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Do I have the right to be mad?

I mean we aren't officially dating..and Marissa knew that. 

I sat down at my desk, still trying to process what's happening. I don't think I have ever had something like this happen to me so I really don't know how to act.

"Katie" I heard Michael speak softly as he approached my desk "can we speak in my office please?" 

I opened up my emails and began to read through the ones I hadn't read prior, trying to keep myself from looking at him 

"I can't, people are going to start showing up for the meeting"

"Katie.." he continued to speak softly to avoid a scene

"It's Kathryn" I retorted, it may be over something petty but it gave me a sense of control 

he cleared his throat before speaking "Kathryn can I please speak with you in my office?" he spoke in a more professional tone this time 

"Sorry sir but I have to be up here to greet the business men coming in for the meeting, maybe another time" I finally looked over at him, I could see his jaw clench but I couldn't tell if he was angry. I smiled at him, again it gave me a sense of control, plus I knew it would bother him a bit after what just happened

"okay" his shoulders dropped a bit before he turned around and walked back to his office

After a few minutes of silence two men walked in, both dressed in suits and with a briefcase in their hand. They had a striking similarity in appearance, one just looked younger than the other. I smiled as they walked up to my desk

"Good morning" I started "are you here for the meeting?" I glanced over at the list Mr Baker provides me of all of the attendees, for this first meeting there are only 2 names on the list

"Yes, Nick and Dylon Ashbey" the older man spoke, though he didn't look too old at all..and by the way he said their names I'm assuming they are a father and son duo

"Perfect, my name is Kathryn, I'll show you to our conference room" I smiled and stood up to walk them over, most of the time when I walk people to the conference room the walk is quiet, this wasn't any different. I approached the door and stood off to the side of it 

"Please take a seat, Mr Baker and Mr Stuart will be in shortly" they thanked me as they walked in, knowing they're the only ones in this meeting I closed the door behind them before turning to go to my desk 

"Hey Kathryn" I turned to see Michael walking out of his office with a coffee in hand "I got this one for you" he extended the cup out, I could see the small heart on the lid

"Oh, I'm okay thanks" 

"but I-" I interrupted

"maybe Marissa wants it" I smiled and walked back to my desk 

I took a seat and dialed Mr Baker's extension "Good morning Kathryn" he spoke 

"Good morning Mr Baker, they're ready for you in the conference room"

"perfect thank you" 

"of course" 

It wasn't long after he hung up that I heard his door open, I looked over and could see Mr Baker grabbing Michael for the meeting. I glanced into the conference room and could see that the son out of the duo was sitting in the chair that faced my direction, the seat that Michael typically takes; I quickly looked away when we made eye contact, knowing he noticed.

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