Chapter Twelve: Cerys Konan

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Chapter Twelve: 

Cerys Konan

"Call your uncle and tell him that you'll be staying here for the time being." I stated, not looking at Kanjax as I looked over a folder on my desk. 

"Oh, I will?" Kanjax questioned. 

I glanced up, seeing humor and surprise in his gray eyes. "Yes. You can say it's because you'll be acting as an ambassador between our two packs, considering I'm about to go to war with Alpha Jackal as well." 

He cocked his head to the side slightly, a curious grin taking over his lips. "Then what is my staying here really for?" 

So I can drink your blood. I thought, but decided against responding and returned to my work. I wanted to finish this paperwork as soon as possible, and I had an itching feeling that my brothers were hovering nearby. 

"Once you finish your call a wolf will escort you to a guest room, just ask. You can go now." I stated dismissively, waving him off without peeling my eyes from the papers before me. 

Kanjax sat there for a moment in silence before standing and leaving. A few moments later it seemed as though the hounds descended, my brothers bursting into my office with an excited air about them. 

"Why, sister!" Alexei called as cheeky grin made its way onto his lips. "Your lips, they're rather swollen. What have you been up to?" The red head stated, his brown eyes twinkling with mischief. 

Vladislav lazily walked up behind him, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans. "Brother, I do believe she's been up to no good! Although, not the usual trouble she gets into." 

I sighed as the two plopped down in the armchairs before me, knowing that they weren't going to leave any time soon. "Yes, you idiots, I kissed him." 

"Doesn't look like just a kiss," Alexei quipped, looking at my swollen lips. "What, were you trying to eat each other? Looks like your lips are going to be swollen for a while." 

Vladislav and Alexei shared a look. "I don't think that was a goo choice of words." Vladislav said. "She does want to eat him after all." 

The two laughed, to which I sent a smoldering glare. "Is that all you've come here for? If you're done you should leave, I'm sure you've got some sort of work to do somewhere." I stated begrudgingly, filing away the paperwork now that I've finished it. 

Vladislav shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "We haven't even gotten to the most important part though!" He exclaimed in mock shock. 

Alexei nodded, looking rather eager. "Yes, sestra, is he your mate? Did you feel the sparks that the other wolves always talk about?" 

I shrugged. "He claims himself to be my mate, but I haven't really felt any sparks. Some heat and a shock here and there, but nothing like anything our packmates describe." 

"Are you going to take him as your mate then?" Vladislav asked, done with the mock excitement and returning to his somewhat subdued usual self. 

I shrugged once more, thinking back to how Kanjax acted around me. "Perhaps, but perhaps not. I don't really know him, and he's only just now starting to show me his true self hidden behind his pleasantries. I don't know if he'll make a good mate, much less a leader for this pack. As Alpha I have to think of everyone, not only myself." 

Vladislav cocked his head to the side, not understanding why I was pushing away someone who seemed to be my soulmate. "You taking him as your mate wouldn't be selfish, you need him. You need his blood to stave off your hunger. I'm sure the pack would understand, considering him being here would be keeping you from eating your own people." 

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