Chapter Twenty-Six: A Wolf without Allies

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Chapter Twenty-Six:

A Wolf without Allies

"Hello?" I answered questioningly into the old school black rotary phone.

Silence greeted me for a moment, the person on the other end having expected Lower Alpha Reed to answer. "Ruslana-Slava, I presume?" A vaguely familiar voice questioned, his tone dry and bitter.

"Alpha Konstantin," I corrected. "Or have you yet to hear the news?"

He scoffed, and I could practically see him rolling his black eyes in my mind's eye. "I heard. Congratulations on your coronation." He stated, not sounding all that congratulatory. "I called to speak to my subordinate, Reed."

I sent Lower Alpha Reed a glance as I pushed some paper off his desk, perching myself on the edge and getting comfortable. "That's a pity, then, considering he's otherwise occupied."

"Is he alive?"

"Surprisingly." I muttered. "The fact that he lasted this long is due to his cowardice. He hid behind his walls and locked doors while he sent his men to their deaths. You sure do know how to pick them, Jackel."

"You can't have a strong man leading beneath you," He countered. "They'll threaten your rule and take your place. I know you're new at this, but killing a ranking officer of another pack isn't all that legal. And if you're at Reed's compound you've already killed the lower beta in charge of the other compound."

Now it was my turn to scoff. "You speak as though I'm not aware of my own actions. But it seems as though you aren't aware of what your lower alpha has been doing these past few years. I have plenty of evidence to warrant this invasion."

"Bullshit!" He snarled out, pausing to calm himself after his outburst. "You invaded my territory and slaughtered my people. I will be calling upon the Alpha Council, and you will be seeing me in a matter of days. If you do make the right choice and retreat to your hovel of a pack I will give you the war you are seeking. With or without the Alpha Councils' backing."

He hung up, not allowing me to say another word. Without a care I tossed the phone back onto the desk, tossing Lower Alpha Reed a pitying look.

"Your alpha didn't seem to think highly of you." I stated, cocking my head to the side. "He didn't even bother to negotiate for your life."

Lower Alpha Reed let out a low hysterical laugh, not surprised by the callous actions of his alpha. "He never did show much concern for his wolves."

I hopped off the desk, ready to speed things up. "So have you decided?" I questioned, referring to which way he wished to leave this world.

Reed slumped against the wolves who restrained him, his bloodshot hazel eyes focused on the floor. "I'm just tired," he started, "tired of this whole situation."

I pondered his words for a moment, disappointed but not surprised by his choice. "Execution it is then."

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