Chapter Eight: A Cowards Death

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New cover above... How do you think it looks? Personally, it gives me an innocent vibe which is ironic considering my writing style is severely violent and gruesome lol. Enjoy (5K words, never wrote this much before), and have a happy weekend!

Chapter Eight:

A Cowards Death

Standing there with cooled flesh I had nearly forgotten what Kanjax had just made me felt. Until our eyes clashed against each other, his gaze seeking and mine simply looking about the crowd before me. I narrowed my gaze at him, pushing down the heat that began to rush against my skin. I didn't have time for this farce, the moon sat high up within the sky as She made an appearance for my ascension ceremony. 

Mama and Otets had recently arrived and now stood before me in front of the rest of the pack and or guests with my brothers. They all gazed up at me as I stood on the deck overlooking the garden. Tiki torches scattered the garden, offering a dim glow to light up the surrounding area. Not that we needed the light. 

Without sparing Kanjax another glance I took a deep breath. "Thank you all for coming out for my Alpha Ascension Ceremony tonight! My mother and father have long since prepared me for overtaking this position, my brothers equally supportive." I called out, my sharp gaze cutting towards the smug looking Elders. "Now, as dictate states I will be calling forth an Elder of the pack to usher me into my new position." I paused, cooling my anger from looking at the Elders who looked quite pleased with themselves. "Elder Beccam, if you would." 

The smug grin was wiped clear off of Elder Rantel's face as Beccam pushed his way forth from the back of the Elders. Outrage quickly replaced his confused expression as he cast a side glance at Otets. When he made no move to do anything, he looked rather intrigued with the turn of events, Elder Rantel stepped forward. Beccam had just reached the stairs leading up to the deck when he decided to speak up. 

"Ruslan-Slava," He started, to which I released a low grumbling growl. "Has there been some mistake? Elder Beccam is no upper Elder, much less the first, he's simply a lower Elder. It is law that the first upper Elder ushers in a new Alpha." 

I snorted, looking down at him from the tip of my nose in distaste. "You, a wolf who studies law is now the law maker?" I questioned lazily, leaning against the nearby railing of the stairs. 

Elder Rantel had the gall to narrow his gaze at me. "I believe you are mistaken. As an Elder I study the laws of the Gods, of the wolves. I'm merely stating truth, it is law that the first upper Elder speaks the passage of the Alpha." 

Anger burst to life within my gaze, smoldering brown eyes looking down at him with disdain. "Do you think me to be a fool, Rantel? I am no un-educated wolf making blind grabs for the throne of the Konstantin Alpha. Just as the rest of you ill-bred wolves who believe yourself superior because of an honorary title I too have studied the laws of the Gods. I am no ignorant fool. I'm well versed with what is false and what is true." 

My parents grinned slightly at my composed tone, seeing the fire burning brightly within my eyes. Rantel gnashed his teeth together out of anger, cheeks flushing. He took a few more steps forth as though it would make a difference. 

"That is what has been done for centuries, Ruslan-Slava. It is what will be done." He stated, glaring up at me ruefully. 

Anger rushed through me like a dark wave as I slowly stood, abandoning my relaxed position against the stairway railing. "You dare to tell me what is to be done?" I questioned, giving him a moment to think before I addressed his disrespectful term towards me. "And who the fuck do you think you are, to address me by my first name?" 

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