The Shattered Dream

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Addison's POV

Addison lay awake in her bed. Her eyes were wide in the darkness. She took a deep breath and turned in her bed. The dim moonlight, filtered through her window, made a rectangle on her floor.

She closed her eyes, desperate for any sleep. Three shapes appeared in the darkness. Three bloodily shapes.

Energy coursed through her vains. Her claws stained, her teeth bared. They lay of the ground.

She made her way down to a young male werewolf. It would be so easy, so easy to tear out his heart. Be done with them all. They would fear her then.

Her warm breath made clouds in the cold air. Her claws sharp. She held her hand out and looked at her clenched hand. Now, now was the time.

She couldn't do it.

A female werewolf on the other side of the bodies howled. Addison knew someone would be coming. She growled. So close.

Addison dashed out of the clearing. She failed. Somehow she had failed. She had won the fight but this time didn't feel like enough. She needed to complete this, no more weakness.

Two small male and female werewolves ran into the clearing. They gasped when they saw the werewolves.

After that it was a blur. When she stopped to catch her breath, the two werewolves lay at her feet, dead. Blood splatered the ground.

The three other werewolves weren't breathing either. Addison backed up, what had she done? No, no, no, no! She didn't know what to do. She ran.

Addison gasped as she sat up straight. She was in her soft bed. It hadn't happened. Just a dream. She was breathing heavily and her heart beat quickly.

She got up from her bed and stood, looking out at the distant woods. She breathed in the night air and tried to calm herself. Her hand found the Jade Vine and she lifted it to her nose to smell it.

Her eye caught a dark color on her long nails. Her wolf eyes trained on it. It was red. Addison dropped the vine.

Her eyes darted everywhere.

Her breathing increased.

Her heart beat increased.

A large creature from outside caught her eye. It was a white lion. Addison starred at it and it starred back.

It bounded forward and leapt up. Just as gravity took over, it shimmered and before Addison's eyes to turned into a large while bird. It turned and looked at Addison it gestured to the faraway woods.

Addison didn't move. The bird made large swoop around and flew away, faster then any bird should be able to fly.

Addison picked up the Jade Vine and sat on her bed. It crumbled under her fingers, falling to the floor.

Tears filled her eyes and spilled down.

She was a murderer

Willa's POV

"Yes Father. What do you want to speak to me about?" Willa asked.

"Willa, you a wonderful alpha." Wayne said. "I know you care about every member of the pack especially your brother, Wyatt."

Willa immediately tensed. "What about Wyatt, Father?"

"I've noticed him leaving often and having no explanation of where he has gone." Wayne said. "I'm sure you have too?"

Willa kept silent. Where was her father going with this?

"The parents are getting restless. This was supposed to be a few days trip. But with the conflict going on, how can I leave?" Wayne ran a hand down his face.

"You are a wonderful alpha but right now, we need someone more experienced leading us."

"F..Father. You...You aren't leaving are you?" Willa asked. "We need you more then ever!"

"Yes I believe that too. But some think we need to leave you, the future of our pack. It has always been the way to leave the children to handle things on their own." Wayne said.

"So I will give this conflict a week." Wayne said. "Then we are leaving and I am putting an elder as the alpha."

"But Father, then I can't be alpha until you come back." Willa said, her voice raising. "And that could be years! I found the moonstone! I saved our pack! How am I not experienced?"

"Willa." Wayne said, tiredly. "You are. Some of the pack want an older wolf to lead. I'm sorry. I can't please everyone."

"Father!" Willa said in horrible amazement. "I've worked my whole life for this. We have, together. How could you do this to me?"

"Willa, I...I.." Wayne said. "That is my decision. As your alpha, you must obey."

"Fine, alpha." Willa spat. "Anything else?" She asked sarcastically.

"Watch your tone." Wayne said sharply. "Watch your brother. He may be getting himself into something he can't get out."

Willa said nothing but gave a sharp nod.

"You may leave." Wayne said.

Willa walked to the doorway, fists clenched. She turned. "You are my alpha, nothing more. I have no father. Mother would be disappointed."

"Your mother would stand with me. I am doing what is best for our pack and you." Wayne said, sharp.

Willa flung her hair over her shoulder and stormed out of the den. She pushed the two parent werewolves off, her moonstone glowing. She snarled into the darkness, her father had made a grave mistake.

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