The Break-In

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Addison's POV

After Wyatt said he was leaving, Addison got angry. She knew he had been through a lot, more than he would ever tell her, but he couldn't just keeping cutting himself out.

"Wyatt!" Addison said. "You can't leave. You may not be a werewolf. There may not be a way to reverse this but guess what buddy, it happened to me too."

"You went through horrible things in Containment I get that. I know its hard to be something you don't know. But this is what I went through to be a werewolf. I didn't know anything. Just when I felt I belonged in the pack this happened."

"You can't just leave. People still love you. You may not be in the werewolf pack, but you are in mine. I will not let one of my pack leave me."

"We will work this out together. No one left behind. So don't pity yourself then go down and lay down to die. You say you still feel like a werewolf? You aren't really acting like it."

Zed and Wyatt staired at her. Wyatt sighed.

"I know. I'm sorry Addison." Wyatt said. Addison smiled proudly and helped Wyatt into the forklift. Wyatt and Addison squeezed into the drivers seat and Zed walked beside the forklift.

Zed gave Addison a quick lesson in how to drive it and they set off. Addison could tell Wyatt felt bad about before. She didn't ever want to be mean to someone but Wyatt was starting to get on her nerves. He didn't seem to remember she had gone through the same thing.

Soon they were there. Addison's watch said it was 5:15 PM.

"So we'll get this out, make the necklesses. And free the werewolves tonight." Wyatt said.

"Tonight?" Zed asked.

"Yes, werewolves work better under the moon. Plus it's a full moon." Wyatt responded.

"How do you..." Zed asked.

"Know its a full moon? Don't ask I just do." Wyatt said

Addison helped Wyatt out of the forklift and Zed sat in the drivers seat, expertly moving it around to pick up the moonstone. 

Soon Zed had the moonstone in the forklift and they all moved it to the Wolf Den.

"This is going to take about 3 hours to get it all done." Wyatt said. "I was thinking I could teach you guys and then it could go faster."

"OK and we can think of a way inside the Containment on the way. " Addison said.

"First we need a bone knife." Wyatt said. He wandered around looking for it. Addison wondered with a chill whose bones it was made out of.

Wyatt found the knife in a hidden chamber in the Main Wolf Den. It had a leather handle and had a pure white blade. On the blade were vains of purple and blue.

Wyatt went to the side of the moonstone and carefully cut off a piece.

"Normally we would carve it but we don't have the time." Wyatt said.

Wyatt took another thinner bone knife and poked a hole on the top of the shard. Then he took some left over leather the werewolves had and strung it through.

"Addison you can have this." Wyatt said handing her the thinner bone knife. "And Zed can string the leather through."

They made good pace and in an hour, they had about 30 done. Addison's stomach growled.

"Wow, I'm hungry." Addison said.

"There should be some berries and deer around here somewhere." Wyatt said not looking up from his work. "You guys can eat, I'm not hungry."

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