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"How did the week go by so fast?" I spoke as we entered our place, somehow the past 2 weeks flew by and we are now at the end of another Friday

"I felt it went slow" Michael chuckled

I walked into the bedroom to change from my work clothes into something comfortable, I had been working more on designing clothes throughout the week and have finished a few items. Michael has been very understanding and has given me time and space to create

"One more week of freedom" I sighed as he entered the closet with me

"Hopefully its more than that babe, hopefully this will change things" he walked up behind me, running his hand up and down my body to ease me

"I just don't want to get my hopes up" I would rather plan for the worst and things end up better than vice versa

"I promise we will figure everything out, but I have something I need you to do" he turned me around to face him

"I need you to pack a bag with these items" he handed me a small piece of paper that had listed out different clothing items

"What for?" I asked

"That's for me to know and you to find out" he winked "but you need to have it all done within the next hour"

I looked at my watch, 4:50

"A little last minute don't you think?" I raised a brow with a smile on my face

"Yes, but I know you can do it" he pressed his lips to mine "mines already packed so once you're done let me know" he turned out into the living room, leaving me to get to business

"We've been on the road for over three hours babe, are you going to tell me what we're doing in Galveston?" My butt is starting to get sore from sitting here so long and so far he hasn't said a thing about where we are going and what we are doing here

"Just be patient my love, we're almost there" we had arrived here only a few minutes ago, its nearly 10 pm at this point and I'm definitely getting impatient

We pulled into the parking lot of the Tremont House hotel, its so elegant and beautiful, it looks like a castle.

"We needed some time away, some time to ourselves" he started speaking as he parked into one of the parking spaces "you've been through a lot and I wanted you to have some time to just breathe"

"You're so sweet" I teared up a bit, I had to be strong after leaving Jake. I didn't have much time to process everything and the fact that he noticed that made me feel so special

"I told Mister Baker we would be gone for a week, I wanted more than just the weekend"

"Oh gosh Mikey, who's going to cover me?"

"Don't worry about that, everything has been taken care of. I told Mister Baker about this a few weeks ago so he had prepared everything ahead of time"

"I can't believe you did this for me" a few tears fell from my eyes

"You deserve it Katie" he kissed me once again "now let's get inside"

We walked inside, hand in hand, to check in. As we walked in, I looked around in awe of how beautifully decorated it was. I would never be able to be in a hotel this nice on my own.

Once checked in the bellhop went out to the car to grab our bags as we made our way up to the room.

"This place is so fancy, I don't even know how to act" I held onto his arm with my free hand, while the other was intertwined with his "you could have just gotten a cheapo motel babe" he chuckled

"Its not a big deal" he chuckled "plus I wanted you to be somewhere nice" we stepped into the elevator, Michael pressed the button to floor 22

"Why so high up?" I laughed awkwardly

"Its where the nice rooms are" he winked

Before long the elevator arrived on our floor, we stepped out and I let Michael guide me to the room we would be in. He walked up to the door that read 2231, inserting the key to unlock the door and allowed me to enter first. I turned on the light and immediately my breath was taken aback

I walked into a beautiful suite, it had a small kitchen area, a living room area, a beautiful jacuzzi, and a large California king size bed.

"Woah" I blurted

"You like it?"

"Are you kidding, this is amazing!" I let go of his hand to walk around, from the beautiful floor to ceiling windows you could see so much, I'm sure even more when daylight comes around. I jumped on the bed and spread myself out

"Sooo comfy"

He chuckled as he walked over to me, he leaned over the bed and hovered over my face

"I'm glad you like it" I sat up and crawled to the edge of the bed where he stood

"You are so amazing, you can't believe how much this means to me" I wrapped my arms around his torso

He rubbed my back before kissing the top of my head. My heart filled with so much warmth.

"Lets get in the jacuzzi?" he asked


I walked over the the jacuzzi and ran the water, to the right of the jacuzzi there was a rose bath bomb

"Did you put this here?" I asked

"No I asked them to" he walked up next to me with 2 wine glasses in hand with some red wine. He set them on the border around the jacuzzi

"Oh wow, you do like me" I giggled

"Of course I do" he turned around and grabbed a few tea light candles, setting them around the jacuzzi and lighting them

"Wow so romantic" I smiled, blushing through my cheeks

There was a knock at the door, Michael opened it, taking a tray from the hotel staff.

"Final touch" he smiled

I got undressed and grabbed one of the complimentary robes to place to the side for when we get out. We both stepped in to the warm water. He uncovered the silver tray, showing a tray full of chocolate covered strawberries

"I have never had anyone do something like this for me" I scooted over next to him, he put his arm around me after handing me a glass of wine "I feel like a queen" I giggled, taking a sip of wine

"You're my queen" he responded

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