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"Are you okay?" Michael and Steve approached me, my eyes glued on to the car that held Jake in it, watching it until it drove off

"I think so" I finally turned to face them when the car was out of my view, letting out a breath that I was holding in

"you weren't joking when you said he's crazy" Michael spoke trying to ease the tension, I laughed a bit, rubbing my temples as I stared at the ground 

"maybe you should go home" Steve spoke up 

"I'm scared to, I don't know what I would do if I'm completely alone and he shows up" I don't think he would hurt me, but who knows what he's capable of when he's that angry

"Where are you staying now?" he asked 

"With my best friend, but he knows where she lives too so I get worried that he'll show up there" I hadn't realized until now, it was a miracle he didn't show up yesterday 

"Listen, if you guys need to get out of there I can help you. You just let me know" Michael put his hand on my shoulder, looking into my eyes, sending a wave of peace over me 

"I don't know how I'm going to get my stuff from the apartment" i sighed "I mean I'm using my best friends clothes right now, and I can't keep using it forever..and I can't afford a whole new wardrobe on top of a new apartment" 

What am I going to do..?

"I can't believe he showed up" Jess spoke up, I explained everything to her..worry clear on her face 

"I can, I just didn't expect all of that to happen" I looked out of the window, watching the buildings and trees zoom by as we drove 

"Its good that your job stepped up to help" she tried easing my thoughts, but really they kept growing 

"So I was thinking, what if we get an apartment together?" I turned to look at her, I could tell she wasn't expecting it by the surprised expression on her face

"I guess now is a good time to tell you" she kept her eyes on the road "Trey asked me to move in with him" I guess I got so caught up in my drama that I wasn't there for her happy moment 

"Wow Jess that's awesome" I genuinely am happy for her, she's been with Trey for almost 2 years now and he treats her like a queen 

"I'm sorry" her words came out in a whisper

"Jess don't! I'm so excited for you" I smiled a great big reassuring smile at her, I don't want her to think she can't be happy because of me "I just want us both out of that apartment since he knows where it is" I'm hoping this will all blow over soon, I just need to get past it first

"Thank you for coming" I turned around, my sweet brother standing there looking at me..my heart was so happy to see him again, even though he lived a few towns away, I haven't seen him in years 

"Anything for you sis, plus I'm glad you're finally leaving this douchebag" he put his arm around me as we turned to face the apartment building I once called home

"Hey!" Michael and Steve walked up to us, they also agreed to help me grab some of my belongings..I wanted to have all the protection I could get. I introduced Kyle to Michael and Steve then went over the plan one last time 

"Okay, he is not here right now but I don't know when he'll be back. I just want to get a few clothes and some important things I have in there and get out" they nodded in agreement

As I walked up to the door of the apartment we once shared, my stomach began to drop. I know he isn't here but I still had the feeling of fear in me. I unlocked the door with the spare key since I had left mine here. I walked in with the guys right behind me, everything was a mess, there were clothes on the floor, dishes piled up in the sink, trash everywhere. I quickly grabbed my set of keys from the key holder and went into the kitchen to grab a few trash bags to stuff my things into

"Katie whats this?" Kyle gestured to the kitchen table, I walked up to it to see that he had notebook paper with my work schedule on it, he had written down plans to come see me. He wrote down the best times to go see me and ways to avoid getting caught. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of it

"Let's just get my things and go" I made my way to the bedroom, Kyle and Michael followed while Steve stayed in the living room to watch out

"Kyle, shove as much of my clothes as you can into these bags please" he nodded and took the bags from my hands "Michael can you fill these bags with my shoes?" he took the bags and went over to the area I had my shoes in and I began to empty the drawers I used, there wasn't much things in there so I moved onto my picture frames, albums and other things I can't part with

"I'm going to run these down to the car" Kyle took the bags and started his way to the car with Michael behind him

I grabbed a few of my purses and shoved them into another bag, I looked over and found a backpack and used that to put my laptop in and my other electronics that I needed to take. I ran over and handed them to Steve who took them from me and ran out as well, I walked into the bathroom to see if there was anything I needed from here. 

The sound of the front door locking made me freeze in my tracks, I slowly turned around and walked into the small hallway, looking towards the front door where he stood. My heart began to pound, not knowing what to do or say, I just stood there. 

"Just listen" he broke the silence, I could feel myself begin to get irritated as the fear began to fade "I love you, you know I do"

The door knob began to jiggle and I knew the guys were back. I heard Kyle yell out my name

"You dont have to do this, we can stay together and go back to how we were"
Kyle continued to pound on the door
"Fuck off!" Jake yelled back, exposing that he was in here even though I'm almost positive the guys knew that when the door was locked

"There's no one that's better for you than me Katie" he began to walk closer to me, fear and anger both causing a tornado of emotions in my body "I forgive you for everything and we can go back to normal"

"Excuse me!?" Anger wins "forgive me for what!?" The doorknob continued to jiggle louder and faster, I'm sure they were trying to figure out what to do

"For whoring around" he answered nonchalantly. I shoved past him walking towards the door.

"Not a good idea" he gripped onto my wrist, pulling me back forcefully until my body was against his. I pulled myself back but he held onto my shoulders keeping me from moving

"Leave me alone Jake!" I heard Kyle yell for me again, probably sparking from hearing me yell

"You don't get it" his grip hardening around my arms "no matter how hard you try, you can't escape me. There's no one else for me...it's only you"

The sliding glass door flew open revealing Kyle with the guys behind him. He quickly jolted towards us but Jake was quick, he turned me around and pulled me against him..his arm right under my neck, threatening to close my airways. I brought my hands up to his arm, pulling it down as best as I could but still he overpowered me. My heart nearly stopped when Kyle stood facing us, gun in hand, pointing it at Jake

"Let her go" he spoke firmly, not once did I see a gun on Kyle so I have no clue where it came from

Jake scoffed next to my ear and shoved me off, causing me to trip over my own foot and fall to the ground..Steve ran up and helped me up. Michael unlocked the door and guided me out to my car with Steve and Kyle shortly behind us. It's a good thing I got most of my stuff out before Jake showed up..

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