Fifty Three {Colby's POV}

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It's been a few hours since Sophia laid down to take a nap, but I wasn't able to fall asleep. For some reason I just felt really restless and I had no idea why.

I liked that she was now more open and accepting to posting up with me or my friends, but it still feels like it wasn't enough. Was it okay for me to feel this way? I'm not normally one to drown in my emotions, but she brings out the good and the bad in me. I just wanted to know that I was doing things right.

Scrolling through my phone, countless notifications, emails, and apps, I landed on YouTube. I decided to look at the video she uploaded of us, and in two hours it had over 2K views. For how small her channel was, that wasn't bad. It'll definitely continue to grow with us around.

Just playing beside her while we recorded the video i could really see the passion she emitted through music. There were so many things that she loved and was passionate about. Honestly a true go-getter. She never failed to amaze me, even in the slightest.

I set my phone down as I heard a yawn and looked over at her rubbing over her eyes. She sat up and stretched. "Feeling better, sleepy head?"

"Oh god, did I really sleep through the movie?" I nodded my head. "Plus more. You're clearly tired so I let you go."

"I don't feel tired like that, though." She said as she got out of bed and stretched once more. "Mentally you are. That stuff with your family only happened a few days ago, and you haven't been fully alone to process it."

She glanced around the room as I got out of the bed and picked up her phone, an expression of shock covering her face. "Oh my god, it's really this late?"

"Does 6 pm really classify as late?" I let out a chuckle. "Just relax Soph, everything is alright."

I walked over to her and slipped one hand behind her and rested it on the small of her back, and used my free hand to raise her chin to look up at me. "I promise with me by your side that everything is going to be okay. Don't let this little bump in the road discourage you."

She let out a sigh and nodded her head. "I just don't want it to seem like I'm not grateful that you're here, because I am so fucking happy having you here with me. This is all I've wanted since I left LA, was to be with you again."

Before she could say another word I cupped her cheeks in my hands and pressed my lips to hers for a sensual yet deep kiss. I could feel the soft vibration against my lips as she let out a hum as our lips moved in sync. Her fingertips lightly ran down the back of my neck as a smile formed on my lips, causing me to slowly pull back from the kiss.

"I'm not gonna lie... that did make me feel better." She said with a giggle. "See, there's the Sophia that I met. Don't hide her just because you're feeling a little vulnerable. You don't have to do that with me."

"I'm sorry, I just need to move past it. I'm used to suffering through it on my own, not someone wanting to help me through it. I'm just not used to it, that's all." She lightly shrugged her shoulders. "I want to make you dinner, why don't we go to the store?"

"I'll drive." I held my hand out as she grabbed onto it and laced her fingers with mine. We made our way downstairs and stopped at the front door to put our shoes and coats on. She grabbed her purse and locked up the house.

I unlocked the car and we each got in on both of our sides and buckled up. I started the car and turned the heat on, even though it would realistically not let out any heat until we got to the store being it's so close.

"Oh, I love this song!" The radio wasn't on very loud but yet she was still able to hear the music. I turned it up a few notches from the button on the steering wheel.

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