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"I can't believe this" I wiped the tears that had fallen from my eyes as Michael tightened his hug around my body "sixty stupid days is all he gets for the torture he put me through"

I felt neglected, like my feelings and everything I've gone through recently doesn't matter. Like my life itself doesn't matter. It may seem stupid to be so upset over something like this, and it's not like I want Jake to suffer or go to prison or anything..but he deserves a bigger consequence than what he was given. 

"I'm so sorry babe" Michael rubbed my back, trying to ease my worries

"Kathryn" a voice came up behind me "I'm so sorry" Mr Vernon came up and put a hand on my shoulder, I could see in his eyes how sorry he was. I let go of Michael, turning towards Mr Vernon

"These kinds of hearings are difficult because you never know how it'll go" he continued "I really thought it would have gone better"

"It's okay, I guess ill just be extra careful after the sixty days are up" I wiped my tears

"I will keep you updated on anything they make me aware of" he added "I'm sorry" he practically whispered as he walked away

"Let's get out of here" Michael took my hand and guided me towards the car

"We'll figure this out Katie, I promise we will" Michael pulled me closer to him on the couch, I was cuddled up under a warm blanket with my head on his chest

The more he pulled me the more on top of him I was, which right now I didn't mind at all.

I didn't say anything in response, I could reply okay but what if we don't figure it out.

"Hopefully he abides by the probation rules" he cleared his throat "if he does we'll have five months of freedom"

"I'm not holding my breath" I responded before my brain even registered what I had said

"Babe" he lifted my chin to look at him "stay positive. We will figure it out together"

"Do you want to call off?" Michael spoke from his bedroom

"No, working will keep me more distracted" I finished applying my simple every day makeup and then grabbed my blazer jacket to complete my outfit

I decided to wear one of my favorite outfits to try to lift my spirits, it always reminds me of Toby Flenderson from the office, but like a cute version. I slipped into my nude heels and revised my outfit once more in the mirror to make sure everything looked okay

 I slipped into my nude heels and revised my outfit once more in the mirror to make sure everything looked okay

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I've always enjoyed fashion, ever since I was young I would dream of being a fashion designer. I had even talked to Jake about it but he said it was an unrealistic goal; he said I needed to do something that would "actually make us money" because he didn't want to be the one paying for everything. That's why I wanted an office job, I know it doesn't bring in a ton of money but I get to have fun with my outifts. 

"You look like the hottest nerd ever" Michael spoke from the doorway 


"Yeah, you look like a smarty pants" he grinned as he walked up to me, placing a hand on my back and pulled himself closer to me 

"I was going for a business woman look" he raised his brows as our gaze locked in place, only for a minute. He brought his lips to my ear and spoke in his low raspy voice

"I like the sound of that" he kissed my neck right under my jawline, sending goosebumps all over my body. He brought his lips back up to my ear "ready to go?"

"Rude" I shoved him playfully

"How is that rude?" he snickered, knowing damn well what he was doing "I asked if you were ready to go" He spoke amidst his laughter 

"Well now I have to change my panties so no I'm not ready" his jaw fell for a second before he burst into laughter

I don't know how its only about to be 10am, work this morning has been so hectic it feels like it should be 6pm already. The first meeting this morning took longer than Mr Baker had expected, they thought they were finalizing a sale but the client was beginning to back out so it took longer for them to get him to agree. In turn Mr Baker sent me last minute paperwork to print in order to get him to continue with the sale.

That threw the rest of our day off because the sales staff had a meeting with another possible client but we had to delay it a bit. 

I finally have a second to breathe and decided to get a cup of coffee from our break room because the way this morning is going, I'm definitely going to need it. I opened the door to the break room to find a few other people in there. I smiled at them as I scooched past them to get the the keurig.

"What you don't think so?" Marissa asked a few of the other girls

I began to browse through the coffee cups, trying to decide what flavor I wanted to go with today

"I mean he is, but he's way out of our league" one of the girls responded, I think her name is Jessica but I could be wrong. I tried not to eaves drop but the breakroom isn't big enough to not hear them talking

"I don't think so, I think I can get him" Marissa popped her hip in a sassy way to prove her point

I finally decided on regular ol' French vanilla, that way I didn't have to add too much to it myself.

"Girl he is a higher up, you really think he would be talking to someone like us?" Part of me knew who they were talking about, but the other part tried convincing me that it wasn't him

"I don't care how high up he is, ill climb that man like a tree" Marissa flipped her hair making the other girls giggle

After my coffee finally finished I added some half and half before taking the mug into my hand and began to make my way out of the break room before I got myself too wound up about what they were talking about. I reached to push the door open before Marissa spoke again

"Give me a week, and I'll have Michael on his knees for me"

"Its definitely been a Monday today" I sat in the passenger seat of Michael's car, almost uncomfortable

"Did we mess with your flow today?" He asked with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on my thigh

"Kinda but it got better after lunch" I admitted

"Oh good" he rubbed my thigh with his thumb "what do you want to do for dinner tonight?"

"I don't feel like making anything" I don't know why but I haven't even looked at him the whole car ride

"What are you in the mood for?"

"Chinese?" I asked

"Sounds good to me" he turned his head towards me but my head was staring straight ahead

Is it really possible for him to like me? I mean if he's out of the girls' in the break room's league..he has to be out of mine right?

You're over thinking it

I know I am, but I can't help it. Jake engraved in my head that I couldn't do better than him...is he right?

"You okay?"

*I felt like adding some drama in between the stalking so you'll stay interested lol*

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