"Do you want to tell me what that was about?" We had been sitting in the car in silence for a few minutes before he spoke up
The truth is, I don't want to tell him. I mean he's a total stranger, I don't even know why I got in the car with him..I just know I didn't want to deal with Michael in that moment
"Don't take this the wrong way, but no I don't"
"Fair enough" he chuckled
My phone has been buzzing nonstop since we drove off, understandably so. It wasn't until Jess's name popped up on my screen that I was surprised. I brought the phone up to my ear
"Hello?" I ignored Kyle's stare
"Katie what's going on?"
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Michael just called, he's like freaking out"
"Can I come over?" I ignored the fact that he called my bestfriend to tell on me
"Yes please"
"Okay, see you in a bit" I hung up once she responded 'okay'
"Who's that?" Kyle hasn't stopped looking at me since I picked up the phone
"My best friend, could you drop me off at her place please?"
"Only if you give me your number so I can make sure you're okay later" he extended his arm out to me, phone in hand.
I put my number into his phone to avoid any bickering and get to Jess's sooner
"Listen, I get why you're upset" she poured me some coffee "but maybe you should hear him out"
"I just don't want to get into more drama with all that I already have going on" I took a sip of my coffee "maybe I just don't need a boyfriend right now"
"You know ill be here no matter what you choose" she responded "but I really think this one's a good one"
"I thought so too but I just can't keep getting hurt, I spent three years putting myself through pain and I'm not doing it again"
A soft knock at the door caught my attention
"Its him isn't it?" I rolled my eyes at Jess, knowing she was the one who told him to come
"I'm sorry Katie, I just have a good feeling about this one" she walked behind me over to the door, I stared down at my coffee without looking up..even when I heard her open the door
His footsteps approached me where I sat at the island, and then I felt his body brush up against my arm.
"Katie" he spoke softly "please let me explain"
"What other choice do I have, you already have Jess on your side so there's not really much I can do"
"Its not her fault, I practically begged her"
"Whatever" I brought the cup up to my lips and took another drink, looking at the wall ahead of me instead of at him
"You weren't supposed to hear any of that I-"
"Oh good, that makes it better" I scoffed, he sighed realizing he should have phrased that differently
"Please come home with me babe, ill explain everything"
I stepped into the living room, plopping myself onto the couch. The ride here was silent, I didn't really feel like talking.
"Alright. Explain" I bit the inside of my cheek to keep me from saying anything else
"Okay" he sat opposite of me "a few years back I came to the corporate office for a meeting. It was a Friday and I planned on staying the weekend before heading back to Dallas. Well Marissa came on to me after work and, to spare too many details, we hooked up" I felt my stomach turn "we never spoke again and I didn't see her again until I came back here permanently. That day that she was coming out of my office holding onto my tie, she was telling me something about how she wanted us to be an item but I told her I wasn't into her anymore"
I felt sick
"She showed up this morning trying to say the same crap but I kept telling her to leave cause I didn't want to lose anything I had with you"
"How did she know your address?" I interrupted
"I honestly don't know, she wouldn't tell me"
"I don't want to look like a fool Michael, I don't want games"
"I don't either" he responded "I don't want her like that Katie. I mean you and I are entirely official in every way, I just want to be with you"
"I just need some space right now" I wiped my eyes, I finally felt some emotions other than anger "I'm just going to work on some clothes for the rest of the day. Please just let me have some time to myself"
"Okay" he replied as I got up off of the couch and walked into my designing room
I don't know exactly how I feel right now, I don't want to completely give in but I also don't want to completely give up.
I walked over to the dress I finished last night, I can't remember when I fell asleep..I just remember looking at it and being happy with what I saw in front of me. I left that dress on the mannequin and pulled up the new design I wanted to start on.
I pulled out my burgundy silk fabric and like old times, I poured myself into my design and my work. With each pin and each stitch, I felt my stress and anger begin to fade. This is what made this passion so great, that whenever I begin to design or work on an outfit..everything around me seems to disappear.
Its like I'm in my own little world right now, without a worry, without drama, without pain and without sadness. I missed this escape, I missed having this option to go to.
After a few hours a heard a knock at the door
"Yes?" I responded without stopping what I was doing
"You don't want to eat?" His voice was soft and almost skeptical..like he was dancing around his words
"What time is it?"
"Five thirty" I hadn't even felt the time go by, the sun was beginning to set but this is the first I noticed it
"Yeah ill eat" I took my wristlet pin cushion off, setting it down on the side table and picking up my phone that I hadn't looked at this whole time, and turned to follow Michael
I set my phone down on the couch as we walked out into the kitchen where he had some food sitting on the island, he had ordered from Claim Jumper, I hadn't had anything from there in a while.
"I got you a grilled cheese with pickles and tomato" he pulled out the boxes from the bags "and fries" he smiled as he handed me the food, he had remembered that I like to add pickles and tomato to my grilled cheese. I'm pretty sure that was something I told him even before we started dating
"Thank you" I smiled back, I do want to be with him but I need to know why he held back that detail "do you mind taking that to the couch for me while I get something to drink?"
"of course" he took the food once more from my hands, turning to walk to the living room. I heard the tv click on as I reached up to grab 2 cups
"Water okay for you?" I asked
"Yes please" I filled his cup with water, reaching inside the fridge to grab the lemonade I was going to have with my food "Katie?"
"who's Kyle?"

Only You
Mystery / ThrillerKathryn has found herself in a toxic relationship with a man who has manipulated her to believe that his controlling behavior is out of love for her. When he finally crosses the line she decides to leave him, which makes Jake spiral. He quickly goes...