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I sat in complete silence, well almost..there are phones ringing and people talking in the background. I kept going back and forth between being upset and telling myself I haven't heard his side of the story yet, I would hope he would be completely honest with me and tell me if he flirted with her...or if anything else happened in his office

The door opened once more, in came a business man, probably for the meeting that is due to start in 20 minutes. 

"Good morning" he approached my desk "Edward Miller for the meeting at nine forty five" 

"Yes, there is still a meeting in progress. You can take a seat in our seating area to the right and I'll come grab you when we're ready for you" I smiled at the man, he nodded and went to our private waiting area 

I heard people walking towards me as the spoke, I turned to my left to see Mr Baker and the Ashbey's walking down the hallway. They said their goodbyes and the Ashbey's continued walking my way. I stood up to get ready to clean out the conference room 

"Kathryn right?" my head snapped up from the list I was looking at, in front of me stood Mr Ashbey...the younger one "I'll meet you down there dad" his dad nodded and continued out of the office 

"Yes" I responded to his first question with a smile

"I know this is a little straight forward and kind of last minute but can I take you out to lunch today?" he leaned on the counter, a smile on his face, I have to admit..he is charming, but I don't even know the guy..I don't even know his name!


"Kathryn?" my head jolted to my left, Michael approached me "Can I get your help really quickly?" 

"Of course" I nodded, I turned back to whichever Ashbey I was talking to and smiled apologetically before speaking "I'll be right back" I turned and followed Michael when he nodded in agreement

I followed him into his office, I could see the coffee cup on the little coffee table he has in here..except this time it looked different, it had my name over the heart on the lid. He closed the door behind him as we stepped inside

"Can I please explain" I walked over to the couch he had in here and sat down, crossing my right leg over my left 

"You're going to need to make it quick because I need to set up for the next meeting" he took a seat next to me and placed a hand on my leg 

"Katie I promise nothing happened, she was flirting but I asked her to leave when I noticed. I wanted nothing to do with her, I think she only walked out of the office that way because she was hoping you would see it" 

"so why was she in here?" 

"she was bringing me the numbers for the Houston base, but then she started saying flirty comments and I told her that I needed to go into a meeting so she needed to leave" he scooted closer to me with an arm leaned on the back rest behind me "I'm all yours Katie May" he moved his hand from my leg to cup my cheek 

"Good" I smiled before pressing my lips to his, part me of me knew this already but I needed to hear it from him. I pulled away from our kiss

"If Mr Baker gets mad that the meeting isn't set up you better defend me" I quickly got up from the couch, hearing him chuckle behind me, and walked out to my desk to grab the papers for the next meeting, Ashbey was still standing there "give me one second to set up the next meeting" he smiled and nodded and I quickly went into the conference room

Luckily they hadn't made a mess and didn't leave any paperwork behind so I just quickly wiped down the table, set up the new packets, changed the PowerPoint on the tv screen and walked back to my desk

Before addressing Ashbey I turned towards our waiting area
"Mr Miller, Ill guide you to our conference room now"

He stood up and I walked him over to the conference room, giving him my normal run down stating that they will be in shortly before walking to Mr Bakers office to let him know his next meeting is ready for him

I walked back to my desk where, whatever his name is, was standing
"Sorry about that"

"Its not a problem, you're worth the wait" he winked "so about lunch"

"I cant" I quickly chimed in before he continued speaking "I'm seeing someone"

"Oh" he dropped his head

"Sorry, I would have told you sooner but work calls" I tried laughing a bit to ease the awkwardness "I'm flattered though"

He looked up at me and smiled
"Well whoever he is, he's a lucky guy"

"Here you go babe" a coffee appeared in front of me, I looked up to see Michael again "I warmed it up for you" he kissed my temple before turning to whatever his name is

"We look forward to hearing from you Dylon"

Oh that's his name

"Have a great day" Michael shook Dylon's hand and with that Dylon walked away

"So where are we going tonight?" The elevator doors closed in front of us

"It's a surprise" he leaned against the wall behind him

"I don't even get a hint?"

"Just be ready by 6" he smiled at me, the elevator arrived on our floor and the doors slid open for us to walk out

He grabbed my hand in his, intertwining our fingers as I followed beside him. As we approached the door my heart sank to my stomach..Michael's pace slowed down when he noticed it too

Something so small, so simple, that many people wouldn't even acknowledge or would just let it slide off their shoulders..is something that makes my heart stop.

On the door there was a little yellow sticky note, with the same two words that I had been seeing lately 

Only You

My heart began to race and it felt like all of the blood was drained from my body, He was here..he could still be here for all I know. I looked around, mostly in fear, but I wanted to see if there was anything else left behind. My eyes stopped on the camera 

"Mikey, there's cameras" he looked up in the direction I was looking at


*okay getting back into the plot line, Im adding miscellaneous things because when someone is being stalked, their life besides that still has to continue..so in between the stalking other things are happening and I'm going to try to keep it as interesting as possible*

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