell that Willa and Wyatt were not happy about that. They both looked at each other. Wyatt looked mostly sad while Willa looked angry.

"You will guide the pack in a trio." Willow clarified. "Instead of a duo."

Addison did not want to lead a pack of werewolves. She had no idea how to do it. She cleared her throat.

"I don't have to be number one. I'm fine with being a normal werewolf." Addison said.

"But you are not a normal werewolf. Even though you saved the moonstone, I'm sure you aren't done. You have just begun to discover your power." A female werewolf said.

Addison almost laughed. Her power? She was a terrible werewolf. She couldn't hunt and she knew nothing of werewolf culture or history. She was still a failure.

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