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Jake's POV

I rested my head on my forearm as I laid down, I've been in the same position, in the same spot for at least 45 minutes..but I don't care really.

I found a phone app that I can text Katie from indirectly, it can't be traced to me so this is a good option. She doesn't reply but I know its because she's playing hard to get, she's mine and she knows it. Earlier this week I found a way to get into the apartment building she's in, its a long story but I got in and find a way for me to get in without being seen with the back stairs. 

I almost got caught by Katie when she was walking off of the elevator but I snuck into the staircase fast enough so I don't think she saw me. Other than that she hasn't noticed me around, sometimes I wonder to myself if what I'm doing is wrong..but then I remember that shes mine, it can't be wrong if she's mine right?

The hard wood floor kept me cool, I think if it were carpet I would probably be sweating by now. I could easily doze off while laying here but I knew that I needed to stay awake. I continued to lay in silence, the sound of my breathing is the only thing heard. I've looked around enough already, I really don't care to keep doing that. 

I could hear keys ringing in the distance, a door swinging open following shortly after. I took a deep breath and waited, foot steps made their way into the room.

"Are you changing first?" I knew I would hear his voice at some point, doesn't mean I wanted to though

"I'm going to pee first and then change" I turned my head in the direction of the door, her feet visible from where I laid under her bed. I want to come out and hug her but I know that's not the best idea

"Okay I'm going to change too, I'll meet you out here" 

I saw her feet move around the room, grabbing what she was in the need of and then I saw her scurry out. I don't know why I decided to do this, a few days ago I was thinking about how I missed seeing her and missed turning over in bed in the middle of the night to see her sleeping, and then I found myself in her apartment. I can't remember anything in between to be quite honest.

I heard her open the door, I'm assuming the bathroom door, I saw her feet step into the room quickly only to turn back around. From where I was I couldn't see much of the living room, just a straight shot into the kitchen, but even then I can't see much. I saw her feet walk into the kitchen then turn around and walk towards the living room. 

A few minutes afterwards I saw his feet a bit as he walked into the living room with her. I could hear them conversing about random crap that I didn't care to listen to. 

Well I guess I'm going to be here a while

I made myself as comfortable as I could be on the hard floor, considering they're going to be out there for a while I slowly and quietly slid out from under the bed. Every movement I made I was sure to keep as quiet as I possibly could be.

I slowly sat on the bed, caressing the sheets the have covered her body..if only they knew how lucky they are and how jealous I am of them. I laid back onto the bed, imagining myself laying with her..her warm skin on mine as I pulled her closer into me. I closed my eyes and pictured her next to me like it used to be.

I could hear noises and movement in the living room but it didn't bother me, I couldn't care less if I got caught in this moment. I continued to lay there soaking in as much as I could, as weird as it sounds I swear I could feel each part of the bed she has been on. I sat up as I opened up my eyes, I reached over and grabbed a small pillow off of the bed..one that would hopefully go unnoticed. I brought it up to my face, smelling the fruitiness of her shampoo. She has always used the same shampoo so I know that's what it is.

Before crawling back into my hiding place, I crouched down to make sure I wasn't seen, and peeked my head out of the door..only slightly. I could see them on the couch, he was practically on top of her. I pulled my head back in, trying to erase the image from my memory..as much as I wanted to go out there and rip him off of her, I know I can't.

I grabbed the small pillow and crawled back under the bed, I rested my head on the soft cushion and allowed myself to doze of. Luckily, I'm not a snorer.

I opened my eyes to darkness, It took a few seconds and a lot of blinking for my eyes to adjust to my environment. When I could finally make out what was in front of me, I crawled out from under the bed with the pillow in my hand. I stood up expecting to see my Katie sleeping comfortably in bed, but she's not. The bed was just how I left it earlier, empty and put together. 

I dropped the pillow on the floor and tip-toed to the door to look out into the living room, I could see the light from the tv shining on the couch where they laid still. He's still laying with half of his body on top of her, his head on her chest. I slowly walked out of the bedroom, stopping right in front of the couch. I couldn't help but grow anger, for both of them..but mostly for Katie. How could she do this? She knows she's mine, she knows how much I love her..she knows it but still she lets him be all over her?

Sometimes she acts so slutty but I still love her, I will always love her. Every fiber in my being is absolutely in love with her, so much that it hurts. So much that I can't be away from her, I could stand here and watch her sleep forever..but seeing him on her only angers me, so maybe its best if I left. 

I turned quietly and walked to the door, turning the knob slowly to make sure no noise was made. I turned back to look at her one last time before stepping out and shutting the door behind me.

I can't play this game much longer, I love her too much. I need her back.

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