Chapter Forty-One: Done Playing with my Food

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Chapter Forty-One:

Done Playing with my Food

I forced my claw tipped fingers further into his muscular thigh, twisting them every which way to see him flinch in pain. Yet the scent of his fear didn't grow thicker. Licking my lips clear of any remaining blood I descended upon him, crawling up the length of his leg to fiercely bite into the thigh I had already clawed into. I tore at his flesh roughly, bits of flesh making its way down my throat as I gulped down blood that spurted from the wound.

Alpha Jackel, seeming to have finally freed himself from the shocked daze he was in kicked me in the stomach. I grunted, spitting up some of the blood that had been in my mouth. But that one kick wasn't enough to peel me off of him. I was latched onto him like a leech. Two more kicks made me a little unstable and Alpha Jackel promptly tossed me off of him.

I hit the ground a couple of feet away, groaning at having the wind knocked out of me. Shaking it off I stood, looking at how worse for wear Alpha Jackel looked. He stumbled to a standing position, dragging his right leg a bit. That was the one I had been gnawing on, and it didn't seem like he had all that much time to use it between the broken ankle and the blood spurting thigh.

"What the fuck?" He questioned, looking at his blood that stained the area around my mouth and dripped down my chin.

"I bit you." I stated with a shrug, as if that explained why I ate and drank some of him too.

But the way I saw it, I didn't need to explain shit to a dead man.

Without a word of warning I rushed forward, slamming a right hook into the side of his jaw. My claws pierced the palm of my hand, but I didn't pay it much attention and instead threw a few more punches at him. Alpha Jackel returned the gesture, throwing blows as quick as he was able. I let them connect, planning to forsake defense in pursuit of a more enjoyable duel.

But the pain of his punches didn't spark anything to life within me, and certainly didn't rouse the demons interest. Alpha Jackel threw a straight just as I shot out a punch with my left hand, but I stepped to the right and avoided it with a tilt of my head. Reaching up, I gripped his wrist to stop him from retracting his arm. With his wrist in clear view I bit into it, messily tearing into it and spraying myself with his blood before he made a hasty retreat.

He gripped his wrist in an effort to slow the bleeding, staring at me wide eyed as I slowly licked my lips clean of his blood. And there it was again, that subtle hint of his fear teasing my senses. It made me want to close my eyes and revel in it, even with how little wafted around in the air. I knew now as I ached for that scent I had smelled far too long ago that more than his blood, what I wanted to taste was his fear. And the thought of tasting the fear of a seasoned warrior was what had sent the demon and I into a tizzy of insanity when we caught our first whiff of it.

But now the demon slumbered, Alpha Jackels' fear too light of a scent to awaken it. But I was planning on changing that fact as quickly as I was able to pry his fear out of him. And I would revel in that feeling once more, the feeling of the demon just below the surface and bolstering my power with its just so that the two of us could taste his fear as it rushed through his veins.

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