Chapter Thirty: Nebraska

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Chapter Thirty: 


I had never seen a river like the Missouri, a river so dirty. Seeing the brown murkiness of it as we drove over on a large bridge I understood why it had been advertised as 'The Big Muddy'. A trail of large black SUV's followed after us, each packed to the brim with werewolves from the territories I passed through on the way here. We were headed to the only compound within Nebraska, Nebraska being one out of four states governed by the Lower Alpha Warren. From my understanding he usually stayed in Wyoming anyways. It was going to be a long drive, but a drive well worth it.

"Ruslana," Kanjax called lowly, gently shaking my shoulders.

I blinked myself into awareness, having unknowingly fallen asleep. "Are we there yet?" I questioned groggily, squinting at a blurry Kanjax.

Kanjax chuckled and shook his head. "No, we're about ten minutes out. But that's the problem. It looks like we're about to enter a city."

At that I peered out the windows, looking around. It was indeed the entrance to a city, and from here it looked like a small town with an even smaller population. If the compound was within this city, like it seemed, then we might have an issue with a police force. Or it could be a city of werewolves.

"How many wolves did we bring?" I asked, thinking that our odds in this fight would be rather low.

"About two-hundred, assuming each SUV is packed with ten people." He answered, looking a little discouraged.

As our caravan slowly drove through the city I couldn't help but to sigh. The people walking the streets looked at us as if we shouldn't be there, as if they don't get any sort of visitors. It seemed as though this city was one of wolves, and they didn't take kindly to invaders.

"We're going to have to rush the building quick, then block off the entrance to the citizens." I stated, looking away from the window to glance at Kanjax. "Someone will need to stay behind to hold the line."

He groaned, shoulders slumping, already disliking the idea. "I see where this is leading, and I don't like it. But I doubt I have any other choice, do I?"

I smiled, enjoying how quick he caught on. "Exactly. There isn't anyone more qualified than you to do so. You've been holding Alpha Jackel at the border of your territory for years. It would only make sense for you to hold off an army on our rear while we took command."

"We've arrived, Alpha." The driver called, just as a city hall came into view.

It was a large red brick building that was gated off, with very few windows scattering the face of the two story building. A few wolves wandered the premises, any guns they toted hidden on their person. Having looked upon the building it was as though time itself slowed, my heart thumping loudly in my ears. Capturing this compound would make or break my entire plan, everything depended on this single moment.

"Drive through the gate!" I yelled, the driver hitting the gas immediately at my command.

Everyone lurched from the impact as the SUV easily slammed through the gate, the tires tearing up the immaculate courtyard as we pulled to the side to allow some of the other SUV's to fit inside as well. As soon as the vehicle came to a stop we jumped out, weapons raised. With my two pistols free from their thigh holsters I jumped to action, shooting two wolves in the head as they reached for their weapons. I rounded the back of the SUV, meeting up with Kanjax and Cerys at the rear.

"Block the gate with a SUV once everyone's inside." I commanded as our forces flooded the premises. "Keep fifty wolves to help with withholding the citizens from acting as reinforcements. Take cover behind the SUV's and try to keep the casualties on both sides to a minimum."

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