The Plan

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Addison's POV

Addison walked to school in her new clothes. She was a werewolf, but she didn't believe in the pack's morals. She wasn't a vampire, but she felt a sense of belonging there. She wasn't a zombie, but they were the start of her journey to find herself. She wasn't a human, but that had been all she had ever known.

She wore leather leggings with claw marks up and down them like the werewolves. She had rhinestones on them like the vampires. She had an old Seabrook Public works jacket on over a purple shirt with a fur and jewel collar. She wore a ribbon in her hair like the humans. Her boots her black and shinned until they glowed.

The students stared at her strange clothing. Bucky and the acy's had all together stopped talking to her. Addison was different, she knew that, but that's where her strength came from.

In order for her plan with the vampires worked, she needed the zombies on her side. She knew Zed would never betray humankind so she went to Eliza.

Eliza had always wanted to rebel against the humans. Zed had kept her from doing so. Now it was time to get Eliza on her side.

"Hi Eliza." Addison said.

"Hey, love the new look." Eliza touched the zombie jacket.

"Thanks for the jacket."

"I have tons." Eliza smiled.

"So, how are your revolution plans? I know its been peaceful for a while but you still have some right?" Addison asked as casually as possible.

"I don't know about revolution." Eliza grinned. "But I have some...improvements and suggestions the humans should take."

"Maybe I could help you. My mom is the mayor." Addison said.

"Thanks, but why do you suddenly want to help me?" Eliza asked, looking suspicious.

Rats! This is the downside of trying to get Eliza on my side. She's too smart!

"I...feel bad. I've been so moody and have been mean to everyone lately. I've been neglecting my friends. I'm going to do something nice for each of you." Addison quickly lied.

"Mmmm okay." Eliza nodded. "How about I give you some of my improventments and ideas on paper and you give them to your mom."

"Sure." Addison agreed. "When should I pick them up?"

"What? You don't have to pick them up. I have them on my computer. All I have to do is print it." Eliza said.

Eliza and Addison went to the Computer Lab and Eliza printed out her ideas. Then she gave the warm sheets to Addison.

"Here you go!" Eliza said. "Thank you so much for doing this."

"Its not a problem." Addison said. She waved and left walking in the busy hallways. She had what she needed and now she could leave the school.

She went home and found that her parents weren't there. She found the paper shredder in her mom's home office and shredded each one of Eliza's ideas.

Addison then French braided her hair so two braids hung. Her hair had gotten much longer as a werewolf. She put two red cloths at the end of them and then another longer red cloth on her right leg.

Satisfied with her look, she ran to the vampires cave to tell them of the progress she had made in their plan. She hadn't told them everything just in case they decided to betray her. She had told them enough to get on board.

She ran through the now familiar maze until she reached Violet's control room. It was the place she ruled the tribe from.

Addison had learned that every vampire had to fight for their place in the tribe. The better you were at fighting and charm speaking, they higher you were.

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