Chapter One: You're Just As Scary As Your Mother

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Chapter One:

You're Just As Scary As Your Mother

Map above is Ruslan-Slava's war map.

"Fuck you!" 


"No, Elder Mathews. You don't get to call me Ruslan anything. To you, and everyone else, it's Alpha Ruslan-Slava until I deem fit otherwise!" I seethed, settled comfortably on my father's large well cushioned wooden chair. 

I placed my hands on top of the large mahogany wooden desk in annoyance, looking down at the short balding man who sat across from me in a random stiff chair. The dark wooden floorboards matched the desk, yet gray wallpaper adorned the walls. A single window was placed in the center of the wall behind the desk, casting sunlight down on my features. 

I was tall for a woman, yet short for a werewolf, as I stood at five foot nine. My messy brown bob swayed with the movement, brown eyes glinting darkly in anger. 

"With all due respect," he stated disrespectfully, looking directly into my eyes, "but you haven't had your ascension yet, Ruslan. You are no Alpha." 

A low growl rippled through my throat as my anger flared. "What did my father say as he left town, Mathews? Please, do refresh my memory." 

A sweat bead dripped down his balding head, gray eyes twitching from nervousness as he pursed his mouse-like mouth. "He stated to the pack that you're his stand-in Alpha while he's gone. Because he didn't have a Beta to do so when he left." He said lowly, almost as and after thought. 

I leaned away from the desk, walking around his chair and placing my hands on his shoulders. "That's right, father doesn't have a Beta! Now, remind me what happened to his Beta, Mathews?" 

He swallowed visibly, not daring to move as I put more pressure on his shoulders. "Beta Ademar had betrayed him and disrespected him, many years before your birth, so Alpha Vasili tortured and then killed him." 

"You're right! That is what happened after all. Now Mathews, let me remind you of something." I released him and went back to my chair, leaning back comfortably. "Unlike my father I snap and act on my anger much quicker. If you ever disrespect me again I will not hesitate to rip out your throat. Elder or not, disrespect will be repaid by my claws in kind." 

I narrowed my eyes at him as he shifted in his seat, not saying anything in turn. He gripped the manila folder in his hands tighter. 

"Are we clear, Mathews?" I asked, a low growl nearly blocking out my words. 

"Crystal!" He squeaked out, before setting down the now wrinkled folder in front of me. "Now onto more pressing matters..." He trailed off, looking anywhere but at me. 

I glared at the manila folder as it slid to a stop inches away from my hands. "Did you not hear me earlier, Mathews? I said fuck you, which means I will not look at your fucking marriage candidates!" 

He slid a hand on mine, in a comforting like gesture. "Now, ah, Alpha Ruslan-Slava, the agreed engagement date is fast approaching. You will need to mate before the ascension so that the Konstantin pack will have a rightful Alpha." 

My anger rose, teeth lengthening into those of an Alpha wolfs nearly three inches long as they protruded from my mouth lips peeled back in a snarl. "Rightful!" I barked out a fake laugh. "Do not humor me, old man! Does my mate have the Konstantin blood running through his veins? Is he the first born child of my father like tradition dictates? Fuck no! I am the next Konstantin pack Alpha! The Konstantin blood runs through my veins not my mates! I will be the Alpha of this pack, not my mate! My mate will take my name as his but that does not make him the Konstantin Alpha!" I finished, standing now claws gripping the desk, a growl ripping through my snarling canines. 

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