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"At least tomorrow is Thursday" Michael spoke up, I just finished ranting about how long this week has been. We've been slammed at work with multiple meetings and investments that I can hardly keep up.

"Thank god, I swear I'm nearly dead" I laughed, throwing my head back on the headrest of his car

Since we're living together, Michael and I have gotten much closer. We both know we have feelings for one another, and we've tried keeping flirting to a minimal, even though its hard. I feel like each day I fall more for him, Jess has been telling me to go for it and as much as I want to, I also want to take my time with it. I would hate to start something up so soon and have it end badly, then I would need to find another place to live. 

Besides him kissing my jaw slash neck earlier this week, we haven't kissed. We do tend to cuddle a lot since after we eat we end up watching a movie, there's something so special about the intimacy of being in one another's arms without it having to lead to anything sexual..although the thought has crossed my mind. 

In regards to Jake, he's still trying to text me from numbers made from that stupid app..all I can really do is block each number, but I have considered changing my number again. On Monday afternoon when we were getting off of the elevator on our floor I swear I saw him in my peripheral vision, but when I looked over he was gone. I kind of mentioned it to Michael but we didn't pay much attention to it. 

"Are we making or buying tonight?" he pulled me from my thoughts 

"I don't feel like making anything.." I turned my head over to face him without lifting it off of the headrest 

"Buying it is" he smirked at me as he drove "pizza?" 

"Oooo I can go for some pizza" for some reason it's been a while since I've had a slice of pizza, and it sounded amazing right now

"Are you changing first?" Michael spoke from the living room, we just got home from picking up pizza. I turned into my bedroom to grab something comfortable to change into 

"I'm going to pee first and then change" I've gotten so comfortable around him now that I really don't hold back from saying anything 

"Okay I'm going to change too, I'll meet you out here" 

I quickly grabbed a pair of shorts and a cropped t-shirt and ran to the bathroom before my bladder exploded. Once finished with my business, I stripped the clothes off my body and changed into the clothes I had grabbed. I decided to take my bra off too, wearing it all day at work was enough for me. 

I walked out of the bathroom and threw my clothes in the hamper before walking into the living room, I grabbed the box of pizza from the kitchen island and moved it to the coffee table. The blanket I had used on Saturday night was still on the couch so I unfolded it and covered my lower body with it. I pulled the lever for the recliner to lay back and sat on my phone for a bit while I waited for Michael 

I could hear his foot steps approaching the living room, causing me to look up from my phone. He walked up to the couch in a pair of shorts, the fabric looked like the material they use for sweats, and without a shirt. Once again I gawked at him without noticing, he cleared his throat, snapping me out of the trance I was in. 

"You're gonna have to stop doing that" the words slipped out of my mouth before I could think of anything else

"doing what?" he raised an eyebrow, most likely confused at what I said

"Walking out here without a shirt on" I went back to looking at my phone, a smile on my face as I began to blush

"and why is that?" he plopped himself on the couch next to me, his body facing my direction

"I always lose my train of thought when I see you shirtless" I laughed a bit, still looking down at my phone

"Imagine how I feel" he spoke, my head shot up to look at him 

"what do you mean?" 

"I'm nearly speechless every time I look at you, and with the fact that we live and work together I can die from lack of oxygen any day now"

how. freaking. cute

"you're so cute" I snickered, I could feel my cheeks heat up from my blushing

"and you stole my seat" he joked, I noticed he always sat in this seat but didn't realize it was his

"that sucks for you" I shrugged my shoulders

"actually, it sucks for you" he smirked, I was about to ask why when he scooped me up. One of his arms under my knees and the other under my back. I let out a small squeal due to him catching me off guard. 

He lifted me up and sat himself down in the seat I was once in, once he was sitting he sat me next to him, with my legs over his lap. I leaned my back on the center console on the couch, deciding that the position he had placed me in was comfortable, but I'm not telling him that. 

"well then" I crossed my arms over my chest playfully 

"sorry its my seat" he winked 

"whatever, just hand me a slice of pizza" I laughed, gesturing at the food on the coffee table. 

He handed me a slice and turned on the tv, we settled on watching the office since neither of us was in the mood for a movie. I could tell when Michael was full because he stopped reaching for food and rested his arm on my thighs. The simple gesture made me swoon. 

I loved how caring he has been, how patient he is with me and how kind and genuine he is. Anyone else would have gotten as far away from me as possible but he stayed.

maybe you just left Jake recently..but you have been out of love with him for a long time

Jess's words played in my head as I sat facing Michael, his thumb started moving back and forth on my thigh. I grabbed a pillow that was near me and placed it behind my back, I slid down a bit so I was laying more instead of sitting. Michael re positioned himself as well, he put his legs up on the couch next to him to lay down, he placed one of his arms under the small gap between my back and the couch, and rested his head on my chest.

With his other arm wrapped around my waist, he pulled me closer to him. The warmth of his breath on my skin sent goosebumps throughout my body. A battle formed in my head, part of me wants him and the other is telling me not to drag him into the chaos that is my life. I mean I can't allow him to put himself in danger for me

Michael propped himself on his elbow, reached to the table and took a drink of his water. He placed the cup back down on the table and before I knew it, I pressed my lips on to his.

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