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The afternoon was much slower than the morning, after Mrs Holt told me that I would need to relocate I told her I would need to think about it before officially saying yes. I didn't tell Michael yet because I plan on telling him when we get home. 

I'm not sure how he'll feel about me leaving, Houston is 5 hours away from Irving so maybe we could do long distance; but the thought of not being with him is enough to make me want to stay here.

I tried to not look conflicted in the car ride home because he quickly can tell something is wrong. I can't hide my emotions from him and he knows it

"What are we doing for dinner tonight?" Michael asked while we changed into more comfortable clothes


"I'll get it ordered" he walked out after getting dressed and hung out in the living room

I took my time getting ready, I wasn't sure how to bring this all up to Michael. This is something I've always dreamed of, to have an opportunity like this; but the thought of living alone while Jake is out makes me nervous. He's too good at what he's doing and if he sees that I'm alone I'm sure that I'll be screwed 

I kept going through all the possible outcomes to each option in my head, but still couldn't figure out what it was that I wanted to do yet. 

"Food is here babe!" I heard him yell from the living room, I guess I had taken more than enough time in here

I made my way out into the kitchen where Michael was already placing the food in separate plates, I sat next to him and quietly started eating in hopes of avoiding any talk. When we're really hungry we eat until our stomach finally stops grumbling and then we make small talk

"Oh hey" Michael spoke after a few minutes of silence, with a mouth full of food 

"you never told me what Olivia told you today" he continued once he had gulped down his food 

"Oh yeah" I spoke after swallowing my chow mein, I set it down on the table and turned my body to face him fully 

"She said that she teams up with other designers to help her come up with new collections and manage each store she opens" he nodded, signaling me to continue "She said that if I accept, I would be managing the new store she's opening along with sharing my designs for future collections"

"That's awesome babe!" Michael's face lit up, which only made me sadder than I was before I started speaking. He truly supports me in everything that I do, and I know how excited he is for me about this opportunity

"So when do you start?" Michael asked

"I haven't accepted the position yet" I admitted, my stomach felt like it was falling from how nervous I was to tell him


"Because if I accept, I would need to relocate" I let the words fall out of my mouth because I knew if I tried any other way I wouldn't be able to say it

"relocate where?" he furrowed his brows but he didn't look worried, or sad, which kind of took me aback. He didn't say 'what do you mean relocate!?' the way I kind of expected him to


"Babe that's awesome!" he exclaimed 

"really?" I asked "I kind of expected you to be upset about me moving away"

"Well I was going to tell you that Mr. Baker offered me a position at the Houston branch. It's set to open in a few weeks and he said he wants me to be the on site chief technology officer" I thought his face lit up earlier, but this time it took over his entire body; and I can't help but join in 

"Are you serious?" I jumped towards him, gripping onto his shoulders in disbelief "When did this happen?" 

"yesterday" He chuckled 

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I wasn't sure if I was going to go for it" he spoke while grabbing his plate and walking over to the kitchen 

"Are you kidding, that's a great offer. You couldn't have passed that up" I followed close behind him 

"I know, but I didn't want to move away from you. I was going to talk to you about possibly moving out with me but I wasn't sure how you would feel about it" 

"Babe you don't have to worry about me, we could have figured something out" you know those moments where you say things to make someone else feel better, I think this was one of those moments. 

I mean I was freaking out about telling him, I can't blame him for freaking out about telling me

"So you're telling me that the reason you didn't take the job with Olivia yet wasn't because you didn't want to move away from me?" he grinned, pulling me closer to him 


"Exactly" he chuckled once more, kissing my forehead while he squeezed me "but regardless, it looks like its going to work out for both of us" 

"I know" I chirped "I'm so excited" 

"Me too, maybe we can look at some places while we're out there to visit my parents" 

"Yeah that would be fun! Im excited to meet them too" 

"Hopefully you like them" he chuckled once more 

"I'm sure I will babe, but I really hope they like me. I mean it would be really awkward dating you if they don't like me" I spoke before walking into the bedroom 

"Yeah that would be kind of weird" he laughed from the kitchen 

"What should I wear when I meet them?" 

"I think as long as you wear more than a bra and underwear you'll be fine" he walked into the room with a grin plastered on his face 

"Thank you for the advice" I rolled my eyes while he laughed

"You look great in anything babe, plus I don't think they'll care about what you're wearing" he plopped down on the bed, placing his hands under his head to prop it up a bit 

"I know, I just want to make a good impression. I mean they could be my future in-laws" I winked, climbing into bed next to him 

"I promise they'll love you" he kissed my head once I cuddled onto his chest

I could hear his heart beating through his chest, and for a split moment I forgot about all my past. Everything that I had dealt with, all the drama and pain that we had dealt with. It all disappeared when I was with him, but still the fear of what could happen overcame me 

I just want to be happy, happy with Michael; but how can that happen when Jake is torturing our lives?

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