Chapter Seventeen: Alabama

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Chapter Seventeen: 


Breakfast had long since finished, my brothers having scattered to finish their tasks. I stood in the foyer, adjusting the thigh holsters that held my pistols. I preferred to fight with my claws or in wolf form, but one never knew when they would need firearms. 

"Ruslana," Mama called as she entered the foyer, her hands hidden behind her back while a leather strap was sling over her shoulder. "I realized I had forgotten to give you your birthday present earlier, with all the chaos going on." 

"Oh?" I questioned, remembering what I had been told earlier. 

That Mama was going to let me have a weapon from her own personal arsenal, something that she seldom lends out let alone gives away. Just the thought sent a twinge of excitement through me, Mama always did have good taste. 

She withdrew a sword out from behind her, passing it over by the black ridged hilt to me. It was a rather long blade, long and curved. The scent of wolfs bane wafted up to my nose, the poison undoubtedly coating the gleaming blade. 

"It's a twin blade." Mama stated as she pointed towards the hilt. "It splits into two swords." 

I pulled apart the hilt, a little curious. "It's beautiful." I said, giving the swords a little spin. 

Mama grinned, pulling the leather strap off her shoulder to reveal a cross-body scabbard. "I found it a long time ago with your Grandpa. Out of all my weapons I thought you would like a sword the best, and this one seemed to best to pass down." 

I offered her a soft smile, connecting the two blades once more as I slid them into their scabbard. "Thank you, Mama. I will make sure to put it to good use." I said as I slung the sword over my shoulder, easily accessible by reaching behind my right shoulder. 

At that point Alexei entered the foyer, packing heat just as I did. Unlike me, he wore two shoulder holsters instead of thigh holsters. From here I could see the gleam of a pocket knife in each of his combat boots. 

"Are you ready to go?" I questioned, more curious about the outcome of his task. 

He nodded. "Da, just waiting on a few more calls." 

We both hugged Mama goodbye before we exited our home, heading over to a van that would take us to our private jet. "Did you find out anything?" 

Cerys, who had stayed silent during our entire goodbyes, followed us out silently. It seemed as though she wasn't going to offer any insight on the subject at hand. 

A hesitant look flashed through his brown eyes as he scratched the back of his head. "I didn't have enough time to get all the information together, so nothing is conclusive. I'm waiting for some more information." 

I couldn't help but to narrow my eyes at this, Alexei wasn't one to drag his feet. "Just spit it out Alexei, I'm not known for my patience." 

He winced, getting into the van after I did. "A woman." 

I was silent for a few moments, not quite comprehending why a woman would make my mate rush back to his pack. "A woman?" I questioned, my tone far too calm. 

Alexei nodded, still looking a little nervous. "A woman from another pack visited unannounced and Beta Taylan was called back immediately. There were no other unusual events; him rushing home could only have been caused by her visit." 

I couldn't help but to purse my lips at this, an unsettling feeling rushing through me. The thought that my mate was at the beck and call of another she-wolf was nearly nauseating. But I couldn't decide what I felt more, anger or sickly. At this point I had more pressing matters to worry about, the possibility of my mates infidelity had to wait until after this war was underway. 

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