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He was here, he was at the mall and I hadn't noticed it. He most likely followed us while we were walking around and we didn't catch him. As we sat in the car in silence I looked around the parking lot, as far as my eyes could see, trying to see if I saw his car. Nothing. 

"Let's drive around a bit before we head home" Michael pulled me out of my thoughts, he put his phone in the cup holder after texting his cop friend. He was trying to see if he could trace that number to Jake, if they could do that than it would be a violation of the restraining order..but something tells me that Jake is smarter than that

I nodded before he pulled out of the parking spot, he put his hand on my thigh and once again, instantly, I felt protected. Somehow with that simple touch, I felt safe.

We drove around aimlessly for about 45 minutes, just in case Jake was following us..we didn't want to go straight home. As hard as I tried not to let it effect me, it did. I was scared not only for myself but for Michael, if Jake wants to hurt me he most likely wants to kill Michael.

We finally arrived at the parking garage connected to the building Michael lives in, well I guess I live there too now but it feels weird saying it. Michael's phone vibrated in the cup holder, scaring me a bit but I tried not to make it obvious. When we parked he unlocked his phone, reading whatever message was on his screen 

"Damnit" his voice came out as a whisper

"What happened?" my head shot in his direction 

"It's Matt" he started typing into his phone before continuing with his sentence "he looked up that number but it looks like it lead to a phone app"

"what does that mean?"

"he used an app to create a fake number to text you, the app is protected so they can't confirm that it's him" he looked into my eyes, I could see the sympathy and hurt he felt "I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault, we'll get him somehow" as I made my way out of the car, Michael had his phone to his ear, only for a few seconds. 

Not long after a bellman walked out of the elevators, walking up to our car. Michael handed him a few of the bags, grabbing the rest himself. I hadn't realized how much we had gotten until now. We made our way into the building with the bellman behind Michael, I felt kind of embarrassed that he was helping with the bags and I wasn't.

The elevator doors opened up on our floor, I stepped out and walked towards our door, seeing a floral arrangement in front of the door. 

"Were these delivered?" I turned to look at Michael who looked just as confused as I did, he turned to look at the bellman

"yes, I brought them up here not too long ago" I unlocked the door, picking up the flowers on my way inside. Michael and the bellman set the bags near the door and the bellman returned downstairs 

"Is there a card on them?" Michael walked up behind me, I reached out and pulled the small envelope out of the holder in the middle of the roses. The envelope said Paraiso Flower Shop, inside was a small card. I pulled it out to read it 

Only you

"It was him" I let out a sigh "he delivered them here" part of me knew it was him, but the other part was trying to convince me that it wasn't.

I'm getting tired of hiding, tired of being scared of him. I don't know what else I can do but I refuse to let him win. I grabbed the arrangement in one hand, and with the other grabbed Michael's hand

"what are you doing?" he asked, shutting the door behind him

I pressed the down button on the elevator "I'm not allowing him to win" the doors opened quickly, I stepped in and Michael followed without me having to pull him. I pushed the lobby button, not long after the doors opened revealing the front lobby. I grabbed Michael's hand again and made my way to the front door, walking outside, the sound of car engines filled my ears. I looked around but didn't see him 

"I know he's watching" I whispered, Michael stood next to me confused as ever. I turned to my right where there was a trashcan, I walked up to it, hovering the vase full of roses over the top and flipping the vase upside down. The roses fell into the can, along with the water from the vase. "I hope he sees that" I turned to Michael who had a grin on his face, causing me to smile a bit. With the vase still in my hand I opened the door to the building and walked inside with Michael behind me. I placed the vase on the counter and walked back to the elevators with a new found flame ignited within me

"Thanks again Mikey" I hung another top in my new closet, Michael standing by the bed placing clothes on hangers for me 

"You don't have to thank me" he snickered, handing me another clothing item on a hanger

"But I do, you've already done so much for me" we had already gone through a few bags of clothes and hung them up

"It's my pleasure Katie May" his smile is so charming, I dont think ill ever get tired of it

"I don't know how I'll ever pay you back" I paused what I was doing and walked up to him

"You don't have to worry about that" he leaned down and kissed my forehead "lets watch a movie, we can finish tomorrow" he tossed the clothes onto a chair near by

"You know what I forgot to get" I ruffled through the closet and bags

"How's it possible that we forgot something" he chuckled watching me go through everything

"I forgot pajamas" I laughed, rubbing my temples. I have no clue how that slipped my mind but it did

"We'll go get some tomorrow, I'll give you something to wear" he turned around and started walking to his room, I followed

He walked into his closet and pulled a white t-shirt off of a hanger

"Do you want to wear sweats or a pair of my boxers as shorts? I'm pretty sure my shorts would fit you huge" he laughed

"Boxers" I smiled, he placed the t-shirt in my hand and walked over to his dresser and pulled out red and white plaid boxers and handed them to me as well "thank you" I turned on my heels to my bedroom to change.
Once finished I walked out into the living room, Michael sat on the couch in a pair of grey sweats without a shirt on

"I hope you don't mind, it's warm" his voice deeper than normal

"Oh its fine" I forced out, trying hard not to stare at his perfectly sculptured torso "Im going to grab a blanket" I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed a small blanket that sat on the edge of the bed

If he's gonna tease me, I'm gonna tease back

My conscience kicked in, normally your conscience tells you what you shouldn't do and normally this is something I wouldn't, but after all the crap I've been through I deserve some fun.

I quickly took my bra off from under the t-shirt, his shirt fit me a little loose so it's not a see through situation. I glanced in the mirror to make sure he wouldn't see too much, you can see the shape of my breasts and my nipples poking through


I walked back out with a blanket in hand and immediately caught his attention

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