Chapter Four: The Same Claws That Fed His Father Death

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Chapter Four:

The Same Claws That Fed His Father Death

Back at home it was well past ten in the evening, most wolves already having retired to their rooms. While they slept I stood in my room, pacing back and forth with agitation gnawing on me like a depraved animal. My inner wolf was restless; her growls and whines reverberating through my chest as our minds melded. I couldn't quite place my finger on my annoyance, although, the man I met at the Alpha Conference kept filtering through my mind. 

Roughly running my hands through my hair I growled out in frustration, deciding I simply needed to go for a run. Putting my muscles to work usually burned off all my frustration, for whatever reason. Before leaving my room I looked at the window that sat behind my bed, moonlight filtering through closed shades. 

I narrowed my eyes at the window, my inner wolf snarling at the weakness in the security. That has got to go. My wolf and I agreed, the window, despite being on the third floor, making me nervous and paranoid. Paranoid that someone would break in while I slept, even if the only way up was to climb. 

Shaking my thoughts off again I wandered out of my room, heading outside. The cool air chilled my flustered skin, making me sigh in content. With our compound being so far from the city I couldn't even smell pollution in the air and there weren't any pesky neighbors. I didn't bother to strip, not really caring much for my clothes, before shifting. 

I melted down into my large wolf, husky dark brown fur rustling in the light breeze. Shaking my large head I sniffed the air, looking for a small snack. Picking up the scent of a rabbit I dashed off into the forest surrounding the building, dodging past the patrol groups. It wasn't long before I had the small furry animal secured between my teeth, its blood dripping down my dry throat. 

Once I returned to my room I didn't bother to bathe or put on any more clothes. Dried blood coated my lips in a deep red, a few trails leading down my jawline. I shifted back into my human form before flopping onto my bed and engulfing myself in the black comforter. Sleep ebbing over my tired form as I sank into the comfortable bed. 


"Ruslan! You've got visitors!" A rather preppy voice called, too high pitched for the early morning. 

I groaned in annoyance before shoving my face deeper into my pillows, ignoring the woman calling. For a few more moments I was blissfully asleep, snuggled deeply into my bed. Not too much later the door to my room slammed open, making me growl from the disrespect. 

Flipping over I glared at the intruder, Viktoriya. Aunt Viktoriya was only seven years older than I, yet still acted like a teenager. Viktoriya, my brothers and I all grew up together like siblings so we usually didn't refer to her as  our aunt anyways. 

"What did you say, Viktoriya?" I asked her as I sat up, not bothering to try and cover myself. 

She walked further into my room, her long dark brown hair fluttering. "You've got visitors; Alpha Samuel and his Beta are here to discuss trade I believe." 

Irritation rushed through me; they hadn't even set up a meeting, only showing up when they pleased. I brushed off my annoyance, after all, I needed a few allies. 

"Show them to the living room, after I'm dressed I walk them to my office." I said as I stood from my bed, dropping the sheets. 

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