Chapter Twenty: Wage War

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Chapter Twenty:
Wage War

“I didn’t know whether or not you would actually show.” I stated, trying to break the heavy awkward atmosphere with a little aggression.

Vladislav took a few steps away from Kanjax, as if to escape some impending violence. Kanjax narrowed those stormy gray eyes of his at me as he brushed his dirty blond side sweep back.

“I told you I would come and assist you with your invasion. You thought I would go back on my word?” He asked, his tone tight and annoyed.

I shrugged, my tone just as equally tight and clipped. “It seemed as though you were plenty busy with that she-wolf.”

Kanjax sighed, gripping the bridge of his nose for a moment, as if to calm himself, before continuing. “Can we not do this here?”

At his statement I was reminded that we were surrounded by my family, packsmen and a stranger. Far too many eyes witnessing what no doubt looked to be a lovers spat.

I waved at the home that had once been Amere’s. “We can speak in there.”

Kanjax didn’t wait for me to lead, turning tail and storming off rather quickly. I trailed behind him, glancing over him admiringly despite our ongoing argument. It was interesting how the pull he held over me seemed to make Dakarai’s charm pale in comparison once he was within reach. But magic seemed harsher than the mate bond, forcing words from my lips when the bond did no such thing.

After we entered the house I made a beeline for the couch, kicking my feet up across the cushions and pettily blocking Kanjax from taking a seat. Kanjax didn’t seem to mind, deciding to pace before me instead.

“Who is that man? The one you so kindly referred to as hot blyad’. What’s that Russian for, anyways? Shit?” Kanjax spit out, his anger seeming to become quite obvious now that we were alone.

“Hot fuck.” I translated, wincing, knowing that it sounded far worse than originally intended. “He’s a warlock I asked my cousin to find.”

“A warlock?” Kanjax questioned with a pause. “He didn’t smell like one, actually, he didn’t smell like much of anything at all.”

I nodded, thinking back to the oddities that Dakarai was made of. “Yes, Dakarai is rather odd for a warlock. It caught me off guard, that and his tricks.”

“His tricks?” He questioned as his pacing ceased, seeming to calm down a little.

“He cast a charm spell on himself, it made me say odd things on our first meeting. I’ll have to find out why he did such bullshit later, when we actually get to talk business.” I stated, pursing my lips in annoyance when I thought of his little trick.

Kanjax tossed me a questioning glance. “And just why would you need another sorcerer when you already have a warlock and a witch?”

“Pack business.” I stated, getting a dark satisfaction from letting out that petty statement. “Speaking of pack business, what do you have to say about yours?”

Kanjax sighed. “I wouldn’t have returned home if I knew she was there. All my uncle told me was that delegate from the Gonzalez pack came by, and that I was needed at home immediately.”

I felt a little better that he didn’t seem to enjoy having a run in with that she-wolf. As a matter of fact, the scent of disgust was heavy on him whenever he spoke of the she-wolf. Something that pleased me far more than I expected.

“And who exactly is she? She sounded quite, ah, attached to you over the phone.” I questioned.

Kanjax made his way over to me, lifting my feet as he sat down. I stretched out across his lap, Kanjax not minding as he absentmindedly rubbed a hand up and down my legs. It was comforting, but at the same time exhilarating.

“She is Alpha Gonzalezs’ second daughter, a girl who lacks the elegance and ferocity that an alpha-blooded she-wolf should have.” He said with a frown, not remembering her too fondly.

At that I couldn’t help but to offer a small smile. “You don’t seem to approve.”

He shook his head no, turning to meet my gaze. “No, not really. She’s nothing like you, quite the opposite. I never knew why she annoyed me so much, but once I met you I understood.” He murmured, reaching for my hand and amusing himself with it. “Though pretty, she isn’t nearly as pretty as you. Her voice is high pitched, and she talks an awful lot. Like she loves the sound of her own voice. I couldn’t relate; she speaks like an airhead, like there isn’t anything in her head.”

I snorted, finding his honest opinion to be a little harsh. “That seems a little harsh.”

Kanjax sent me a flat look, as if to say that it wasn’t as harsh as I was led to believe. “She’s been following me around for years, five to be exact. Uncle Samuel told me that I couldn’t act harshly towards her for the sake of diplomacy. Yet despite her knowing that we aren’t mates she still hasn’t let me be.”

Five years… I thought silently, unable to stop the wheels from turning within my mind. That’s how long his parents have been missing for.

“Well you have a mate now.” I stated, grasping one of his hands in my own. “If you can’t act harshly towards her, I sure as hell can for you. If you hadn’t noticed, diplomacy isn’t one of my fortes anyways.”

Kanjax steeled his grip on my legs, as if holding me in place. “Do I though?” He questioned, withdrawing his hand from mine to trail his fingers across the curve of my neck. “We have yet to seal our bond.”

I grabbed his hand and pulled it away, leveling my breathing that had quickened from his touch. “This is hardly the time to speak of such things. Now that our little spat is settled let’s get a move on, shall we?”

Kankax sighed, seeming to have enjoyed our moment together once our anger dissipated. “If we must.”

He stood first, offering me a hand and helping me up. Childishly, I kept my grip on his hand tight even as we exited the house. Kanjax trailed behind me slightly, gripping my hand just as tightly. He was happy, just by holding my hand.

“Has everyone arrived?” I asked Vladislav once Kanjax and I were within speaking distance.

“Ray and his coven are still MIA.” Vladislav stated, checking his phone for the time. “It’s been a few hours since nights fallen, they should be well on their way.”

“Whatever. We’ll just move ahead with the plan. In Lower Alpha Reed’s territory there are two compounds, one in Mississippi and the other in Oklahoma. If we encounter any civilian wolves that are noncombatants we’ll leave them be, any warriors who yield will be taken prisoner until the end of the war.”

“How will we go about attacking?” Vladislav asked, wondering if I already had a plan in mind.

“We’ll divide our forces into three, with each of us heading a unit. Two people will lead an attack on each compound, the method is up to you once you get down to it. Vladislav and Alexei, you’ll be taking the first compound. Kanjax and his men will join me in an assault against the second compound. Together we should be able to give Alpha Jackel a run for his money if he decides to make an appearance before we’re done with our operation.” I stated, leaving no room for debate having already become content with my plan.

“What about us?” Dakarai questioned, reminding me of the fact that he was here in the first place.

“I will always be with my cousin.” Cerys muttered, taking the chance to slip away from him and behind me.

“Hmm,” Dakarai murmured. “Then it seems like I’ll be tagging along with Alpha Konstantin as well.”

I heard Cerys sigh, not pleased with the warlock trailing after her. “Fucking hell.”

“Well,” I started, casting a glance at my companions. “Let us wage war.”

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