Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ancient

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Chapter Twenty-Seven:


"Ruslana!" Yelled Cerys as she ran down the hall towards me, platinum blonde hair flowing freely passed her shoulders.

"Yes, cousin?" I questioned lightly once she came within speaking distance, stopping only a few paces before me.

Her face was a little flustered from all her running about, and she didn't look all too happy either. "Get this fucking psycho to stop chasing me!"

As if summoned by her words Dakarai popped up into existence right behind her, now standing on his own two feet instead of floating after her. "I wasn't chasing after you, exactly. I wasn't running after all." He quipped, standing so close he nearly brushed up against her back.

Cerys released a sigh, a wild look glinting in her light green eyes. If it wasn't obvious earlier, it was blatantly clear now that she was struggling with Dakarai's presence. Dakarai, on the other hand, looked rather pleased with the situation.

"I can't make him do anything." I said, relaxing as I leaned up against Kanjax in our seated positons. "He isn't one of my wolves, and telling him what to do wouldn't exactly persuade him to work for me."

Cerys pursed her lips angrily. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

I couldn't help but to snicker, Cerys catching on quickly. "I can't say that it isn't fun watching you and Dakarai's interactions. Besides, you're a witch. If he was really bothering you, you would be capable of dealing with him."

Cerys went silent, not saying another word. Oh? I thought with a smirk, perhaps Cerys liked Dakarai's attention more than she let on.

"How was your battle?" I questioned, deciding it might be better to change the topic.

Cerys shrugged, a foul look still strewn about her face. "It wasn't half bad. Your wolves did most of the work, they were rather obsessed with carrying out your orders to keep me safe. Even though they're all toddlers compared to me, in both age and experience."

I stood, shrugging once. "Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't. Just be happy that you weren't escorted by those that don't feel all kindly towards me. They would've fed you to the wolves without hesitation."

A small smile danced on her lips. "You do have plenty of enemies to go around."

Cerys and I walked side by side, the men trailing not too far behind us. I could smell her dissatisfaction just as plain as I could see it. Even though I wasn't going to bring it up again now, with Dakarai and Kanjax lingering behind us, I couldn't fight off my curiosity. I was going to ask her about the situation once we were alone.

"How are you feeling?" She questioned as we stepped onto the landing of the third floor, my cousin questioning my rather questionable sanity.

"Bored." I murmured, thinking of that dark empty feeling within me. "I didn't get to fight as much as I wished."

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