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"We're right down the street mom" Michael laughed at the fact that his mom was hassling about how long we were taking, we left an hour after we had told her we would so she was expecting us an hour ago 

"Okay good" her voice rang through the car speakers

I've  been nervous the entire car ride but now that we're closer it seemed to intensify. Meeting your partners parents is always nerve wrecking, I want them to like me more than anything but there's always a twinge of doubt.

we have been driving down the same road for a few minutes, as you look around all you see is beautiful green pastures with a house every once in a while. I was always more of a city girl but being in this rural area and seeing its beauty definitely made me fall for it. Michael said his parents live in Magnolia, only about a 45 minute drive from Houston

We turned into the driveway of a beautiful home, once again surrounded my green grass, the concrete driveway looked clean; as if it had been freshly paved. The exterior of the home was gorgeous; it was covered in brick that was painted an eggshell color with light grey accents. Dark grey stained, wood shutters, bordered all of the windows; the wood trim around the house was also painted that dark grey.

I had barley started taking my seat belt off when I see a cute little lady walk out of the house towards us. Michael hopped out of the car before I did, he went around the car to open the door for me before hugging his mom; which I totally wasn't expecting him to do. 

"Oh Michael" she muffled into his chest "I feel like its been ages since I last saw you" he rubbed her back with a smile on his face 

"I know mom, I'm sorry about that" just then his dad started walking out of the family home too 

"Come on now Shelly, he ain't no baby anymore" he spoke 

"He's my baby" she responded 

"Mom, Dad, this is Kathryn" he gestured towards me, I tried smiling nice and big but truly I was nervous 

"You can call me Katie" 

"Well Katie, it's so nice to finally meet you" she quickly engulfed me in a hug "he's spoke so highly of you, I only thought it was fair for us to meet" she smiled once she let go

"I agree" I giggled 

"well come on in and get comfy, I'm getting dinner ready"

"Ready to go?" Michael's mom, Michelle, asked once we were all finished getting ready 

"Yes" we said simultaneously

We were going out to eat breakfast together before going shopping to the mall in Houston. We decided to go all in one car, Michael's mom and sister were going to come with us in the afternoon to look at places in Houston for when we move out here. I had already told Olivia that I would accept her offer and Michael had done the same with Mr. Baker. 

We were set to be moving out here in a few weeks, we were trying to keep this on the down low to avoid Jake finding out but something tells me he's going to find out anyway

We hopped in the car and made our way to the mall, the drive was peaceful and quiet. Most of the ride I rested my head on Michael's shoulder while we all talked in between some pauses. 

When we finally made it to the mall I had already taken a short nap, I wasn't really planning on buying anything but I feel like no matter where you go visit, you always go the the mall; its like an unspoken rule

We made our way inside, browsing around the different stores. Even though I didn't plan on buying anything, I followed Michaels mom and sister into multiple stores and ended up getting at least one item from most of them. Window shopping always turns into actual shopping with me. 

"That's so exciting" Michelle spoke while we browsed through the makeup in the Sephora store we had made our way into, I was telling her how I had accepted the position with Olivia Holt designing and managing her store

"Yeah, it's been a dream of mine since I was younger" I smiled proudly at Michael who stood next to me, even though he's not a huge shopper he hasn't left my side 

"I actually wouldn't have done it without Michael" I admitted 

"really? why is that?" Lilly, Michael's sister asked curiously 

"Well my previous partner wasn't very supportive of this dream, so I suppressed it for a long time. Michael was the one who helped me embrace it again"

"Well an amazing woman once told me, we all deserve to have the chance to follow our dreams" Michael spoke, he winked at his mom; I'm assuming she was the one to tell him that

"You truly did an amazing job raising him, he's a gentleman"

"Thank you, I'm glad he's taking care of you" she responded with a smile 

After a few minutes, and walks down the aisles, we finally settled on our final purchases and made our way to the checkout counter. Michael was a sweet heart and paid for my stuff even though I told him I could pay; although I decided that at some point today I am going to buy something for him

We made our way out of the store and continued walking through the mall, but I stopped when I saw a small pet store that had a bunch of different baby pets. 

"You want to look at the puppies?" Michael chuckled, seeing my with my jaw to the floor and all the googly eyes

"Yes" I started walking inside without even seeing who was following me inside 

They had a little gated circle near the entrance where they had a couple of the puppies running around, I quickly headed over to that area and fell to the floor to pet them. 

"They're so cute" Lilly knelt down next to me

"This one's my favorite" I spoke, grabbing ahold of the little baby corgi and bringing him up to my cheek 

He was a cute orange color with white, the typical colors you tend to see Corgi's in. His little paws were white and he had white on his chest, everywhere else his fur was orange.

"Do you want to take him home?" Michael asked, my head immediately shot over in disbelief 

"I'm not sure that's a good idea babe. We are about to move soon and wont have the time to watch him during that process" 

"We can leave him at my mom's until we move down here" he smiled

"Is that your way of asking?" I gave him the side eye, his mom stood next to him with a smile on her face 

"It's totally okay with me" she responded, still with a huge smile. Her eyes looked as they were beginning to get watery

"Are you sure babe?" I asked once more just to be safe, I remember him saying that he likes dogs but he didn't think he would ever get one as a pet 

"Yeah as long as you're sure this is the one you want" I nodded with a huge smile on my face, Michael called the worker over and we did the entire process of adopting the little guy 

"He's gotten his first two set's of shots so in three weeks you'll just need to take him to get his last set, or you can bring him here and we'll do it" the worker handed us over our paperwork along with a little doggy bed we purchased 

"Thanks man" Michael smiled at the guy; I looked over at Michelle who was still smiling big

"What are you going to name him?" Lilly asked

"I don't know yet, I'm sure we'll come up with something" I held him up to my cheek again, trying not to squeeze the life out of him 

"I think I can call you my daughter in law now" Michelle spoke, it made my stomach drop; in a good way


"Michael always said he wouldn't ever get a pet, but I can tell he really loves you because for you that flew out the window" she still wore a beautiful wide smile on her face "so there's no doubt in my mind that you're his person"

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