Chapter Forty: Rabid Ankle Biter

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Chapter Forty:

Rabid Ankle Biter

Alpha Jackel looked torn between feeling betrayed and the anxiety that came with being backed into a corner. But his anger, well that was plainly clear. The color seemed to have returned to his flesh with that very anger. He was red in the face with a wild angry look glinting in his eyes.

"Fine." He muttered, his lips twisting distastefully. "I'll give you the fight that you want. But don't you cry and complain after I've beaten you at your own game and pinned your throat to the ground."

Having long since returned my pistols to their holsters I took a few more steps towards him, stopping when I was close enough to lash out at him. But I wasn't the only one who had moved forward. The wolves that had gathered here with me as warriors in my army had crept out in front of the SUV's, wanting to have a decent view of my battle with Alpha Jackel. Their weapons hung from their shoulder straps or were holstered, not out of sight but not nearly as threatening as when they wielded them.

A hot, fiery feeling rushed through me as I looked Alpha Jackel over from head to toe. I was excited, excited to put such a seasoned warrior six feet under. The memory of our last meeting flashed through my mind, and I nearly salivated while reminiscing about the scent of his fear. If there was something I was positive about, it was definitely that my bloodlust had returned.

"How about we do this the old fashioned way?" I questioned, reaching for the clasp of my pistol holsters and unclasping it. "No weapons." I tossed my holster behind me, reaching up to my shoulders to do the same with my sword scabbard.

Alpha Jackel looked reluctant, but tossed his weapons to the side with a scoff. "By all means. A weapon free fight will only let this end all that much quicker."

I grinned widely, running a hand through my short locks and pushing them free of my face. Stretching for a moment I took my time to loosen myself up, going as far as to pop my neck and fingers. There was a blank look on Alpha Jackels' face, as if he took my preparation to be nothing but a farce. And it somewhat was, but I still hoped that this would turn out to be a fight that made me thankful that I thought to stretch first.

I leaned in towards him a little, trying to start our duel off with a bang, I took in a light whiff. "What's this, Alpha Jackel? You don't smell of fear. Did you grow some balls during the time since we've last met?" I questioned with a grin, read to dart backwards once he lashed out.

And lash out he did. With a low growl he swung out wildly, his claw tipped fingers swiping through nothing but air. I pivoted backwards, lightly on my feet, fighting to suppress a light giggle. From the start his footwork, much less the actual blow he threw, was messy. He looked as though he would teeter and fall over if I just nudged him slightly.

I darted forward, flinging my fingers free of their fists as I released my claws. Alpha Jackel wasn't able to dodge backwards and chose to take the hit instead. It was nothing more than a few swipes of my claws, my claws racking down his chest to fashion a bloody 'x' mark. He reached out to claw at me while I was within reach, but I pivoted to the left and darted just out of his reach.

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