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"What are you talking about?" Michael retorted

"I was pregnant. with. your. baby" she spoke as she walked up to us

"you never told me that" I could tell two things; one, Michael was mad..like really mad.. and two, he had not a single clue about this information 

"you wouldn't answer my texts or calls" she shrugged smugly 

"what do you mean, you 'were' pregnant?" he asked 

"I'll tell you everything you need to know if you come home with me" my stomach turned, and almost immediately I felt sick  

"You really think you can blackmail me?" he started walking up to her, steam practically blowing out his ears from how angry he was. I quickly ran over and stood in front of him

"Hey, lets go home. We'll talk about this and figure it out together" his eyes were glued on her, all you could see on his face was anger. He looked down at me and locked eyes with me, slowly I could see his anger fade enough for him to agree. He took my hand and walked me to the car, allowing me to get in before getting in himself 

Marissa stood on the sidewalk, arms still crossed over her chest, weight shifted to one hip while she grinned as we drove away. 

I suddenly felt nervous to say anything, I could see his knuckles turning white from how tightly he was gripping on to the steering wheel which only gave me flashbacks from what it was like with Jake, however its not nearly as often with Michael. 

We sat in silence, all that was heard was the rumble from the car engine along with the other cars on the road. Every once in a while some squeaky breaks were heard, or a honk in the distance, but otherwise it was silent.

As we pulled into our parking spot my nerves began to increase, I haven't really seen Michael upset until now, and with what I've dealt with in the past I really don't want to deal with another angry partner. 

He shut the engine off, getting out of the car, like always he walked over to my door and opened it for me. I appreciate that even though he's upset he's still treating me well, definitely not used to that. We walked inside hand in hand, which again I appreciated that he wasn't neglecting me or taking his anger out on me. 

We walked into the bedroom to change out of our clothes, still remaining silent; I wanted to give him some time to think about what HE wants to do without any of my influence.

He finished getting comfortable before I did, mostly because I wear makeup and he doesn't and taking it off extends my time. I heard him walk out into the living room but I didn't hear the tv turn on like it usually does. I quickly finished up wiping and washing my face, wanting to make sure he was doing okay. 

I walked out into the living room, he sat on the couch facing the tv screen that had not been turned on. I couldn't imagine what was going through his mind; to receive news like that, whether it was true or not, is something that would easily knock you off of your feet

I made my way to the couch, taking a seat right next to him, facing him to prepare to speak with him. 

"You want to talk?" I spoke softly, trying to avoid upsetting him in any way 

"I'm just so caught off guard" 

"I know babe, me too" I extended my arm out, running my fingers through the hair on the back of his head "but we're going to figure this out" 

"do you think she could be lying about this?" he turned to face me

"I hope she isn't" I don't want to tell him that I do think she's capable of lying about it right now, that's something that can wait 

"listen" I decided to speak my mind "this isn't really news that a person takes lightly, and I don't want to be what keeps you from finding out the truth" he looked over at me, probably realizing what I was about to say 

"If we need to put things on hold in order for you to get your answers, I'm willing to do that" 

"Don't say that Katie" my eyes began to sting when he turned to look at me

"It doesn't have to be forever, just until she tells you everything. I understand that you need to know the truth and I wont hold you back" 

"Katie, I'm not going to give in to her demands" he reached up and wiped the tear that fell from my eye "I'm not going to leave you over this" 

We sat in silence for a few minutes, I don't know what he was thinking about but I was trying to think of an idea for him to get answers without us having to split up.

"What if we get an investigator" I blurted "someone to look into what we know and find out if she was lying or not" 

"how would that work?" he asked curiously 

"Well we know the general time frame that you two hooked up, meaning she would have gotten pregnant at that time. A PI can track down if she scheduled any pregnancy appointments, or hospital visits, and if she's not lying and you really do have a child they can find that out too"

"you think it'll work?"

"I think it would be worth a shot, the worst that could happen is that the PI tells us he couldn't find anything out" 

"I guess you're right" he rested his head on the couch, staring up at the ceiling 

I moved myself closer to him; resting my head on his shoulder and my legs on his, letting them dangle in between his legs. He put his arm around me; his hand caressed my back so gently, it sent goosebumps all over my body

"I texted Olivia your number" He broke the silence, my head jolted up in shock and excitement 

"really?" I asked 

"well yeah, she asked for it" he snickered 

"I know but I figured that your mind would be more occupied on the news you got than to send her my number" 

"I'm not going to let her distract me, I'm super excited for this opportunity for you babe. I wouldn't forget to send it to her" 

My heart felt like it was melting from how sweet he was, I propped myself up and kissed his jaw before deciding to get up and straddle his lap. I rested my hands on his chest, feeling his hands move to my thighs. I leaned in and started placing kisses on his jaw and down to his neck

"Just tell me if you want me to stop" I spoke against his skin, he chuckled a bit before standing up with me in his arms. I squealed a bit from shock, but quickly grinned knowing he was on the same page as I was. As he started walking to the room I pressed my lips onto his, feeling his tongue enter my mouth shortly after. 

He laid me down on the bed and within seconds our clothes were off and I was entering into an orgasmic bliss

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