Thirty Two

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"Okay, well it's 4 am and I've got to say after everything that happened tonight, I need to sleep for an hour or two before we get out of here." I said as I let out a yawn.

"I can't believe after everything you just did and saw, that you can fall asleep so easily. That's pretty baller, brother!" Corey said. "You never fail to amaze me, Colby is a lucky dude." He clapped his hand on Colby's back.

"You guys can freely talk about this as much as you want. I'm exhausted and need a nap before we leave at sunrise. So wake me up when it matters, yeah?" I let out a laugh and grabbed Angelina's hand. We both needed sleep and I wasn't going to let her be grumpy from fighting off sleep to talk to the boys.

"Soph —"

"Ang, before you say anything, let's just talk on the walk back to the van. I feel like I can barely keep my eyes open right now." I said as I climbed into my sleeping bag and laid my head down on the small pillow that was built into the top of it.

She nodded her head and laid down beside me. It only took a few minutes for me to really fall asleep. My mind started to wander about everything that just occurred, but my body was so exhausted that I couldn't fight the sleep off. Not that I wanted to either, that seance drained so much energy out of me.

"Soph, wake up." A soft male voice said to me. I couldn't help but groan. It felt like I slept for maybe two seconds, but it was still nice. I slowly opened my eyes to see Colby beside me. "It's 6 am, we need to hurry up and get going. We're all packed and ready, we let you sleep as long as possible. But they start patrolling around here at 7 so we need to go while it's safe."

I nodded my head and sat up, Colby pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "I just want you to know how amazing you truly are." He said before getting up and leaving the room.

I got up from my sleeping bag and rolled it up and shoved it back into my backpack with everything else. Luckily I still had Colby's clothes on so I was able to stay warm all night. We had so much going on all night it never came to mind to change my clothes, but I don't think he minded, or else he would've asked for them back.

I slung my backpack onto my shoulder and let out a yawn as I exited the bedroom. Everyone was waiting in the living room having conversations amongst each other.

"I'm ready if y'all are." Sam nodded and he peeked out the windows to make sure things were clear. Once he gave the signal that we were good, he opened the door and we all went out after him one by one.

"Let's hurry up and film our outro real quick." Colby said as Jake began to record them. "Alright guys, if you made it this far you have reached the end of our video!" Colby said.

"Yes it's currently 6 am and we made it through the night, probably one of the craziest nights we've ever experienced. That's thanks to Sophia, this investigation would've been nothing compared to what we would've gotten on our own. So thank you both for joining us." Sam said as he looked over at us and smiled. "It was our pleasure."

"Alright, we got a two mile hike back to our van, so we gotta get going. Until next time!" Colby said and moved his hand to cover the camera lens and Jake stopped recording. "All good brother."

"Let's get out of here guys." Sam said and began to lead us back to the trail that we walked to get here.

I slipped my hands into my pockets as we walked. We all stayed pretty silent the entire way, most likely trying to fully digest everything that happened while we were there. In a way it almost didn't feel real. I didn't think I was able to do any of the things that I have done with them since being here, maybe I really was just full of surprises.

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