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well this is awkward

"Im..actually seeing..someone" I fumbled over my words a bit, most likely making it obvious that I'm lying

"Is that so?" he raised a brow "who is that you are you seeing?" I looked over Justin's shoulder and locked eyes with Michael, he started making his way over to where we stood and as he got closer the idea arose 

well here goes nothing 

"Michael" I smiled, Michael walked up next to us as I said his name

"You two are dating?" Justin asked 

"Yes" I quickly responded before Michael can say no, "we just started dating not too long ago" I continued 

I looked up at Michael and could see he caught on to what I was doing, he slid his arm around my waist and smirked at Justin

"We try to keep things professional while in the office" Michael added

"Well if things don't work out, let me know" he winked at me before turning around and walking away

well he's ballsy

"So now that you're my girlfriend, can I take you out on a real date?" I nearly choked on my lunch, I cleared my throat before talking 

"what do you mean?"

"Well we're officially dating now right? So I want to take you on a real date" he smirked as he took a bite from his sandwich 

should I join or shut  him down

I sat in silence for what felt like forever trying to decided on what I wanted to do

"well" I started talking before I had articulated what I was going to say "I'm up for a nice dinner" I shrugged and smiled, continuing to down my food

"perfect, how does tomorrow night sound?"

"I'm free" I smiled, feeling my cheeks turn red

"Then its a date" he winked before continuing to eat his food

The afternoon was a bore, nothing too interesting happened. I kept myself busy by making copies for anyone who needed them and delivering the mail around the office, but besides that I was caught up on everything. I guess that's a good thing considering that most of this week was crazy.

After placing the last bit of mail on Mr. Bakers desk I walked back to my desk, I had only just sat down when someone walked in through the doors with a bouquet of flowers in her hands. My heart sank, only hoping they were for someone else in this office..but just by looking at them I knew they were for me. In her hands was a large vase, with beautiful wide open red roses and stunning sun flowers..two of my favorite flowers. 

"Good afternoon" the young woman spoke, all I could do was smile back waiting for her to announce who they were for, trying to convince myself they could be for someone else "delivery for Kathryn Hill" she smiled

of course

"Do I need to sign?" I tried my best to not sound like a jerk, I mean its not her fault

"yes please" she extended out her small clipboard for me to sign, I glanced at the name which only confirmed my suspicions "Thank you" she smiled as I handed it back to her, I forced a smile back. She turned around and made her way out of the office 

"Who are those for?" I heard Michael speak up from behind me, startling me a bit 

"take a wild guess" I rolled my eyes, reaching for the card that sat, nearly hidden, in between all of the flowers. 

Only you

And then it hit me, I saw his name. His name was on the order, that was proof. I dropped the card, not caring where it landed, quickly reached for my phone and shoved my way past Michael. 

"Be right back" I semi shouted as I ran out the doors, I bypassed the elevator hoping that I would be fast enough to catch the delivery girl. 

As fast as I could, without tripping, I ran...ran faster than I can remember ever running. I hopped over multiple steps at a time in hopes that it would shave off seconds, maybe even milliseconds, from my run to catch her. My heart raced and raced, my breaths turned into pants until finally I was on the first floor running towards the main doors.

I stepped outside and looked up and down the sidewalk, looking for the delivery car, until finally I could see the big words 'TX Flowers'. I bolted towards the car yelling wait

please hear me, please hear me

My heart began to beat a million miles a minute as I got closer to the car, only to watch it pull out of the parking spot and drive off. My feet came to a halt as I saw my hope at proof of his violation drive off. 

"Katie!" I turned around to see Michael jogging up to where I stood "What was that about?" he tried catching his breath 

"When I signed for the flowers, I saw his name on the order" I placed my hand on my forehead in frustration "It didn't hit me until I read the note that I could have used that as proof of him violating the restraining order" I finally looked up at him "but I couldn't catch the delivery girl"

"let's try calling them and see if we can get them to email it to us" I nodded, still feeling slightly defeated. He put his hand behind my back to gesture me towards the building

Hopefully this works

"Not even just the name of who ordered it?" I sat in silence as Michael spoke with the florist

"Well thanks anyway" 

That didn't sound good

"So they said that its private information and they can't give it to us" he looked at me sympathetically 

"Ugh" I groaned "I wish I would have thought of taking a picture of it when I signed, I probably would have gotten away with it" I rested my head on the wall behind me

I could feel Michael sit on the couch next to me, he put a hand on my thigh and run his thumb up and down in a way to comfort me

"we'll figure this out" I turned my head to look at him "I promise" he smiled reassuringly "for now, lets get out of here" 

He stood up and extended his hand out for mine, I placed my hand in his and he pulled me up off of the couch. We walked out of his office and towards the front desk, I grabbed my things and clocked out on the computer. I looked up to see the flowers still sitting on the counter. I walked around the desk and grabbed them, we walked into the elevator and pressed the number that would take us down to the floor that lead to the parking garage. 

The elevator began to go down and stopped on the floor below us, the doors opened up and a woman walked in. She seemed older but not too old, I would say late 40's.

"Those are beautiful flowers" she smiled at me 

"do you want them?" I smiled back and gestured them towards her 

"Oh I couldn't take those from you" 

"Please do, they were just sitting in our office and I didn't want them to die" I felt Michael put his hand on my back "I'm not that great with flowers anyway" 

"Oh well thank you" she smiled again, taking the flowers from my hands. 

The elevator stopped on the 2nd floor

"Have a great day" I smiled as Michael and I walked out of the elevator, he slid his hand in mine and slightly squeezed my hand. I looked up at him and smiled reassuringly "Better that I give them to her than just throw them away right?"

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