The Surprise

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Willa's POV

Willa felt like she deserved this punishment. She hated being treated like a dog but she had failed.

As alpha, she was supposed to protect her pack. She couldn't even defend then against humans. What kind of alpha was she?

She wished that the humans would let her pack go. She couldn't even imagine what was happening to the rest of them. She heard her pack howling in pain at every hour of the day. She was even kept in her own wing so she couldn't see anyone.

She had only seen another pack mate once. The humans thought that it would be funny to watch the werewolves catch their own food.

Willa had been taken outside. Immediately she felt better. There was nothing like the cool breeze in the air bringing the scents of flowers, trees and nearby water.

They had given her a moonstone with just enough power to hunt. They had put her into the walled in Containment yard. She smelled a deer and Wynter in the yard.

She howled telling Wynter to meet her behind some bushes. She pretended to be stalking the deer when really she was moving to the bush.

She and Wynter got there at the same time. "Wynter!" She smiled for the first time in a while.

"Willa! I'm so glad you're okay. "Wynter said. "But we don't have much time so I have to tell you something."

"Yes?" Willa asked. What could she possibly know?

"It's Wyatt." Wynter whispered. "We were both taken out of Wing III. Wyatt was being forced to be a test subject for something. They said if he didn't do it, they would kill me." Willa growled.

"They took me away after he agreed but I haven't seen him since!" Wynter said. "They haven't even brought him back to our wing. I..." She seemed at the break of tears. "I think they've killed him."

Willa stopped breathing. Her eyes wide with shock. Dead? Her brother. She hadn't done anything without him. She couldn't imagine living her whole life without him.

"Willa," Wynter whispered. "Willa. We have to go back to hunting. They'll get suspious."

"Wynter what if they've killed him?" Willa asked.

"He would want you to be strong." Wynter said. "Willa please. I don't know for sure."

"Right. Right. "Willa said. She had to be strong. "Thank you Wynter. Stay strong."

"You too."Wynter replied. They shared one last look before leaving the ways they had come.

All Willa could think about was Wyatt. She was the alpha and his big sister. She was supposed to protect him. She didn't know how she would live with herself if he was dead.

She and Wynter caught the deer but weren't allowed to eat it. Then Willa was taken out of the yard and put in a silver cage. Sometime after that they took her back into the yard and took away her neckless.

It was much harder to catch the deer without her neckless. She was exhausted when she was pulled from the yard. She was pulled to her cell and collapsed without seeing anything.

She woke up some time later with the strangest feeling someone was watching her. She looked up and in the cage right next to her was Zed.

Zed looked normal but his face looked at her with urgency. Willa frowned she didn't know what he wanted.

Zed tried to act it out. He lay on the ground looking tired and hurt. Then he pointed at Willa and then pointed down.  Willa didn't know what he was trying to tell him.

Was he making fun of her? It didn't really sound like a Zed thing to do but she didn't know him very well. Zed pointed at his lips and started slowly mouthing words.

Eventually Willa got the idea. Wyatt was alive but seemed very close to death. Willa was happy. Her brother was alive. She didn't know where but but had to be good that he was alive even though he was suffering.

Would Willa rather have Wyatt dead then know he was suffering?  It was a tough question. She ultimately decided that she would rather have him alive. She wondered what had been done to him to make him seem so close to death.

Willa was trying to sleep when a loud rattle awoke her. A guard puffed silver smoke in her cage and quickly cuffed her with silver hand cuffs.

The handcuffs weren't all silver otherwise Willa would have been dead already. They had just enough silver in them to hurt the werewolves.

The guard took her to a huge room with large tables. Her whole pack was there. Willa saw everyone. Everyone but Wyatt. The pack was individually chained down to the tables and sat in a chair. Willa was put right in the front.

The guards weren't allowing talking and it was deathly still. Only the rattle of chains filled the silence.

A tall thin sour faced women came into the room. She was smiling way to happy. Willa narrowed her eyes.

"Hello dogs." The women said. "I am Officer Robinson the leader of a project that recently had major success."

"Seabrook has no room for monsters. Zombies are bad enough but when you mutts showed up it was too much. So we needed to make the werewolf population disappear." Robinson said. The werewolves gasped. Were they going to die?

"No, no, we're not going to kill you. We aren't monsters." She laughed. The guards joined in. "We need to change you. Permanently." She paused. "Let me introduce your former beta."

Two guards opened the doors and standing there in handcuffs was Wyatt.

But it wasn't Wyatt. He had on human clothes and had on no werewolf neckless. His ears didn't look pointy. His claws were gone. His white puff of hair was now brown like the rest of his hair.

Wyatt looked at the ground ashamed. He obviously hadn't wanted to do this. He was just protecting his pack like a good beta should.

The guards led Wyatt up by Officer Robinson. Then they took off his long sleeved overshirt revealing a short sleeved Seabrook High shirt.

And his arms. Willa gasped along with her pack. His marks were gone. All of them. Even his family mark. The one every werewolf had since birth.

Wyatt still had his eyes on the ground. Then the guards did the most surprising thing. They let his hands out of the handcuffs. Wyatt didn't do anything. He just stretched his fingers.

"That's right Monsters. Wyatt here is a human and will stay that way forever." Robinson said. "Once he learns proper human life rules, we will let him go." Wyatt flinched. Willa could feel his disgust with his new state.

"This will be your life. Unless you would rather die, that can be arranged." Robinson smiled evily.

"We will never become humans." Willa shouted.

"We're werewolves." Wynter yelled.

"Well Wyatt." Robinson said to Willa's brother." What do you think they should do?"

Wyatt twitched. He head jerking left over and over again. His eyes closed in pain. Finally the twitching stopped.

He lifted his eyes up. His brown eyes racked the crowd. "Become a..." His head jerked to the left. "Human." He said in a horce voice.

Willa couldn't believe him. He had to be under some kind of transe from a vampire. Except there were no vampires here. Wyatt couldn't have really meant that could he?

The guards came to take the werewolves away. As Willa was being taken away, she screamed," What have you done to him! He would rather die then be human!"

Wyatt and Willa looked at each other. The twins who first one was better then the other. Then they felt belonging. Then they were leaders. Now they were worlds apart.

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