Chapter Fourteen: The Queen Has Spoken

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Chapter Fourteen: 

The Queen Has Spoken

It was odd feeling this vulnerable, this weak. Despite being in my massive wolf form it gave me no security. The wounds on my paws bled, showing no signs of stopping. It was as if my healing abilities had left me, just as my mate had. 

"She's been like this ever since we left her to talk to Kanjax?" Grandpa Aaron questioned lightly in hushed tones, standing just before my bed with my brothers. 

"Da," Vladislav stated. "We smelled blood and came to check on her, only to see her all huddled under her bed. She doesn't seem to be healing, which is what concerned us." 

"She won't come out either." Alexei stated. "Whenever we get too close she growls. It's like she wants to bleed out." 

I peered out from under the bed, my gaze clashing with Grandpa Aaron's green human eyes. "How peculiar." He said, crouching low to get a good look at me. "It seems as if her healing has all but stopped, diminished into that of a humans. This is the most literal case of love sick I've ever seen." 

Vladislav scoffed. "Love sick? You've got to be kidding. Her mate rejects her and she's just going to die?" 

Grandpa Aaron sent Vladislav a dry look before turning his kind gaze my way. "She's not the same species as the rest of you, she's a Demon Wolf. A subspecies of Werewolf, if you will, but she isn't the same either way. To survive she needs his life blood, to be rejected by someone of such importance can be taken as being told to die. My guess is her body is acting in accordance to the rejection; it's giving up." 

Alexei took a few steps backwards toward my door. "Has anyone actually spoken to Kanjax? We don't know what happened, there could be some sort of misunderstanding. You know sestra takes things literally, and at times too literally. If we could speak with him, tell him what's happening to Ruslana, he might be able to clear this up." 

Vladislav's expression turned sour. "You want to bring in the man who caused this mess?" He asked, his tone turning a little aggressive. "He broke her, Alexei, he hurt our sestra far worse than she's ever been with just a few words. I say we kick him off our land and put a stop to that search for his parents." 

"Now, now, Vladislav." Grandpa Aaron stated, a small grin shaping his lips my my brothers' protectiveness. "She's not going to die any time soon, better not rush to any decisions. Find the boy and let me speak with him first. Any word on your parents? They were supposed to come and meet him, yes?" 

Alexei left the room, heading out to search for Kanjax. "Last I spoke with them they were heading here, didn't say where they were or when they would get here though." Vladislav answered, still a little aggressive. 

"You go, I'll stay with Sylvan for the time being." Grandpa Aaron stated, taking a seat at the foot of my bed. 

Vladislav left in a huff, silence filling the room. Grandpa looked down at me with a gentle look, tapping the wooden floor lightly with his forefinger. 

"Little Slava, you've had a rough day." He stated, not expecting a response. "Why don't you come out a little, let Grandpa give you some comfort?" 

I looked at him for a moment before inching out from under the bed slightly. My large head rested on his thigh, my paws just barely touching his leg. Grandpa Aaron hummed to himself as he slowly brushed through my fur. 

"I've lived a long time, engoní. I've seen many things, gone through many things. You needn't worry about this issue, it will solve itself. I'm sure emotions were just running high, if Kanjax said something that harmed you he didn't mean to. He is your mate after all, he would never intentionally hurt you. Just relax, in time he will return and you can speak to one another again." He said, ruffling my fur as he leaned over to check my paws. "Jesus, just what did you do to your paws?" 

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