Chapter Thirty-Six: Konan Family

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Chapter Thirty-Six:

Konan Family

It didn't take long for Alpha Jackel to respond to my attack, as if he had been waiting for the news since our last meeting. Based off of how quickly he traveled to Kansas, within a day, I'm sure he didn't go too far. From what I heard he had been waiting in a nearby territory gathering wolves. But I wasn't worried about his numbers. Between my three armies, he was done for.

The moment we heard the news I had my army up on their feet and piling into the SUV's. I did leave a rather reasonable force of Konstantin wolves behind to man the new compound we gained as well as to introduce the new pack-members to our ways. To teach them of our rules. I wouldn't force our culture on them, but they are Konstantin wolves now and would have to follow our rules. That was nonnegotiable.

The only concern was of how many lives were going to be lost. So many wolves would die in such a large scale battle, laying down their lives for the soil they live upon. Even though I was the invader, and had been attacking well knowing this would happen, it still didn't quite set well for me. If anything I would've preferred to conquer territories through one on one battles with a fellow Alpha.

I liked fighting, and as did my people. But Alpha Jackel's wolves are being conscripted into their armies, and from what I had seen the majority of them didn't quite like him. If I could force Alpha Jackel into single combat, then no more innocents would be lost to the tides of war.

"What are you thinking about?" Kanjax questioned, coming over to sit in the grass with me.

I looked up at the dark sky, angry clouds rumbling across in a sweeping storm. "The innocents."

Shock flashed through his gray eyes, not taking me for the caring type – which I wasn't. "You've never been one to think of things like this. You act and think like a wolf, wanting only to prove your pedigree by expanding your pack and overtaking powerful foes."

I shrugged, plucking blades of grass like a child. "People always die in a war, but unlike my people the Jackel wolves don't seem too happy to be fighting. They use underhanded tactics and sacrifice themselves for their leaders instead of fighting with them. Those wolves are treated as nothing but pawns in a game of chess. It's disgusting."

Kanjax leaned back on his hands, looking up at the sky that matched his eyes. "Not every alpha cares for their wolves like their own cubs. There are those who only became alpha for the power and wealth it would bring. Wolves like Alpha Jackel."

A moment of silence passed, and I stopped plucking the grass having come to a decision. "I want to challenge him to single combat." I stated, expecting Kanjax to object.

Surprisingly, he did the opposite. He looked towards me with a wide grin, leaning his shoulder to nudge my own. A light chuckle escaped him, not looking surprised in the slightest.

"Then corner him, corner him so he can't run away. Rouse his wolves, touch their hearts. Force him into a situation where he can't do anything but to accept your challenge. You don't need to slaughter the masses, just one sheep pretending to be a wolf." He stated before standing and offering me a hand. "Should we return to the SUV's, and continue on our way?"

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