The New Kids in Town

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Zed's POV

Zed woke up with a smile on his face. Last night, he had seen Addison. She looked so wild and free. So unlike the past cheerleader Addison. He still liked her for her. He shouldn't have broken up with her.

He got a hug last night from her so maybe that was a start. He wondered why Wyatt had to come. How much time they were spending together.

She had told him that she missed him. Zed missed her too. He had taken for granted when he got to see her everyday.

Zed got dressed for school and grabbed some brain cakes before he went outside. Brain cakes were kind of like those pancakes humans like to eat. Brain cakes taste better though.

He met up with Eliza and Bonzo on the way to school.

"Guess what!" Zed said. "I saw Addison last night!"

"How?" Eliza asked. "She was supposed to never come and see us."

"I know! She must have broken the rules for me!" Zed said. "She showed up at my window."

They reached school. "Oh and she told me that vampires are coming to our school."

"What?" Eliza stopped walking. "Vampires? They're real?"

"She told me to be nice to them." Zed said.

"Huiza!" Bonzo said.

"No, I don't think Addison wanted us to hug them all." Zed laughed.

"Vampires are real!" Eliza muttered. "Why didn't they come out before?"

They walked inside and separated to go to their lockers. "A special announcement in the gym today!" Principal Lee said. "Starting in place of your first class. " Zed heard cheers. "I know, I'm the best."

Zed quickly made his way to the cheer leading gym. He found Bonzo, Bree and Eliza. He wished Addison were here.

Principal Lee stood in the middle of the gym with about 15 pale teenagers. They were even paler then zombies. Vampires.

In each of their ears were red diamonds. Some hung down like chandeliers. Some were just a stone into their ear. Some clipped on to the back of their ears.

They all had raven black hair. Each of them had a red cloth band. It was wrapped around arms, heads, hair and legs. Zed figured it was their sign of status. They all smiled at the humans and zombies. They all had fangs.

"Seabrook High! Vampires exist. These are your new classmates. Please make them feel welcome. And not like you did with the zombies or werewolves. Show actual friendly emotions to them." Principal Lee said.

The vampires grinned at the crowd. "You guys know what we have to do." Zed said to the group. "Channel our inner Addison!"

Zed jumped down the bleachers and walked over to the vampires. "Hello vampires. I'm Zed. Welcome to Seabrook."

"Hello, Zed." A female vampire came over by him. "I'm Violet."

Violet was pretty. That's the first thought that came to Zed's head. He immediately scolded himself. He liked Addison not Violet.

Violet was Chinese American. She had straight black hair. She had a red cloth bandanna. Her soft dark brown eyes glittered with a little bit of red. She had red earnings that hung down like little chandeliers.

Violet smiled like she knew what he was thinking. "Could you show me around?" She asked.

"What about the rest of the vampires." Zed asked.

"Others can help them. We aren't a...pack." Violet said. Zed thought it was strange she used the word pack like werewolves. He saw the other vampires being taken away by other humans and zombies.

Zed showed Violet around. He stopped when he passed the trophy case. "I play football. Not to brag, but I'm pretty good."

"I'm sure you are." Violet laughed showing off her fangs. "I would love to see you play."

"We have a spring scrimmage this Friday!" Zed said. "You could come!"

"We'll see." Violet said smiling again. She had soft, glowing lips. Why had Zed not realized it before? He loved her.

"Violet! Wait! Do you want to go out? I mean the football star and the prettiest girl in school together? What could be more perfect?!" Zed said.

"What about Addison?" She asked innocently.

"Addison will never know! She never leaves the Wolf Den! Please!" Zed said. He couldn't live without her. How had he done it for so long? He got on his knees.

Violet pet his head like a dog. "Sure. Let's date." She said. She pulled him up and kissed him.

Her lips were soft and tasted metallic? She soon pulled away. Zed frowned. He went in for another.

"Baby, we're at school." Violet said putting her finger on his lips. Zed growled.

"Fine." Zed said.

"I sure hope Addison doesn't find out." Violet said.

"Who's Addison?" He asked. All he cared about was Violet. The bell rang. "Aren't you going to class?" He asked when she walked towards the door.

"No." Violet said." I have some buisness at the City Hall today." She walked out the door. Zed sighed and went to class. Violet was wonderful in every way.

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