Chapter Sixteen: Sly, Sweet Words

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Chapter Sixteen: 

Sly, Sweet Words

I woke the next morning enveloped by Kanjax's scent, a serene feeling flowing over me. Kanjax still slept, turned towards me with an arm slung over my side. His dirty blond hair was messy, strewn about rather than his usual slicked back style. A small grin played on his lips, a light stubble spread across his jaw. I silently slipped out of bed, preparing for the day ahead. 

"Good morning." Kanjax called as I exited the bathroom, already fully dressed. 

"Morning." I said as I finished brushing my short cropped brown hair. "I'll see you at breakfast."

I left Kanjax to prepare, heading down towards the dining room. Like usual Uncle Owens was preparing breakfast, rushing about the dining room setting the table. He wore that disgustingly pink apron of his, the practical joke that never ends. 

I sat down at the head of the table, pushing away the plate that sat before me. "Can I get some coffee?" I asked, Uncle Owens coming to a stop beside me. 

"Of course, Ruslana. What would you like to eat with it?" He questioned as he poured some coffee into a mug for me. 

I waved him off. "Nothing, I'm not hungry." I said, still feeling full from last night. 

He raised an eyebrow, laughter shining in his eyes. "Oh? So things went well with your mate last night?" 

"Very well." Came a response from behind me, Kanjax sitting down to my left. "May I have some pancakes and some coffee as well, please?" 

Uncle Owens nodded, filling the mug before Kanjax with coffee. "Sure, give me a moment." 

Down the hall a clamor could be heard, no doubt my brothers were up and about. The two rushed into the room, roughhousing with wide grins. They came to a stop upon seeing the two of us, Vladislav sending Kanjax a dirty look before taking his seat. 

"Vladislav, any luck?" I questioned, sipping my coffee. 


I raised an eyebrow. "Finding a liable excuse to use to invade Lower Alpha Reed's territories."

"Ah," Vladislav said, understanding dawning on his features. "It's been a while since we've talked business, I've almost forgotten. But I do believe I've worked out a decent enough plan, what do you say to drugs?" 

I cocked my head to the side, not following. "What about them?" 

"I've heard a rumor that Lower Alpha Reed is involved in various illegal acts, one of which is drug dealing. As long as we can prove he's been making a profit off of our land by selling to our people, those are grounds for an invasion I'd say." He answered, a grin curving his lips as he sipped his coffee. 

"And do we have that proof?" I questioned. 

He shook his head. "No, but if I cannot find it I will fabricate it. As long as the evidence is damning enough we'll be fine. After all, Reed wouldn't have time to plea to the council on his behalf. By the time word of it reaches them, he'll already be long dead and the land ours."

I narrowed my gaze at him for a moment, contemplating his words. "You are our strategists, so I'll trust you. As long as it doesn't blow back on us, we'll be fine." 

Vladislav tossed me a grin. "Of course, sister. I'll head out as soon as breakfast is finished, get this all wrapped up before you arrive at the border." 

"The border?" Kanjax questioned, staring me down with a raised eyebrow. 

I nodded. "War waits for no one. I have to head down towards the border with my men, so I can take action as soon as Vladislav sends word." 

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