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"Alright I just need both of your signature's here please" Mr Baker signaled to the line where we had to write

Turns out Michael had told Mr Baker that we were dating and I guess they have some sort of contract here stating that our relationship will not interfere with our job performance or hinder anything should our relationship end. I never had to do this before but it seems like a smart thing for companies to do

"Perfect" Mr Baker spoke once the pen lifted off the piece of paper "thank you for letting me know and I wish you two the best" his sweet smile appeared on his face 

"Thank you Mister Baker" I said after Michael said his thanks. I stepped out of his office with Michael right behind me

"I never had to do that before" I whispered 

"Come into my office real quick" He gestured towards his door, I obliged since its still early and I don't have to worry about a meeting right now

"So does this mean we can go public now?" I giggled "so that Marissa can stop hitting on you" its finally Friday now and Marissa has been making signs at him all week, we try to keep things on the low at work because its a professional setting, so it may not be obvious that we're dating

"I thought we were public?" he asked

"I mean we are, but I'm pretty sure no one in the office knew we're together" I shrugged "so maybe that's why Marissa keeps hitting on you" 

"You know I shut her down right? I don't want you to think I'm going along with it" 

"Oh yeah I know that babe you're fine, she's just getting on my nerves" I smiled and kissed his cheek, wearing heels always helps with that..I only had to slightly get onto my tippy toes

"you look good in that outfit by the way" he placed his hands on my hips, pulling my body closer to his. He leaned down to my ear "very sexy" he whispered before kissing my cheek

I wore this outfit for two reasons, one was for Marissa to quit acting like she's the only one that looks good around here

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I wore this outfit for two reasons, one was for Marissa to quit acting like she's the only one that looks good around here..and two, so I know that Michael will be looking at me. Luckily they don't have a strict rule here about rips in jeans, as long as the whole leg isn't showing.

I mean I had to keep it business casual but also good enough for his eyes to be on me.

"That's what I was going for" I smiled before turning towards the door and walking out to my desk

Luckily we got here early so I could afford the extra couple of minutes I spent in his office. I sat down in front of the computer, glancing at the list of clients and potential clients who would be coming in today. Its a pretty long list, a little longer than usual but it just means it'll be a little busier and that'll help the day fly by.

As the clock struck 8:45 am, almost on que, our first client walked through the door. He was an older man with silver grey hair, he wasn't accompanied by anyone which matched up with the list Mr Baker had given me. 

"Good morning" I smiled in his direction "are you mister Clinde?" 

"I sure am" he returned the smile 

"perfect, let me get you into our conference room" I stood up from my chair to guide him over "follow me this way" I walked him into the conference room and had him take a seat. 

I walked over to Mr Baker's office and let him know that the first client was here, and went back to my seat at the front. This meeting is scheduled to only take 45 minutes so hopefully it doesn't extend out too long.

I continued on with my morning, making copies and setting up the packets needed for our clients. Before long someone else walked in through the doors which made me glance over at the time, sure enough 45 minutes had gone by and the meeting still wasn't done. 

"Good morning, I have a meeting with Mister Baker" This man looked younger, I would say late 20's early 30's. Regardless, he's definitely handsome.

"Your name please" I smiled up at him, my gaze quickly locking onto his emerald green eyes. I've always been jealous of anyone with colored eyes, but I'm sure I'm not the only one

"Kyle Evans" I glanced over at my list "and my partner will be here soon, his name is Jonathan Mathews"

"Perfect, my name is Kathryn, Mister Baker is still in a meeting so please take a seat and I'll walk you over when he's done" I glanced over to the conference room to see Mr Baker calling me over 

"Thank you Kathryn" Kyle smiled before turning to take a seat, luckily from where the seating area was you couldn't see into the conference room. I stood and walked over to the conference room, knocking before entering the room.

"Kathryn would you please bring Mister Clinde our pricing packet?" 

"Of course sir" I returned to my desk where I kept a file with out pricing packets, we didn't always hand these out but on the occasion that we did its easier to have the packet already printed than to print one from scratch. As I looked up from grabbing the packet, I noticed another man sitting next to Kyle

Probably his partner

I walked back over to the conference room and handed in the packet needed, I'm assuming the meeting will be over soon considering I was asked to bring the pricing packet. The clicking of my heels was the only thing heard as I walked back to my desk, the only awkward part of wearing heels on marble floors; sometimes it made me feel powerful though, like a scene in a movie where the woman you should be scared of is walking down the hall in her heels. 

Out of habit, I glanced over at the waiting area to see the two men already watching me as I walked to my seat. I quickly looked away and felt my face turning red from slight embarrassment. 

After a few minutes I heard heel clicking coming in my direction, I turned to see Marissa walking up to my desk.

"Morning" She smiled as she approached me 

"Morning, is there something you need help with?" 

"Just came to look at the eye candy" she whispered 

"Oh yeah, they've been waiting a few minutes" I turned to my computer and continued typing up some of the papers Mr Baker asked me to do 

"Oh yeah, them too, but I meant Michael" my stomach dropped 

Do I say something? I mean we signed that contract thing

I didn't respond

Once more the door opened and a young man with a drink carrier in his hands walked in, he smiled in our direction and placed the coffee on the counter in front of me

"These are for a Michael Stuart" 

"That would be me" I nearly jumped from being startled, I wasn't expecting him to walk out here

I looked over and saw that Mr Clinde was walking out of our office which in turn means the meeting is finished. The delivery guy turned and walked out when Michael walked up 

"We'll be right with you in a few minutes" Michael spoke to the two men sitting in the waiting area, who nodded back in agreement 

"Michael I wanted to talk to you real-"

"Not now Marissa, I have meetings today" he quickly turned to look at me "and one of these is for you, we're going to need it"

"Thank you" I smiled up at him while he handed the drink over to me

"I'll see you in a bit, I gotta get my ducks in a row for this next meeting" before I could respond he pressed his lips to mine then turning around and walking to his office like nothing ever happened

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