Kathryn has found herself in a toxic relationship with a man who has manipulated her to believe that his controlling behavior is out of love for her. When he finally crosses the line she decides to leave him, which makes Jake spiral. He quickly goes...
My eyes slowly opened to the sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand next to me. I got up slowly so I wouldn't wake Katie
"Hey Mike! Im so glad I reached you" Matt's voice booming through the speaker
"Whats up man?"
"Mike, I just called the jail to get a follow up on Jacob"
"Okay?" My stomach dropped just at the sound of his name
"Mike, man, he's out" I walked into the bathroom hoping Katie wouldn't hear
"What do you mean he's out!?" I whisper shouted
"I don't know man, all I was told is that he was let out 2 days ago"
"How is this even possible?" My body filled with anger knowing how much this dirt bag has gotten away with
"I honestly can't tell you because I have no clue, I just needed to let you know in case he does something"
"Thanks for the call dude, I appreciate it"
"No worries, give me a ring if you need me"
I stared down at my phone for a few seconds, staring at the picture of Katie that I had as my background. Its a candid picture I got of her staring out the window at the apartment. All I could do was stare at it, wondering how I would break this to her
I let out a deep sigh, from both being frustrated that this guy can be released so soon and guilt from having to tell her once more that there's a possibility he'll approach her again
I walked over to the phone next to the couch in the living area and dialed room service.
"Room service" the young lady spoke
"Hi can I get an order of pancakes and your breakfast special to room two two three one"
"Of course sir, that'll be up in a few minutes"
I sat down on the couch, I pressed the button on the small remote that controls the blinds to lift them halfway to allow some light into the room. I knew I needed to plan how I would break it to her, but I'm not sure if I can bring myself to do it while we're here. The whole point of this small getaway was to literally get away from all that she's already dealt with
I rested me head back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling as if the answer to my question was written up there.
What I did know is that some how I have to make this week great for her, I need to make sure she enjoys this time because I know when we get back she's going to be on edge.
I'm trying my best to help in any way that I can, but somehow I still feel helpless. I feel like no matter how hard I try, I can't do enough to help her. The thing is that once I met Katie, I knew that I need to make her mine. Its hard to explain how I knew, but I just did..and seeing her so anxious and worried and not be able to help her, kills me.
A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. I got up and opened the door to allow a young man to enter with our food.
"Thank you" I handed him a few bucks on his way out and rolled the cart further into the room
I turned towards the bed to see Katie waking up, she sat up in the bed, looking gorgeous as ever and turned to look my way
"Good morning" I smiled, hoping she wouldn't see the concern on my face
"Good morning," she responded "what's that?"
"I ordered room service for breakfast"
"Oooo I'm really getting spoiled" she smiled her usual beautiful smile "Let me hop in the shower first and then I'll come eat" she jumped out of the bed, her perfectly sculpted body exposed from her falling asleep right after our dip in the jacuzzi
"Okay" I responded, a small grin on my face as she walked towards the bathroom, and I couldn't help but smack her butt as she walked past me
"ouch" she giggled before continuing into the shower
As she cleaned herself off I prepared the food on the small island in the kitchen area for us to eat after showering. Then walking into the bathroom to join her myself
"so what do you have planned for today?" She spoke after swallowing the last of the pancakes she had pushed into her mouth
"I was thinking of going out and doing some shopping and then heading to the beach"
"That sounds like fun to me" she cheered
"Good, let's get dressed"
I sat on the couch roaming through Instagram waiting for Katie to finish doing her hair and makeup. As I scrolled I saw the picture she had posted of the jacuzzi all set up before we got in, I scrolled to see the second picture she posted to see a picture of her legs stretched out leaning on the jacuzzi. You could see my knees next to her legs from her sitting in between my legs
I remember her taking it last night, I looked at her screen to see how sexy her legs looked, covered in bubbles, with her freshly pedicured pink toes with a candle next to them.
I looked down to look at her caption "he makes me swoon" I smiled seeing her show off the details, knowing it means so much to her
"Okay I'm ready" I looked up to see her stepping out of the bathroom
She wore a pair of form fitting blue jeans, a white over the shoulder blouse over her upper body and her curled hair rested over her shoulders
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"Phew" I exclaimed, getting up from my seat to walk over to her "my baby's out here putting all other females to shame" she began to blush and giggle
I pulled her body into mine, placing a kiss on her shoulder
"Stop" she giggled obviously not wanting me to stop
"Sorry you just look so good" I leaned back to look at her again, with her hand still in mine "I mean" I lifted her arm signaling for her to turn in front of me, she obliged while continuing to giggle and blush "god damn I'm so lucky"
"Thank you babe" her smile took over her whole face, and I knew I had done my job of making her feel beautiful