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"What are you doing?" I pulled my hand out of his as gracefully as I could to avoid making a scene 

"Dance with me" he wasn't asking, his words came out as a statement 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as he tried to pull me closer to him

"doing what?" 

"you know exactly what you're doing Kyle" I turned to walk away to see Michael trying to shove Marissa away from him without throwing her on the table. 

"Hey babe" I spoke as I walked in between Marissa, I put my arm around his waist making sure that my body was up against his  "oh hey Marissa, Kyle is over that way" I pointed towards the direction I just left

"Oh that's fine, I was talking to Michael" she responded smugly 

"Oh what about?" I asked

"just about old times" she smiled up at him and I could begin to feel my blood boil

"She keeps reminding me about things I regret" Michael added 

"It didn't seem like you regretted it when you texted me after you had gone back to Dallas" she crossed her arms over her chest

"Marissa, you and I both know that you were the one texting me non-stop but I wouldn't give you the time of day" 

"You know what" I spoke up "you can try all you want Marissa, but at the end of the day you were one night in his past and that's it. I'm tired of playing these games with you, even though your desperation is laughable. Michael and I are together and that's it. I know about what happened with you two but that doesn't matter anymore because we're moving towards our future while you're stuck in the past" by this point I had unraveled my arm from his torso and took his hand in mine "give it up, you lose" 

she stood there in silence, anger written all over her face

"Let's go dance my love" Michael pulled me away from where we stood and onto the dance floor. The song At Last by Etta James began to play as he put his arms around me

"Can I say something?" Michael asked, making me a bit nervous. Did I upset him with what I said?

"of course" 

"that was hot" he smirked, making me laugh

"how was that hot?" 

"just you standing up to her and telling her off, I don't know I just found it hot"

"maybe its because my blood was boiling so much" I let out a chuckle 

He rested his forehead on mine as we swayed back and forth to the song; I ran my fingers over the back of his head, feeling his soft hair brush against them as I did, while my other hand sat on his chest. I don't know what it is about this man, but with just his touch he takes over every part of my being

"I love you" I spoke

"I love you" he responded before pressing his lips on to mine

Throughout the night more people showed up, which I wasn't really expecting, so Michael and I would go around saying hi to people we hadn't spoken to prior. Although this was all new to me I really enjoyed it, I've never had the chance to come to an event like this

I got a couple of compliments on my dress which really boosted my self esteem and pride in myself. Michael would smile down at me each time someone mentioned how beautiful my dress was, knowing he was just as proud of me as I was for myself made my love for him grow. 

"Michael!" my heart nearly stopped when I saw her

"Olivia, long time no see" they quickly engulfed one another in a hug, I stood behind him still trying to catch my breath. I need to do anything I can to avoid looking like a total goof in front of her

Olivia Holt is one of the biggest fashion designers in the state of Texas, I used to buy all her magazines when I was able to. Once I was with Jake I would just sneak a glance at them while in the store, that was really the only way I could see them without Jake catching me and telling me I'm wasting my time. 

"I'm so glad to see you, its been far too long" She spoke as she released him from the hug

"Olivia, this is my girlfriend Kathryn" I probably looked like a deer in headlights just staring at her "Katie this is-"

"Misses Holt, its such a pleasure to meet you" I could see Michael smiling at me through my peripheral 

"You ought to be one special lady to catch his attention" she extended her hand to greet me, and still I stood there in awe

"She definitely is" Michael added

"That's one hell of a gown you have on, I haven't seen it before" I went speechless as she looked me up and down 

"She actually designed and made it herself" Michael spoke for me, obviously noticing that I couldn't get any words out for myself

"Oh wow, its gorgeous" 

"Thank you so much, that means the world coming from you" I almost immediately blurted after her compliment 

"You know, I'm looking into opening a new store and could use someone with your talent"

I could easily pass out from all the emotions I am feeling in this one moment, I always knew that it just took one big break to get noticed and all I could hope for right now is that this is my big break.

"That would be amazing" I responded, trying my best to hold back any screaming 

"Michael, text me her number. I'll call you next week to meet" 

"Thank you so much" I responded

"It was nice meeting you, I look forward to speaking with you" 

"likewise" I don't know how I managed to keep up the entire conversation without looking like a crazed fan, or who knows maybe I did look like that, but right now that doesn't matter. Her and Michael said their goodbyes while I stood there soaking in the entire conversation. As she walked away I turned to look at Michael who was already smiling back at me 

"Oh my god" I squealed before jumping into his arms, he spun me around while hugging me tight 

"I knew you had it in you baby" he spoke into my neck 

"I can't believe this is happening, I have to call Jess" he set me down in front of him, visibly excited for me

"Lets get home then" he took my hand and began to walk towards the area where our coats were. I couldn't wipe the smile from my face, as we walked through the crowd of people all I could think of was how great this opportunity was. Never in my wildest dreams did I think something like this would actually happen to me, for years I suppressed this side of me, who knows how far into the industry I could have been at this point if I didn't

Once putting our coats on we walked out the building, down the front steps to wait at the valet for Michael's car to be driven up front for us. I rested my head on his arm while his thumb rubbed the back of my hand

"I'm so excited" I spoke softly 

"Me too babe" he responded just as the car was being driven up to us

The valet driver walked around the car to give him the keys, as always Michael walked up to my side of the door and opened it for me with his beautiful smile on his perfectly chiseled face

"Hey!" our heads shot over to where the yell was heard from 

"There's one thing you don't know about what happened" Marissa stood there with her arms crossed. I decided ignoring her and getting in the car would be a better idea so I turned to put on foot into the car 

"I was pregnant with his child!" 

and once again, I was left speechless 

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