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"Thank you both for coming, we really appreciate it" Michael walked Matt and Devon out

Michael called Matt right after I told him about the texts, he also told him that we were looking for a personal investigator in regards to what Marissa had told him. I guess Matt had been friends with Devon for years before he became a PI so he brought him along. 

We gave them the run down of everything, Matt took down the text messages along with screenshots to add to my file; Devon got the basis of what we know from what Marissa told us and he said he would start investigating right away. He said it shouldn't take too long to find out the truth because the important things, like where she lived when she would have delivered and when the night of conception was, were known.

In my case though we're pretty much back to square one, I don't know how he knew where we were but he was there. That and he was close enough to hear what Michael said to me, I tried multiple times going back to that moment and seeing if I could remember anyone being around but I couldn't.

"Something that Devon said keeps eating at me" Michael spoke up

"What is it?"

"He said the only way for Jacob to know exactly where we are and be there when we are, is if he literally hides out and watches us, or is tracking us somehow"

"do you think he's tracking us?" I asked

"I think I need to get the car looked at before we go to my parents house this weekend" 

"I want to come with you" I added

Michael made an appointment for the car on Sunday; the soonest they could get him in was for today, Wednesday, to get the car looked at

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes, I want to know if there's anything on the car. Plus if he's watching us he'll know I'm alone and I don't want to risk that" I hate to think that he's sitting outside waiting for us so that he can follow where we go, but unfortunately its something we need to be prepared for

luckily we stopped by our place so we could change clothes, I put on a pair of cute loose grey pants and a white ribbed cropped tank. I slipped into my sneakers and was ready to go

 I slipped into my sneakers and was ready to go

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"just an oil change?" the worker asked 

"Yeah, and if there's anything else you notice please let me know" Michael responded

He said he didn't want to straight up ask them to look for a tracker because if there wasn't one there he didn't want to look paranoid. I was seated in their little waiting area while Michael handled everything.

I was scrolling through my social media to kill time, I had set it to private after I left Jake so that nothing I post could be seen unless I had approved the follow. I did receive some weird requests but I never approve anything that looks suspicious to me 

"I'll be right with you" the worker spoke towards a person that had just walked in, up until this moment Michael and I were the only ones here

"We'll come get you if there's anything out of the ordinary" Michael walked over to me once the worker said that, he sat next to me and also pulled out his phone to scroll through his social media. We sat in silence for a few minutes, that was until the worker came back out 

"Michael" he stated 

"yes" Michael looked up without standing 

"There's an issue with your car do you mind coming out here?" He pointed out towards the garage they work on the cars in, Michael nodded

I quickly stood up after he did, he looked down at me and I could tell he was going to tell me to stay but he stopped himself, knowing that I wanted to go with. We walked outside with the worker, who spoke as we approached the garage

"So we found something odd under your car" he started "originally we thought it was your GPS transmitter, but then we found your GPS transmitter" I gripped onto Michael's hand, already knowing what was about to be said

"It looks to be some sort of tracking device" he said as we walked up to the car "we put it in this little bag for you and made sure to wear gloves to avoid getting prints on it" he handed Michael the bag

"Thank you, we appreciate that" 

"other than that your car is fine and ready to go" he handed Michael the keys, like always he walked me to my side of the car and opened the door for me. 

I didn't even have to ask where we were going because I already knew we were headed to the police department, and I can't say that I disagree with it.

The car shop we were at was only a few minutes away from the police department so it didn't take long for us to arrive, Michael was quiet the entire ride and I can't tell if its because he's getting dragged into my mess or if he's just angry over all. 

Once we parked we stepped out of the car and walked inside hand in hand, I guess him still holding my hand was a good sign that he doesn't hate me for all of this 

"Can you please tell Officer Matthew Medford that Michael Stuart is here to speak with him" his tone was calm and put together. After a couple of minutes Matt came around the corner and walked over to where we stood

"Hey what's up guys?" 

"So this SOB put a tracker on my car" Michael spoke as he placed the small bag with the tracker on the counter, he's not the person to curse so him saying sob was probably the closest he could get to that

"Fuck" Matt spoke while he took the bag in his hand "how'd you find out?"

"After meeting Devon I decided to get the car checked, they just found it under the car" 

"Do you know if your parking garage has any cameras?" Matt asked

"Not a clue, with our luck they don't" he looked tired, but not physically tired. All of my drama is bringing him down and it terrifies me that he could get hurt

"I'll look into it" Matt nodded "I'll give you a call"

They said their goodbyes like usual, and Matt gave me a small hug to say goodbye as well. We walked to the car, again my door was opened for me by Michael. He went around the car and got in his seat

"I can't do this to you anymore Michael" 

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