The Real Me

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Addison's POV

Addison was frozen as she watched the dead move. Tears came to her eyes in pure happiness. She blinked them away as she squinted trying to look at him.

It was Wyatt. She watched his eyes dart around as he tried to place where he was. Then they landed on Georgina. The girl gave a smirk.

"Hey little puppy!" She shouted at him. Wyatt's expression was a mix between confused and offended. "Ready to die?"

Wyatt dodged her as she ran at him. His moonstone glowed for a few seconds before shortening out and making him cough.

"You lied." Addison turned to the queen.

"It was essential." She said.

"Just let us go." She pleaded.

"No fun in that." Adrian murmered. Addison knew she should made the right decision not trusting him. Addison shot him a disgusted look before returning her eyes to Wyatt.

He was in a savage looking pose. He was bent over with one hand on the ground. His eyes were turned to the girl and he had a deadly glare. It gave Addison chills to see the similarity between Willa and Wyatt. It was the same look Willa would give Addison whenever she was mad at her.

The girl jumped at Wyatt. She seemed to fly as she moved in air like it was the ground. She was defiantly not human Addison thought.

Wyatt moved out of the way at the last second, he rose his hand with his claws glinting in the sun before slashing right over her heart.

No...Wyatt you didn't...

The girl landed on her side. She was gasping and jerking unnaturally. Wyatt growled and roared like he was some kind of beast. Had he enjoyed that?

...he did...

Addison turned back to the queen. "Look what you've done!' She shouted, tears springing to her eyes. "You made an innocent boy a murderer!"

The queen gave a small laugh before fixing Addison with a superior gaze. "We just bring out the real. We do nothing. This is the real him. Are you glad we got to him before you committed your life to him? He is a murderer at heart. If he wasn't the outcome would be different. His brain scan told me. He's a savage. And who said he is a boy? It is a beast."

Addison let out a scream and ran at the queen. How dare she talk about Wyatt that way? He was a werewolf with feelings and a heart. Hopes and dreams. Likes and dislikes. Not an experiment or a warrior or a murderer.

The guards in from of her, put their spears crossed on top of each other over the queen. Two behind her grabbed her arms. Addison struggled away.

The queen waved the spears away. "Enough watching. Let's take her to where she belongs.

Zed's POV

A zombie. He was a zombie.

...His name was Zed...

...he had a little sister...





Little flashes of names and memory flittered over his memory. Nothing came back fully. He could feel the missing memories. So much that it hurt. Like he knew he was missing something.

Flashes...emotions...glimpses of smiles and laughter...that's all he had...

Today Zed was leaving. He was going back home. If he could even call it that. He couldn't really remember it. He knew it was old and falling apart but he loved it somehow.

He would see his family and friends again. He worried that they would hate him. They had to restart. 15...16? How old was he even?

"Time to go buddy." A guard said at the opening of his cell.

"What happened here?" Zed asked. He nodded to the other cells as the guard put handcuffs on him.

The other cells had splotches of a silver tinted redness. Like blood.

"Some...insubordination." The guard said with a smirk.

Zed had the feeling something bad happened here. The guard knew more than he was saying...though everyone knew more than him.

Zed let the guard lead him outside. Zed squinted at the sun. He looked right into it. His eyes burned and he looked away blinking dark spots away.

The guards around him chuckled. "He really did lose his memory."

"Figured a z-band would do something to one of 'em." Another said. "Those are pieces of trash." The crowd laughed, clearing agreeing.

Zed was pushed into the back of a van. Two guards climbed in the back with him. Both had tasers and scarily enough...guns.

Zed's head pounded. He had been in one of these before. When? Why? For what? Zed didn't know.

It was a common theme.

The guards gave him wary looks. What had Zed done to make them look at him like that? The scientists at the prison hadn't given any information and the guards weren't much better.

Was he some kind of villain? And if he was why were they letting him go? Had he been in prison for a long time? He didn't look very old. Maybe zombies didn't age?

Zed's thoughts kept him busy until the van halted to a stop. Zed tried to shove down the..nervousness? that he felt. This was family. He felt safe with them.

Zed was ushered out of the van again, this time he didn't look at the sun and instead at the surroundings.

He was in some kind of old town. Everything was rusted, old and musty. But it had a strange sense of familiarity. The town's inhabitants were clearly proud of their culture and multiple weird art creations were posted on the walls.

The streets were deserted. It looked like a normally busy place with the shopping carts and stands. Maybe it was some kind of holiday.

The guards moved Zed up to a house. Zed looked up at the building and wished he felt a sense of belonging. All he felt was unease.

The guards knocked on the door and a short bigger man (zombie?) opened the door.

The man looked like a zombie. He had pale skin and green hair. He was middle aged and certainly looked like a dad. Maybe it was Zed's dad. He didn't want to be wrong.

"Zed." The zombie said and hugged Zed.

This had to be his dad. "" He croaked out.

Zed's dad pulled away from the hug. "Why you have my boy in handcuffs? He's not a danger." He sounded angry.

The guards worked on freeing Zed. "He's unstable." The head guard said as if that was a good reason.

After they had freed Zed, they stood at attention and the head guard looked at Zed's dad.

"Keep him in Zombietown until further investigation. One step out of line and he's back to Containment. You hear me?"

"Yes." Zed's dad answered gruffly. The guards marched away. Zed's dad put his hands on Zed's shoulders. "I've missed you." He said softly. "Why do you have to be such a hero?" He said angerly.

Zed was confused by the sudden change of tone. Had he done something wrong?  Did he have to answer that question?

"You should be honored for what you did but all the humans see is a danger. I thought they'd get better. Maybe I'm just too hopful."

Zed stayed quiet.

"C'mon." Zed's dad said. "Everyone will want to see you."

Zed's dad pushed Zed softly to the door. Zed had no choice but to walk in.

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