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"Do you have any popcorn?" he hasn't said anything since I walked out of the room

"I think so" he managed to get out, I set the blanket down on the couch and walked to the kitchen, going through the cupboards until the popcorn came into view, only barely though. I was on my tippy toes and could still hardly see it. 

"Need some help?" I turned to see Michael watching me from the couch

"You've been watching me struggle and didn't think of helping?" I raised an eyebrow

"Sorry" he stood up from the couch with a grin on his face "It was cute watching you try to do it yourself" he came up behind me and pulled out the box of popcorn 

"Well I'm glad my suffering shortness is amusing to you" I rolled my eyes, taking the box of popcorn from his hand

"What do you wanna watch?" He leaned on the island facing me, I did my best to ignore the desire to look at his body

"Anything, I'm not picky" I shrugged, pressing the start button on the microwave

We settled on Bad Boys 2, I grabbed a bottle of wine and 2 glasses and set them on the coffee table. He had some miscellaneous junk food so we brought that with as well. The grey sectional had more than enough room for the both of us to lay on if we decided to, it also had reclining seats which is what Michael ended up doing. I sat on the curved part of the sectional so that if I decided to lay down I could do so and see the tv comfortably, I never liked laying horizontal to the tv so if I could avoid it I would. 

After nearly 3 glasses of wine I could feel a tingling sensation in my body, meaning it was starting to get to me a bit. Michael only had one glass then he grabbed a beer from the fridge. 

"Its getting kind of cold huh?" Michael spoke, my eyes still on the tv

"It helps when you wear a shirt" I retorted sarcastically "or a blanket" I looked up at him, he wore a grin on his face as I cuddled up in the blanket I had over me. I smiled then looked back down at the tv

"You know, technically that blanket is mine" he reached over and yanked the blanket off of me "so I'll take that" I shot up, watching him spread the blanket over his body 

"well that's rude" I rolled my eyes as he laughed

"Come here, we'll share" he pat the couch next to him, signaling for me to come over 

"I'm not sure we'll both fit on a reclining seat" I snickered a bit

"we will, come'ere" I walked over to him, he pulled the blanket aside for me to sit next to him and covered me up when I did. He put his arm around me and pulled me close, he scooted over a bit for me to put my legs up on the leg rest. 

My head rested on his shoulder with his arm around me, his hand rubbing my back sent goosebumps throughout my body. The smell of his cologne still lingered on his skin; his skin was much warmer than I had expected.

"you look good in my clothes by the way" He spoke softly into my hair

"Thank you" my reply came out much softer than his voice did

 I curled up next to him, pulling my knees up and resting them on his thigh. The warmth of our bodies wrapped in the blanket began to make me sleepy and before I knew it I was deep in sleep.

I don't want to wake up, I can feel my body and mind come to its senses but I don't want to open my eyes. With everything going on lately, I want to stay right here, without a worry in the world. Sleeping peacefully until everything ends, but I know life doesn't work that way. Still I tried keeping my eyes closed in hopes of falling back asleep, as my mind woke up more I could feel the position I'm sleeping in and I could feel that I'm not alone. 

I could feel my leg wrapped around another leg and my hand over warm skin. I opened my eyes and realized that Michael and I had fallen asleep on the couch and I was nearly halfway on top of him. I lifted my head a bit to look up at him, he's still asleep.
I slowly got up, trying my best not to wake him.

I walked into the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth, washing my face right after. If I don't stay on top of washing my face it breaks out like crazy. I walked out of the bathroom to see Michael folding up the blanket we slept with and beginning to clean up a bit. 

"Good morning" I walked up to the coffee table to help him clean up "did you sleep okay?" 

"Best sleep I've ever had actually" He smirked, looking at me as I help grab the trash

"Oh really?" I dumped the trash in the garbage can and jump on top of the island, my legs hanging down and swinging as I sat in front of him "what was so great about it?"

he turned around, leaning on the counter in front of me, with a smirk on his face once again "Something about having a smart, beautiful, strong woman..wearing my clothes..on my arm all night helped me sleep like a baby"

"Wow that's crazy because I slept amazing too" I started "something about having an intelligent hunk as a pillow helped me sleep better than ever" 

With his smirk still plastered on his face, he got closer to where I sat on the island. He  placed himself in between my legs, resting each of his hands on the island on either side of me. 

"Is that so?" his raspy morning voice sent butterflies into my stomach, I nodded unable to speak due to the swarm in my stomach. He tucked my hair behind my ear and I froze under his touch, he leaned in and pressed his warm lips to the base of my jaw, his lower lip landed on my neck while his upper lip was on my jaw. Instantly my body was covered in goosebumps, still I was frozen in position while the butterflies turned into a tornado. He pulled away and stopped when his face was right in front of mine 


*This chapter was random but I wanted to include it, I want to show that Katie is going to/needs to continue with her life even with what she is having to deal with. Let me know what you think!*

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