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"Wow" Michelle, once more, broke the silence

"I know its a lot to hear, and my biggest worry with all of this is that you would be upset with Michael for putting himself into this mess, which I truly am sorry about. I just felt you should know" I did as best as I could to fight the tears, how embarrassing would it be to cry the first time you meet your partners parents

"Oh sweet heart don't worry about that, we can see what Michael see's in you, its not a surprise at all that he would be there for you even with all the chaos" His mom spoke up 

"Overall we worry about you, its definitely a scary situation" His dad added

"We're hoping things will get easier when we move but honestly it still scares me" I admitted, as much as I would love for things to be done and over with, I know how he is and he wont stop

"Well you two keep us updated while you're gone, we're here to help in anyway we can" His dads voice was just as deep as his

"Thanks dad" 

"Well now that that's done, Im going to go to the bathroom real quick" I blurted, I figured that if they needed to say something to Michael about how they feel, this would be the best time to do so

I stepped away and walked to the bathroom, It was at a distance where I cant immediately hear what they're saying in the living room. I didn't actually have to use the bathroom, but again I wanted to give them time to talk if they needed to. 

I washed my hands to kill some time, but even then I felt it wasn't long enough. I waited a few more minutes before opening up the door and slowly making my way out. I wont lie, I wanted to know if they were against him staying, so I tiptoed 

"Mikey you can get seriously hurt" I hear Lilly say, I wasn't sure if I should continue listening or go back

"I promise you I'll be fine" 

"but you can't, you don't know what could happen" she bickered

"Lilly, respect his decision" His mom interrupted

"Mom, its a dangerous decision. How can you be okay with this?"

"Because Lilly, he loves her" I heard his dad enter the conversation 

"So he should risk his safety and well being for her?"

"Would you do it for Aaron?" his dad asked 

"I don't know I haven't been in that situation before" 

"Well, pretend you are. With the way you feel for Aaron, would you stick by his side or leave?" his voice was firm, which did ease my worries 

"I would stay" she admitted

"exactly, it may not be easy for us to understand but our job is to be there for Michael and now Katie" the fact that his parent's fought for us made me feel better, I really worried that once they knew they would tell him to leave me..although I have told him in the past that he should due to everything we deal with, but I would hate for that to happen

I tiptoed back to the bathroom and pretended I was just walking out, I made more noise this time to be obvious

"Ready for bed?" Michael stood up once I came around the corner "We have to leave around noon the latest tomorrow" 

"Yeah I'm ready when you are" I smiled "goodnight everyone, thank you so much for everything today" 

"goodnight" they all responded in unison

We made our way to the room we were staying in, we went about our usual night time routines and crawled into bed. I laid my head on his chest, his arm wrapped around me and caressed my back. 

"Did they say anything while I was gone?" I asked, I wanted to see how honest he would be but I know I can't be upset with either outcome

"My sister did" he admitted "She was worried about my safety and what not" 

"what about your parents?" 

"They were very understanding, and backed us both up. I think they really like you" he spoke softly 

"I really like them too" I muttered before falling into deep sleep

"That was fun" I spoke as I plopped myself onto the bed, the drive home was a little long because we stopped at some scenic sights to take pictures; my idea of course.

"I know, I'm excited to move" Michael added

"Are we going to get all new furniture, or we taking what we have now?" I asked curiously, I know most things we're taking with us but I don't know what his entire plans are

"I'm thinking we take everything, if for some reason we don't like something while we're there we can sell it" 

"I'm nervous" I blurted


"That he's going to follow us" I didn't say his name but I know he knows who I'm talking about, I mean who else could it be?

"I know babe, but we're going to have to take it day by day" 

"I don't want to deal with this forever, there has to be a way to make it stop" my words were soft spoken, I'm already so hurt and broken from all of this so the thought of it never ending horrifies me 

"We will find a way Katie" I'm sure he's just as worried as I am, but I know he doesn't want to worry me more than I already am

I crawled under the covers while he finished washing his face, and turned my body to face the bathroom.

"Mikey" again my words were soft 

"yes?" he turned to look at me

"Thank you"

"for what babe?"

"For not leaving me, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you"

"Hey Devon how are you doing?" Michael spoke into his phone, Devon texted him saying that he found some information and wanted to let us know

"Good what about you guys?" his voice played through the phones speaker

"Doing well" Michael responded 

"Well I do have some information for you guys"

"Go ahead" Michael seemed desperate to find out yet fearful for the answer, the thought of having to deal with Marissa for the rest of our lives was horrible but if he does have a child that is a positive thing

"So it turns out she wasn't completely lying"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"She was pregnant, and made it to 13 weeks of pregnancy before miscarrying. I have information of the office she went to if you were to want it; but overall you don't have a child" I looked over at Michael who looked stunned

"Okay, thank you for everything Devon" I spoke up 

"No problem, give me a call if you need anything" 

"Sure will" I responded before ending the call 

"Are you okay?" I set my hand on his lap


"what's going through your mind?" 

"honestly I was kind of excited at the thought of having a kid"

"I actually was too" I admitted "Marissa was the only downside to all of this" I tried easing the tension, he chuckled

"True" he added, a small smile on his face as he did 

"Maybe it just wasn't meant to be this way, but that doesn't mean that you and I won't have kids" I spoke while I ran my fingers through his hair

"You're right, and I'll be there for you every step of the pregnancies"

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