Chapter Forty-Three: Souvenir

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Chapter Forty-Three:


Alpha Jackel had long since gone still, his screams silenced only by his death. Abandoning the idea of tearing him limb from limb I had opted for a far more traditional –wolfish– approach. Like any wolf on the hunt I decided to aim for the meatiest parts, the belly. I clawed my way into his belly, freeing his innards for the whole crowd to see as blood soaked my coat.

After the tearing frenzy had subsided I noticed that Alpha Jackel had gone cold and still, not having survived my last assault. I sat back on my haunches, tail wagging slowly, as I enjoyed the feeling of victory and the delicious flavor that still coated my tongue. I never thought fear would taste so good.

And I didn't seem to be the only one immensely pleased with our meal. The demon slinked away back into the depths, emitting a warm loopy feeling. As if it had gotten a buzz off of the fear in the blood.

But now wasn't the time to relax and enjoy myself, considering I was surrounded by potential enemies. Shaking out my fur I stood, my fur melting away as I shifted back into my human form. Before all of my fur receded Kanjax was by my side, like he had never left it, tossing a flannel over my nakedness to obscure it from the crowd.

I hadn't noticed in my other form, but pieces of fatty meat was stuck in between my teeth. It was somewhat unpleasant, so I took my time picking Jackel out of my teeth before addressing the crowd.

"Your alpha is dead." I stated plainly. "The duel has been won, and I now have rights to these lands and the right for your packsmen to become my own. If there is anyone here who does not wish to accept me as your alpha, state your mind. Challenge me. Otherwise, keep your peace." With each word I stated a dry flake of Jackels' blood peeled away and blew in the wind, floating away from the blood that stained around my mouth and far down my throat.

No one made a move to speak, much less charge me in challenge.

"Then from here on out, you are all Konstantin wolves." I stated in conclusion, accepting their lack of complaints as acceptance.

They shared a look amongst themselves, as if they were all thinking about the same thing. And then, one by one, they all kneeled. The oldest sign of respect any wolf could give to an alpha- kneeling the sign of complete and utter submission. An action like that, done by so many at the same time, would make any alpha feel heat rush to their heads. That rush of cockiness that most of an Alpha Bloodline are born with getting an extra boost, all because of how they are welcomed by their wolves.

I stood there, basking in the feeling for a few more moments before Kanjax's soothing hands lightly gripped my shoulders. He leaned down towards my ear, not trying to turn me away from the respectful admiration I was receiving.

"Your grandfather is here, Ruslana. We should get you to his healer before irreversible damage is done to your body by that silver." He muttered lowly in that smooth and low voice of his, a statement uttered so slightly that no wolf other than I would have heard it.

At his suggestion it was like my body suddenly remembered just how damaged I was. The pain hit me all at once and I teetered on my feet, suppressing a groan that fought tooth and nail to escape. Had it not been for Kanjax stepping closer without another thought and supporting my lower back, I would have fallen on my ass. And it wouldn't have made me look like a respectable alpha.

"Great suggestion." I muttered just as lowly, a pale hand reaching out to grip his forearm to help steady myself. "Let's make our way over there then."

Kanjax lightly steered me back towards where he had come from, past the fence where the rest of our troops stood. Standing at the front of the gate was my family; my brothers, cousin and Grandpa Aaron. My brothers looked torn between concern and awe, Cerys stone faced and unimpressed. Grandpa Aaron sported a shit-eating grin, despite my tattered appearance.

"Louloúdi!" He exclaimed, tossing his arms out widely as if to point out his excitement. "My sweet granddaughter is just growing up so fast!" He cried out with a faked sob, pressing a hand up against his lips, a sob that nearly made me roll my eyes. "Walking away from a battle all covered in blood, just like your mother when she was your age!"

"I think we have more pressing things to attend to, Grandpa, instead of your reminiscing." Vladislav pointed out with a light chuckle.

Grandpa Aaron paused in his exaggerated act, dropping it as if he had flipped a switch. "You're right, Vlad. Ruslana here is looking a little rough." He paused, leaning to the side to peer around Kanjax and I at Jackel. "Although, considering that that corpse looks like minced meat it makes me think she doesn't look nearly as bad as she had just a moment ago." Grandpa Aaron peered back at me before waving for someone to step forward. "I suppose we should make sure you live long enough to rule all the territory you've been accumulating these days."

The woman who stepped forward was familiar, and I recognized her as the white witch Grandpa Aaron had brought to heal me last time as well. She still toted that old, thick and long white robe with red accents of hers. Her short white hair peeking out from underneath the hood, along with those twinkling evergreen eyes of hers. She kept stepping forward until she was well within my personal space, reaching for the dagger lodged into my abdomen without a thought.

"Well, let's get this out of the way." She stated, just before she yanked that bitch right out of me.

I nearly growled out in pain at the fact that she sliced through my wound like that and let more silver slip into my bloodstream. She tossed the dagger to the ground, pressing a hand into the large wound. The blood that stained her pale hands didn't seem to bother her in the slightest, rather, she began reaching for the cut that was carved into my face.

In a split second decision I reached out and grasped her hand, stopping her from touching the painful wound that decorated my cheek and neck. "Just heal it closed, don't erase the scar." I ended up saying.

The old woman looked utterly confused. "You want me to leave you scarred?"

I shrugged. "Just this one. It's more of a souvenir from my first successful war season. More than that, it's proof of the battle I fought to gain these lands."

She shrugged, looking as though she had no plans to question it further. "Very well, then." She said before she began getting to work. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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