Chapter Thirty-Eight: Prowess

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Chapter Thirty-Eight:


The wolves looked downright confused, having momentarily overcome their fear. A shared look passed between the group, as if challenges dealt to an alpha was not common. I found that reaction odd, considering werewolves are not a complacent species. Someone is always itching to leap free of their bounds, even if it means challenging their alpha to a death match. Although, most packs have a considerable alpha lineage– the offspring of strong wolves growing strong themselves and rearing stronger wolves still. Morale of the story, the lives of alpha-blooded wolves are almost always cut short by others with an alpha lineage.

"Is your alpha not going to greet another of equal ranking?" I questioned, standing tall and unguarded. "Does he plan not to accept a challenge?"

They were silent for a moment before one of them spoke up, hesitantly. "I'll, uh, I'll go deliver the message to Alpha Jackel."

A slight smile curved my lips, throwing the skittish wolves a bone and suppressing my aura slightly. "It would be much appreciated."

The wolf scurried off in a hurry, having a hell of a time being let back in the building. It seemed like they had barricaded the doors and weren't all too adamant about letting in one of their sacrificial soldiers.

"Why didn't you just attack? Raise our compound to the ground?" One of wolves questioned, drawing my gaze back to the group.

I didn't make a move to respond, taking my time to think about my answer at first after having tilted my head to the side slightly at his question. After all, it was a rather good question. Considering I had been raising compounds to the ground as of late. Even though I had given orders not to kill unless absolutely necessary, many wolves on both sides died. Innocents that lost their lives in a territorial squabble between alphas.

"That's what I have been doing." I stated. "But as I passed through each territory and fought wolves of your pack I've come to realize just how different you wolves are compared to my own." I paused, casting a glance behind me at where I knew my wolves stood at the ready. "My wolves, they would die for me with a grin on their face. All the wolves here followed me into battle after hearing my call and deciding they were prepared to fight on the same battlefield as their alpha, to bloody their hands with the same sin and to perhaps die by my side.

"All I have seen from your people is a lack of will to fight for your alpha. Each territory I invaded only resisted to defend their homes and their kin, not out of love for their territory and Alpha. And you lot, you look as though you've been forced into this battle. I would prefer to not stain my hands with the blood of the innocents any further, and to save my packsmen of the same fate."

One of the wolves scoffed in disbelief. "So that's it then? After spending nearly a month slaughtering our packsmen and leaving no survivors you expect us to just lay down, belly up, at your mercy?"

I turned my sharp gaze on her, amazed by how little she flinched. "There wasn't much of a slaughter anywhere. Your people fought, and they fought well. The scene looked like a massacre but that was only because we fought as wolves do. Bloodily and messily. Hell, during the last invasion I took on nearly the full force of a bomb thanks to your packsmen." I muttered in remembrance. "And what's this nonsense about no survivors? We only killed those who resisted, when we were left with no other routes of approach. Most of the wolves in the territories I've over taken are alive and kicking."

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