Chapter Twenty-Five:

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Chapter Twenty-Five:

Lower Alpha Reed

Past the doors that had been forced open was a waiting room of sorts. Wooden benches lined the walls, and a few were broken and splattered with blood from the fight I had missed. Corpses littered the concrete floor while a few prisoners sat huddled in a corner under guard.

On the other side of the room stood a rather large set of wooden double doors with fancy detailing. No doubt that was the door to the office in which Lower Alpha Reed was hiding. He had more than likely already phoned Alpha Jackel and reported the situation. Within a handful of days Alpha Jackel would be making an appearance to confront us, the invaders.

"Lower Alpha Reed," I drawled slowly, walking unhurriedly throughout the messy room. "Are you going to hide behind those wooden doors like a little piggy?" I questioned, rapping the back of my knuckles against the door three times.

I heard a scuffle behind the doors, Lower Alpha Reed moving anxiously about. "Do you think I'm an idiot?" He questioned loudly, his tone frantic. "I won't be opening those doors until reinforcements have arrived and your asses have been handed to you!"

I let out a dry chuckled, spreading a hand across the door before lightly tapping the pads of my fingers on it. "I'm sorry to break it to you, but I highly doubt this door will last that long. You should've invested in better security rather than lining your own pockets." I took a few steps back, motioning to the door. "Knock it down."

I receded back to where Kanjax stood, letting a few men take over my position. They rushed the door in unison, slamming their shoulders into the doors roughly. Each time the four wolves made contact with the doors they grunted with effort before taking another shot at them. Soon enough the wood began to creak underneath the sheer force of their blows, splintering pieces of wood flying free with every blow.

"I'll just be letting myself in now," I called out over the wolves who were hard at work. "I do hope you won't mind."

The door busted open with just one more blow, the four wolves who had busted it down staggered inside after the resistance ceased. I stepped in behind them as they moved to the side, allowing me to glance around the room. It was indeed an office, and a messy one at that.

A large desk was pushed up against the far wall, underneath a window. Stacks upon stacks of paper littered the desk, the majority of them seeming untouched. Lower Alpha Reed didn't seem to care much for pack affairs from the looks of things. Reed himself stood cowering in a corner, shielding something from view.

I raised an eyebrow, curiously. "Hiding something like that just makes me even more eager to see it." I stated, motioning for the four wolves to move ahead.

Two wolves gripped either of Lower Alpha Reeds' arms, roughly pulling him away and revealing just what he had been hiding. It was a black safe, and a rather large one at that. With a nod from me the other two wolves went to work on the safe while I turned towards Lower Alpha Reed.

"I must admit, your compound wasn't very well defended." I stated, looking over the older man.

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