Chapter Six: Demon Wolf

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Chapter Six:

Demon Wolf

He's testing my limits. I realized, even so, I couldn't help the furious blush that spread across my cheeks. I have no immunity towards men; I spent all my time training and fighting and never once bothered with thoughts of romance. 

Kanjax had gone the extra mile when testing my limits, and I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not. At first he wove his fingers within my own, clasping my hands tightly before he hauled me up and out of my chair. At that moment I was far too surprised to react properly and could only marvel at how strong he had to be to be able to lift me like that without so much as breaking a sweat. 

By the time I came to my senses he had already wrapped his muscular arms around my waist, pulling me tightly against him. His flesh melded to my own, his strength pulling us flush against each other with my arms stuck firmly to my sides. Where our flesh met a warm zapping like feeling spread, almost like when static electricity shocks you. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, my short bob brushing against his slicked back golden locks. 

Warmth that I've never felt from any other embrace flooded my body in a sudden onslaught. For a moment I melted within his embrace, the heat and warmth so enticing. He even smelled good too, was it his cologne or perhaps just his natural scent? I couldn't tell but my mind was becoming fuzzy with confusion as my emotions attacked each other. 

If you come any closer I'll bite you!

My previous words flashed across my mind. With those words in mind I stiffened before rearing my head back and elongating my canines. Once my canines were fully extended, quite a few inches, I bit down into the muscular flesh of his shoulder harshly. Kanjax flinched around me, grunting as he winced in pain. 

Oh? Nice pain tolerance. He might be fun to spar with. 

His blood flooded into my mouth from the wound I inflicted on him, and I couldn't help but to gasp. For some reason it tasted so good. Better than the blood sausage this morning, better than all the hunting I did in the previous hours. The ravenous hunger deep within me twitched from within its sated sleep, taking interest in the blood that now slipped down my throat. I greedily drank the blood that poured from the wound, waiting for the flow to slow. Once it did I slowly retracted my canines, trying not to tear up his flesh any further. Almost on instinct I lightly lapped at the wound, licking away the excess blood and coating the bite in my saliva. Oddly enough the wound started closing, healing quicker than a normal wolf's wound should. 

"Fuck." Kanjax groaned, almost groggily, still not releasing me. 

"Fuck is right you little bitch. I told you if you got closer I was going to bite you." I responded immediately, no malice in my tone but rather slightly teasing. 

"Why do I always portal into the most awkwardest of situations?" Aaron asked from in front of me, groaning as he glanced over our intertwined forms, eyes narrowing at my blood stained lips. 

Both Kanjax and I stiffened, embarrassment wafting through the air from the both of us. Even so Kanjax seemed almost regretful to release me rather than to feel guilty for his actions. I watched him with a watchful gaze as he slowly released me, tapping his head against mine lightly. 

"I hope to be able to speak to you later, Alpha Ruslan-Slava." He said lightly, his warm breath fanning across my face. 

I looked into his stormy eyes without hesitation. "Oh? Even after I just bit  you, tore into your flesh? What are you? A glutton for punishment?" 

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